Max Zyaros (Bug)



Owner: Puddle
Name: Bug                           Number: 17
Granthrow: Maxamillian
Gender: female

Personality: cheerful, friendly and willing to help wherever she can. She adopted Max early on and has tried her best to care for the skinny granthrow, resulting in a fast friendship. Bug is very mothering and loves her little family as Max has acquired a tamarin and another demoni in the mix. Bug is often aggravated by Max's lack of awareness with anything but his toys, but loves him as much as her little body will hold and is more than happy to help him play with whatever he needs tested - so long as its not dangerous.

History: She was born in the northern edges of her family's territory, the middle of a litter. Her family was unusually large and so Bug was often forgotten, being left to her own devices. This caused her to wander the territory alone and often outside the boundaries. Max found her trapped in a human camp and rescued her. She has since stuck with the oft-distracted gran like a tiny mother.

Traits: Ears: C | Tail: UC | Size: UC (Semi)
Stats: Foraging: 5 | Scavenging: 2 | Hunting: 1 | Crafting: 4

Designed by Shadowfox from Granthrow Discord Server