Eithne Gwydion



3 years, 11 months ago


Eithne Gwydion
basic info

designer Myself
species Human
age 26
height 5'10"
build Slender, wide hips, slight muscles
gender Male
pronouns He/him
orientation Pan-romantic
occupation Sorcerer

Eithne is a hot tempered man with little time for peoples stupidity, he's good with his magic but awful when it comes to people skills so finds it hard to get close to anyone. This is large part thanks to his very troubled upbringing, he feels a need to sheild himself not wanting to be hurt by someone he could love.


Eithne was raised by his very strict grandparents along with his older brother, he didn't get along with his grandparents always feeling they were to hard on him and his brother. When he was 7 his younger sister was born and his grandparents doted on her, which only fuelled his dislike of them. At the same time his grandparents became much harsher on him and he became more rebellious.

It was in a nasty fight that his grandfather started to strangle him, Eithne while scared lashed out desperate to get away. He managed to force his grandfather away from him but was locked away in coffin left there over night screaming and begging for his freedom, it wasn't until morning he was let out by his grandmother who hugged him and told him he needed to learn from his punishment.

He behaved for a while before his rebellious side once more surfaced, he was once more locked away in a coffin though this time was worse as he was bound by ropes and gagged. Unable to move or scream for help, just left in the empty blackness with his own thoughts and now growing fears. His grandfather had quickly caught onto his fears and began to use it against him very regularly, loving to see his grandson slowly breaking feeling he'd finally give into him.

When Eithne was 16 he was caught trying to make a friend someone he felt would help him escape his abusive life, his grandfather once again locked him away. However this time was so much worse, when he was realesd his grandfather was naked and aroused leaving Either tied and what he thought was helpless. It was in this moment of pure terror that his magic finally surface, it came out attacking and nearly killing his grandfather. In turn he ran going into hiding, just wanting to escape his family.

It wasn't long after his escape that he ran into Trixya then met his cousin Amethyst, seeing in Trixya the same troubles and ditrusting nature he agreed to go travelling with them. He quickly grew used to Trixya and even started to learn to flirt from him, something he enjoyed doing as flirting made him gain a sense of freedom... It however came with it's troubles.


They live in the world of Arufell (Created byIdomyLace).

More to come soon...


The Gwydion blood line is pure magic based, they are the royalty of sorcerers and as such are held in very high sted. Sometimes feared and sometimes loved by their fellow sorcerers, most of the family tend to bask in any attention that happens to be thrown their way it only fuelling their ego when they attend gatherings.

Their blood line is descended directly from one of the original sorcerers, leading them to have very powerful magic that usually surfaces without incident at an early age. Usually the emerangce of the child's power is cause for celebration.


write even more text here! this section is meant for a little description of the world your character lives in or comes from. feel free to go as in-depth as you want. or delete entirely if you don't need it.

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  • Stars
  • Any source of light
  • His siblings
  • Any blue jewel
  • Goggles

  • The dark
  • Coffins
  • Closed in spaces
  • His grandfather
  • His own temper

food Strawberries, chocolate, pasta
drink Sparkling water, rosa wine
color Grey, silver.
snacks Truffles
animal Lizards

  • Taking care of lizards
  • Making jewellery
  • Practising his magic
  • Dancing


Eithne has a dark and troubled relationship with his grandfather, he's spent years being mentality and emotionally abused before the physical abuse started. Now he wants nothing more than to see him dead, nightmares of all his grandfather did to him haunt him to this day.


Eithne has a strained relationship with her, he doesn't hate her as much as he hates his grandfather. But he resents her deeply for being so strict and not helping him while he was being abused.


Eithne loves his brother deeply and always knowing he did try his best to protect him, but as he was so much older than him he was forced back home to their parents and unable to truly help. He wishes so badly to see his brother again and let him know he doesn't blame him for anything.


Eithne's loved little sister while he's jealous of the love and kindness she recieved from their grandparents, he understands it wasn't her doing and is happy knowing she's safe and not suffering at their hands the way he was.


One of two friends that Eithne has made since his escape from home, Trixya is half demon and loves to flirt. He's close to Eithne though and very understanding of the fears he has, even helps at times to comfort him and help him through his panic attacks.


A fellow sorcerer and Eithne's cousin he'd heard of him from his grandparents but near very little about him, he's no where near as damaged as Eithne is but always offers him understanding and space when he needs it.

ref sheet


design notes

  • write any design notes you may have here
  • you can have as many as you need, the text box will scroll
  • describe things like scars, important accessories, etc
  • or maybe their eyes glow when they're mad
  • y'know, stuff.
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