


4 years, 3 months ago


basic info

designer Myself
species Human
age 36
height 6'1"
build Tall, slight, weak
gender Male
pronouns He/him
orientation Homosexual
occupation Sorcerer

Amethyst is quite happy go lucky, he hasn't suffered much in his life being protected by his father. He however is very protective of Trixya and Eithne knowing both have had a very hard life. So wishes only happiness for them both, is willinging to do whatever it takes to help them be happy.

As calm and happy as he always seems to be there is something he keeps hidden within himself, a darkness he wants no one too know of. Though if he goes to long without letting any of it out he risks turning on his friends, so he often goes to bars so he can find a victim to pick and torture in anyway he can dream of.


Amethyst was born as his mother died he was raised by a very loving father who he was very close to, his father was a sorcerer and started to teach Amethyst how to control his magic from a very young age. Amethyst's magic came out when he was four thanks to his father's training, controlling it was never an issue.

He had many friends as he grew up but none that stuck with him, at age thirteen he was given his own small home on his father's proberty so he could still be watched over. With the woods near by it didn't take long for him to go exploring alone and he found an abandoned baby, he took them in knowing what they were and vowed to care for the infant forever.

Amethyst raised the infant he called Trixya in peace at his home, only leaving his side when he had to spend time at his father's home. It was on one of his walks home his father followed him and discovered Trixya there, his fear and anger got the better of him and he kept them there months until Amethyst knocked him out and escaped with a very wounded and weak Trixya.

They quickly became lovers with his vow to Trixya only becoming stronger, they started to travel around and after a time met Eithne. Once the young sorcerer was calmed they became a travelling trio, all seeking to out run family that wa trying to find them.


write even more text here! this section is meant for a little description of the world your character lives in or comes from. feel free to go as in-depth as you want. or delete entirely if you don't need it.

Mea ad dicat nonumes, mei principes vulputate no. Vis an facilisis liberavisse, libris numquam usu et. Ad velit homero graecis pro, quis repudiare nec ne, sed veri officiis in. Mel te consetetur efficiantur, meis modus adipiscing ut has, natum iusto eu his. An dicit convenire est, pri cibo perfecto concludaturque in, ullum probatus gloriatur ad eos.


write even more text here! this section is meant for a little description of the world your character lives in or comes from. feel free to go as in-depth as you want. or delete entirely if you don't need it.

Mea ad dicat nonumes, mei principes vulputate no. Vis an facilisis liberavisse, libris numquam usu et. Ad velit homero graecis pro, quis repudiare nec ne, sed veri officiis in. Mel te consetetur efficiantur, meis modus adipiscing ut has, natum iusto eu his. An dicit convenire est, pri cibo perfecto concludaturque in, ullum probatus gloriatur ad eos.


write even more text here! this section is meant for a little description of the world your character lives in or comes from. feel free to go as in-depth as you want. or delete entirely if you don't need it.

Mea ad dicat nonumes, mei principes vulputate no. Vis an facilisis liberavisse, libris numquam usu et. Ad velit homero graecis pro, quis repudiare nec ne, sed veri officiis in. Mel te consetetur efficiantur, meis modus adipiscing ut has, natum iusto eu his. An dicit convenire est, pri cibo perfecto concludaturque in, ullum probatus gloriatur ad eos.



  • Potions
  • Baking
  • Make up
  • Tattoos
  • Flowers
  • Torture

  • His friends suffering
  • His father harming Trixya
  • Insects.

food Chocolate and cake
drink Sweet tea
color Purple
snacks Chocolate anything
animal info

  • Making potions
  • Baking
  • Singing


Amethyst once had a very good relationship with his father, he was the one who taught him magic and helped his powers grow from a young age. They were always very close since his mother died giving birth to him, it let them with only each other. That relationship however changed when his father harmed Trixya and installed deep fears in him. Amethyst's only mission now is to keep Harper far away from Trixya so he can never bring him harm or fear again, as much as he wishes they could have their once close relationship back.


Amethyst has complex feeling towards Trixya, he loves him deeply but also views him as his son thanks to how long he's been raising him for. At times when he sees him flirting with others he hates him, feeling jealous because his attention isn't on him. He often struggles with the desire he feels for him and blames it on what Trixya truly is, hoping that if he finds someone he truly loves those confusing feelings for him will just disappear.


Amethyst views Eithne as a very good and close friend even though he knows he's his cousin, he tries his hardest to keep Eithne cheery and even helped him to learn his magic. He's spoken to Eithne at times about his feelings towards Trixya, trusting that he will never reveal his secret.

ref sheet


design notes

  • Has a floral tattoo on the side of his neck that goes over his shoulder.
  • Has a spetum piercing
  • Often has his nails painted
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