




Name Samhain
Nicknames Sam
Pronouns she/her or they/them
Species Buttermilk
Theme Dust to Dust
Alignment True Neutral

Slots closed!
common edits { eyes }
uncommon edits { sclera }



  • due to Samhain's identity their slots are not currently up for trade to the general public.


Sometimes people leave you halfway through the wood - do not let it grieve you no one leaves for good.

The people always said never go into the woods. Lying in wait for someone to stray off the beaten path is a terrible witch. She waits in lurk to steal your soul to feed it to the shadows. Or perhaps to make into a horrendous brew? Or to whisk away the brave and bold to give as offerings to her dark masters? There's all sorts of stories and all sorts of truths, but every child knows not to get lost in the woods. Well, most of them do. Some know a different story. They know of a gruff healer far scarier than she looks, gently chiding them to stay in the light and on the trail. Of a quiet watcher, guiding them through the forest with a stern look reflecting in their strange eyes. It's all a matter of perspective. So which is the right perspective? Which story is more fiction that fact?

As is often the case, the reality is an amalgam. Samhain does help those lost in the woods find their way home and people do come to them for help or for healing. They're more than happy to do anything they can to help the lives of the people around them. She likes to be helpful nearly as much as she likes acting like she hates it. And, yeah, maybe she's a bit more theatrical of a helper than she'd ever admit out loud, and maybe that means she goes a bit overboard every now and again, but that doesn't make her a soul stealer or whatever else she's been accused of.

She's not a threat. But they do know where the accusation gets their source from. Samhain has never been normal in any meaning of the word. The whole witch gig sort of gets that rap - unfairly mind you - but it's actually far more than that. See, while they don't steal souls, they do interact with them. Primarily they are a reaper of sorts. They are not death itself, but an agent of it, which is a far less ominous thing than it perhaps sounds. At it's core, the being Samhain has always been, is a guide. She doesn't harm anyone, simply helps guide them on her way. They help others move on. Just as they always have and as they always will.



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