


3 years, 9 months ago


  • Elijah Ivanov

polite • Peaceful • smart
gender Female

height 5'5

pronouns she/her

Birthday21th November

Age 17

Zodiac Scorpio

Sexuality Lesbian


Status Taken


  • chocolate
  • ACNH
  • pullover
  • creepy pasta
  • reading books
  • going outside at night
  • cuddles


  • being alone
  • her uncel
  • boring people
  • short clothes


  • she has a trauma
  • loves horro movies and creepy stuff
  • Elijah has a totoro plush
  • easly falls asleep while cuddling
  • is really uncomftable with her body


  • Elijah was created on the 21th November 20219
  • Elijah has one redesigne
  • Elijah had 2 ships before Marissa
  • Elijah was one of the first high schoolers I made
  • Elijah was created in Gacha Life until I gave her a new designe


She is very nice and friendly to mostly everyone she knows or sees. Elijah can be also very curious and clingy once she gets closer to new people. She is a very happy person and her brother is an idol to her. Elijah learned to take care of herself at a young age because of her parents death. This is the reason why she is very supportive over her friends and just wants the best for them. She is like a mom friend. Elijah is very good in school and clever, the only thing she isn´t good is sport.




PixelArt by CrossxPuppy on DA


When she was small, Elijah loved to explore the world but was also a very shy person who barely spoke up and most of the time was quiet. Elijahs older brother  Owen took care of her most of the time because the parents ere working everyday. At a younger age she started to get interessted in which crafting  and other interesting things. In primary  school Elijah  was most  likely to be alone and enjoy the books she got from the library, she did not made any friends back then but after some time she got more open because her brother was an idol to her and he was very brave and active. She loved him, she always looked up to him. At the end of primary  school she started to build up more confidence in herself and became very active, talking to randome people, having a smile one her face and bringing other people to spent time with her. She enjoyed her life alot and made new friends. Little did she knew it won't hold for long after her father lost his life, their mother got depressed and took her own life. It was just Elijah and Owen left, Owen took care of Elijah meanwhile she was very upset around the time but accepted it after years. Her friends supported her and so did her aunt and uncel. She stayed for while with them until her older brother finally got a real job and took care of Elijah.

Years passed by and Elijah became herself again, confident and motivated, ready to start again. She went back to school and greeted  her friends which also were really happy to see her again. Month passed and after the summer holidays she got into a new sport course, Elijah never was a big fan of sports so she mostly acted like she was sick so she didn't had  to join and watched all the others. It was weird because two classes had sport together, she was one class below them so it was even more emberrassing for her to join. The lesson seemed to end soon but the last ten minutes a girl named Marissa walked towards her, starting a small conversation. Since Elijah was really open and welcoming, she enjoyed talking to her. They started to get to know eachother from time to time.

Marissa found out that Elijah likes to read so she invited her to her parents libary. Elijah was excited and baught lots of books there which ended up with that Marissa had to carry some as well so they went home together. Marissa stayed a bit and then she had to leave. Now they meet now and then when one of them has some free time. Everytime they meet eachother they become closer and closer.




After the first day when she meet her, she already found her very interessting. They love to watch movies together, read books and play ACNH. Elijah is very happy that she meet Marissa and adores her interested in Sport. She always gets flustered when Marissa picks her up.



[older brother]

Owen is a huge idol towards Elijah. She loves her brother alot even tho he can be a big jerk sometimes. She loves to joke around with him and be around him. He always took care of her and that appreciates Elijah a lot.




Russel is Marissas older brother. Elijah likes his humor and that he is very chill. She is always happy to see him but one thing that bothers her is that weird smell.




Elijah likes Emily and finds her very interesting. Besides that Emily seems very stubborn, Elijah is always able to hit her soft spot.

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