Claris Anatolia



4 years, 12 days ago


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Claris Anatolia

"I returned from the abyss, so that I might inflict the same humiliation upon those who made me suffer. I'm waiting for them to come here and make an attempt on my life."
― Claris Anatolia

Claris Anatolia
Kana クラリス・アナトリア
Rōmaji Kurarisu Anatoria
Also known as Lone Blue (codename)
Yollui Zoldyck (ヨウルイ゠ゾルディック, alias)
Yollu-sis or Onee-chan (Illumi, Milluki, Killua, Alluka, Kalluto)
Yollu-chan (Kikyo)
Japanese Voice Yū Shimamura
English Voice Lydia Mackay
Manga Debut Chapter 100 (brief appearance)
Chapter ~450 (formal debut)
Anime Debut Episode 53~54
Gender Female Female
Age 29 (Succession War Arc)
27 (Yorknew City Arc)
26 (Dual Ego)
25 (Blood Oath)
Height 162 cm (5'04")
Weight 55 kg (121.0 lbs)
Birthday June 14*
Eye Color Grayish Blue (normal)
Azure Blue (Diane) Azure+Grey (Dual Ego activation)
Hair Color Dark Blue with
  • 2 steaks of Red dye
  • 1 streak of Royal Blue dye
  • 1 steak of Yellow dye
  • Electric Blue under hair dye (by debut)
Blood Type AB (RH positive)
State Alive
General Status
Affiliation Diane Anatolia (parasite) Hunter's Association
Anatolia Family
Zoldyck Family
Occupation Ring Hunter
Independent Assassin
Relatives Anton Anatolia (Father)
Stella Anatolia (Mother)
Diane Anatolia (Older Sister)
Rowen Anatolia (Uncle)
Type Conjuration
Specialization(When Diane is fronting)
Abilities Blood Bag
  • Butterfly Needle
  • Bloody Tube
Bloody Arsenal
Aura Bag
Alter Ego
Dual Ego
Image Gallery

Claris Anatolia (クラリス・アナトリア, Kurarisu Anatoria), also known by her alias as Yollumi Zoldyck, is a Single-Star Ring Hunter and one of the two examiners for the second phase in 286th Hunter's Exam. She's also an independent assassin closely affiliated with, and initially adopted by, the Zoldyck Family. She's the only survivor of the Anatolia Family massacre that happened 20 years ago, and the main instigator behind the the Sacred Rings cult's massacre. She’s currently on the mission to eliminate the remaining members of Sacred Rings cult and retrieve the 10 Rings that were scattered around the world after the cult’s disbandment.

She initially debuted during Yorknew City Arc as a supporting character that briefly stopped and warned Kurapika from his search for the Phantom Troupe during their attack in the Cemetery Building. She would later make another appearance in Succession War Arc to reprise her role as a supporting character working in secret for the King to oversee the Succession War with the princes, while disguised as a VVIP guest representing the Anatolia Family. Although she operates mostly in Tier 1 of the Black Whale, she would sometimes get below Tier 2 to provide assistance to the Science Team of the Zodiacs in order to prepare for any possible disease outbreak. In the spin-off series “Blood Oath” and “Dual Ego,” Claris took on the role of a main protagonist.


Character's 2011 anime adaptation design
Character's 1999 anime adaptation design
Character's manga appearance

Claris is an average height woman of petite build. She sports a short bob-but hair with full bangs, which, at one point in her life, has died streaks of red, yellow, and royal-blue colors. Her eyes are usually of grayish-blue color, but they turn to a vibrant azure blue that almost glows in the dark during her state of bloodlust and whenever Diane is taking over the body. She has a dark-brown skin complexion with the mark of 10 Sacred Rings cult burned at the side of her body.

In Yorknew City Arc, she let her hair grow past her shoulders and dyed the inside part of her hair with cerulean blue color.

As a child, she has a shorter variation of her bangs, showing more of her face with shorter hair. Her hair was adorned with a pair of white bows at the side of her head. Her body is much more thin and frail because of her disease, and her body would always be covered with candages to cover-up the needle wounds that she received from changing blood bags. She would always wear a dress similar to her twin sister, which most often are the likes of lollita fashion.

Claris isn’t the one to wear revealing clothes at first. She doesn't have the confidence to wear skin-revealing clothes and would usually resort to modest ones no matter the weather as she’s conscious about the burn marks and needle scars on her body. Thanks to Hisoka’s influence, however, she would start trying out bolder styles of clothes later on.

In the 1999 version of the anime, Claris appears to have a fairly light skin tone with black hair color that has a dye of darker shade of red, blue, and yellow colors for her streaks. Her eyes are completely grey as well


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At first, Claris appears to be a cold-hearted, calm, and collected woman fitting that of someone who had grown in the underworld, taking on assassination jobs. This part of her personality is strongly proven during her hunt for the members of the Sacred Rings cult in the past. However, it is later revealed that she’s not all about killing people, and at some point, has a moral compass on her own even if it’s “messed up” as Kurapika would claim her to be. Kurapika would often compare her to his younger friend, Killua Zoldyck, who bears similarities to her personality in some way which she would explain that it may be because she grew up in the assassin family’s place for most of her life. Although she’s reticent and keeps to herself most of the time—like how she would prefer to indulge on her own during the first banquet—Claris has quite the charismatic side of her, often using her femininity and politeness to talk to strangers so they won't be scared of her lax but sharp glare.

Thanks to her time as an assassin and the long history she had with the Zoldyck Family, she has the quality of intelligence and knowledge sharpened by years of experience, often resorting to examining and analyzing a situation with ease to see any possible event that may occur in the place she’s in. Her involvement with the underworld would bear her fruit as she has a great expanse of connection such as the Ten Dons, countless wealthy people, professional hunters, and assassins that would be willing to help her whenever she needs it.

Despite her growing up with extreme wealth and fortune left behind by her late parents, she doesn't seem so materialistic and more so a level-headed and moralistic person, recognizing that the world doesn't revolve around money. This trait in her personality had her back away from any involvement with her parent’s company, and resort to signing 90% of the company to her uncle who she deems far more experienced than her in terms of business and economics.

In the past, she's acted in a more stern and serious way. During the hunt for the Sacred Rings cult members, her bloodlust is at an all-time high as she repeats her resolve to kill everyone who ruined her life and those who would come in her way. Her will to live was gone during the events that transpired in the spin-of series Blood Oath, and often affirms that she’s willing to put her life on the line in exchange for the death of the cult members. Despite her mind shrouded with the desire to kill, she still possesses enough logic to distance herself from people during her hunt as she knows that they will only die if they ever involve themselves with her during such a dangerous time.

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Although she was confident that she would find a way to kill every member of the Sacred Rings, there are still times that she would doubt her capabilities to complete this life-long mission. But thanks to Hisoka’s sudden offer to help her, and even forming a Nen Oath with her to ensure her safety, she gained enough confidence and motivation to continue on her hunt.

Her extreme bloodlust gradually diminishes, and by the time that she became a hunter, Diane’s influence on her emotions were long gone and able to control herself for most of the time.

When Claris becomes mentally exhausted, has used Ren or En excessively, or is in the presence of a great threat, an alter ego would take over her body to protect her from any harm. This alter ego goes by the name of Diane Anatolia, the older twin sister of Claris who died during their time with the Scared Rings cult. Diane, unlike Claris, has an even larger amount of Nen and bloodlust stemming from her desire to protect Claris all the time. Before her death and rebirth as a parasitic Nen, Diane loves Claris unconditionally which resulted in the two of them unintentionally making a Nen binding of being with each other even after death. Because of these strong emotions, Diane heavily influences Claris’ mind and sentiments for most of her life to keep her safe. Her time in the cult affected her mental stability greatly which turned Diane’s familial affection for her younger sister into an abusive one. She became quite possessive and protective of Claris which passed on after her death. When she became attached to Claris as a parasitic Nen, she would often find a way to isolate Claris on her own and ask her to play with her for most of the time.

Regardless of her extreme love for her younger sister, she still has the capability to think for herself whenever she takes over Claris’ body. Since she died a child, Dinae barely matured in personality despite being with Claris for all of her life now. She takes on a child-like innocence and personality, taking interest in traveling and studying the nature around her. Diane is more curious when it comes to studying things unknown to her than Claris does, and she would peek over everything that Claris reads before she gets scolded for eavesdropping. Much like a child, she’s quite haughty and takes pride in anything she excels at (such as in killing). She gets offended whenever someone criticizes her hobby for art, but strangely, wouldn’t resort to violence despite her fickle emotions to bloodlust.

When Claris was able to realize that Diane has been manipulating her all this time, she talked Diane into being a little more lenient with her and that her blindly following Diane’s every beck and call would result in both of their deaths. Though they had an argument about this, Diane was quick to back down and sulk over for fighting with her twin sister. The two would make up immediately as they can’t really resist each other after a fight.


Early Life (June 14 1972 to [approximately] October 1978)

Claris was born into Anton and Stella Anatolia along with Diane as her older twin sister. Unfortunately for her, she suffered an extremely rare type of disease called Dracula’s Leukemia where mutated immune cells would attack her own white blood and red blood cells. She had multiple difficulties throughout her early life thanks to this disease, and had numerous occasions of near-death experience. Because of this, and to ensure her survival, she was locked inside her room with at least 10 blood bags stuck into her body everyday.

One day, one of Anton’s friends came to him and told him about a Disease Purger that could perform miraculous ways to cure a person. Anton did not believe this friend at first until he saw their other friend completely healed when he was just suffering from Stage 4 cancer just a week prior to their meeting. The Disease Purger, who calls himself Shishimura, agreed to meet up with Anton to find a solution for his daughter’s case, but as it turns out, Claris’ disease was a Grade A in its near-impossibility to be cured and survive from. Shishimura even went out to say that it was purely a miracle that Claris was able to live long enough with such a deadly disease attached to her at birth. The purger offered to relieve Claris of her symptoms for a certain amount of time as his ability could only do so much without the help of a Nen Exorcist with him.

Anton agreed to let the Disease Purger do what he needs to do, if it meant that Claris can never feel pain for a day. Much to his surprise, Shishimura was able to make Claris turn out as if she never had the disease, which made him happy and confident enough to join the cult that Shishimura was involved in.

The Anatolia Family and the Sacred Rings continued to be on good terms from then on as they continued to provide finances, and even people convicted as murderers and predators, for the cult to experiment on. Rowen Anatolia, Claris’ uncle, had noticed their involvement with troublesome groups like the Sacred Rings cults, but Anton did not listen and continued to get himself affiliated with the cult, all for the sake of Claris. However, over time, their relationship continues to strain as Shishimura would use Claris and the pain she must feel everyday without his assistance against Anton to keep up with their demands.

To ensure her recovery, the Hunter Association hired their Nen Exorcist to lift the sinister nen out of Claris. But the exorcist is unsure if she can lift the cursed nen up from the young girl since the resolve of its user was Diane’s love for Claris, strengthened by a nen binding that the two created. The Nen Exorcist was able to conclude that the situation the twins were put in was extreme enough for the two to create a binding that does beyond death. Diane’s aura fed onto Post-Mortem nen to carry out its user’s wish to protect her twin from everything. The situation they found themselves in was enough to turn Diane into a parasitic nen that continuously fed onto Claris’ aura.

The exorcist even fears that lifting Diane’s nen could be detrimental to Claris’ recovery, so she decided to leave her alone for now, and start the exorcism at once if Diane’s nen shifted for worse.

It took Claris four months to recover and regain consciousness. But upon her wake, she started screaming and panicking at the sight of people unknown to her. Thankfully, once she was able to recognize Ruen, she calmed down and latched onto him for comfort. As Claris calmed down and fell asleep once again, her doctors explained that she might be experiencing an episode of post-traumatic stress disorder since to her, she just came out of the cult.

Ruen and the hospital crew became even more cautious and attentive of Claris to ensure that she has a stable recovery. But they made a mistake and did not notice that Claris has secretly been listening to them talk for weeks now. She was able to find out that the Sacred Rings cult escaped after the Hunter Association raided their facility months prior. Claris’ rage was lit up again, but this time, she created a goal to achieve.

As soon as Claris was discharged from the hospital, and taken to his uncle’s home, she fled to the woods, never to be seen by anyone again. Before she left her uncle behind, she took his phone and left a note for him to read stating that he doesn’t have to worry and look for her again. She did not tell him that she’s on her way to Kukuroo Mountain after informing the Zoldyck Family of her visit there.

Because of the long history of the Anatolia Family always helping the Zoldyck family to recover and give birth to their children, Claris didn’t have any problem on visiting the Zoldyck, and was even considered an important guest upon her arrival. She was assisted by Tsubone in the estate during her stay there.


As soon as she was able to sit down with the whole family for dinner, Claris asked Zeno if she could take her into the family to be trained as a skilled assassin. She stated that she doesn’t mind if she has to pay for her stay, as long as they could teach her how to be an assassin like them. When Silva asked her why she wanted to be like them so bad, she stated that she has a mission she’s willing to put her life on that even becoming a hunter wouldn’t be enough. Zeno agreed to take her in, but she has to abide by the rules and etiquette of the Zoldyck family during her whole stay. Claris did not have any problem on this condition, and even signed a contract to prove her words.

During her stay with the Zoldyck, she assumed the name “Yollumi Zoldyck” to ensure her anonymity as well as to protect her uncle from her potential enemies coming after him.

When she was 12, she took the 274th Hunter Exam but she had to back out due to "health concerns". But the next year, she participated once again and passed.

Some time after she received her Hunter's License, she met Daichi the Monk, who was a Nen Master for the Shingen-Ryu dojo. She trained under his guidance to further her master in Nen, and to be able to understand the situation that she and Diane has in life. It was thanks to him that Claris is able to work with Diane to be able to strengthen their nen together.

Once she turned 20, she left the Zoldyck Estate to start her hunt for the Sacred Rings cult. Silva was disappointed that he wasn’t able to change her mind and make her continue on with her life as an assassin. Claris reassured her adoptive father that she will pay them a visit if she ever finds the time.

At 25, she first met Hisoka after she took his target away who happens to be someone she’s targeting as well for his connections with the Sacred Rings cult. Thrilled by the strength she displayed and the potential she has, Hisoka offered her a helping hand to finish her hunt faster. Claris initially refused his help, but when he continued on following her around, she was left with no other choice but to take him in. The two went to a Nen Lawmaker and created an oath that will ensure their safety in this partnership and the conditions they set up are met.

At 26, she became one of the two examiners for the second phase of 286th Hunter Exam. She was the one who stopped Hisoka from almost killing Togari.


Red Stilettos: She always has a pair of red-colored Stiletto daggers with ring hoop at its butt just in case she needs it for combat. She received these pairs as a gift from Illumi when they were young.

Abilities & Powers

Claris has all the benefits granted by her status as a Hunter. Additionally, as a member of one of the wealthiest families in the world, she has a vast wealth at her disposal although she had rarely used it after she became a professional assassin and Hunter. Because of her name, she's also held up to high regards in both the business world and the underworld. Claris would always be considered as a VVIP whenever someone recognizes her, regardless of her current job as a professional hunter.

Since she spent most of her early years inside her room, she used all of her time to learn everything in the books that were given to her by her family. She has displayed great brilliance and fast learning skills when it comes to academics, she's especially well-versed in the field of science and economics. What she lacked in physical strength as a child, she made up for her knowledge in everything she learns.

In terms of physical strength, she can stand against the likes of Hisoka even with Diane’s restricting her nen capacity at 50% all the time.

Training under the Zoldyck Family and getting experience from their business, Claris had become proficient in the Dark Arts and the business of assassination. Even without the use of her nen or Diane, Claris can hold on her own thanks to the tenacity, strength, knowledge, and experience that she gained from working with the underworld. Although Claris was able to learn the basics of Nen with the Zoldyck family, she wasn’t able to advance further with her abilities and manifest her first blood bag until she was 14 when she first met her Nen Master, Daichi the Monk of Shingen-Ryu. It was the Zoldyck Family, specifically Maha, who first realized of Diane’s existence as a parasitic nen that was latched onto Claris all the time. Because Claris could easily get exhausted in her training, Maha had Claris wear a nen-canceling necklace to help her train without any repercussions. When Claris was able to handle Diane’s restrictions after the training, she started seeing her more and taking her along her missions.

At one point after she received her Hunter’s incense, she met her Nen Master and trained under his guidance to further master her capabilities. It was thanks to him that Claris was able to understand the situation between her and Diane, and how she was able to work with Diane to make their nen stronger.

Additionally, she made it a routine to meditate for an hour a day to keep her nen and Diane in check. Meditating also helped her gradually increase her nen capacity, which extremely helpful considering that she's stuck with a parasitic nen for the rest of her life.

Weaknesses: Claris is aware that her nen ability is better suited as a support type of weapon, and wouldn't be as useful in combat had it not been for her great understanding of nen. If a nen master was able to understand her ability, she would have a hard time fighting against them. She's also compromised by Diane's constant feeding on her aura, which decreases her nen capacity at almost 50% ratio. To make up for this, she had to meditate at least an hour a day to increase her nen capacity and lengthen her endurance. She also knows that she's better suited in working alone or in a pair as she tends to make her own moves when put in a team, so she would avoid teming up as much as possible. IF she does end up in a team and she had no other choice about it, she'll just resort to following orders and giving her opinion in their situation.

Preternatural Perception: Claris’ life as an assassin with an addition of entering an even more dangerous life of being a hunter, she has honed her senses to supernatural capabilities. She’s able to perceive all the possibilities that may come out as she observes her surroundings and finds her standing in a situation. She can easily tell Killua’s vast improvement in strength by the time they were able to reunite after the events of the 13th Hunter Election Arc.Claris could gauge out that Kurapika is a capable leader thanks to his intelligence just by observing his work in the Black Whale. When she fought Hisoka in Heaven’s Arena, just by observing him fight during their hunt, she was able to understand Hisoka’s nen ability that it has the properties both of a rubber and something that helps it stick to things like gum. When her nen oath with Hisoka was broken off, and her passing out from the effect, she was able to tell at once that Hisoka died in his fight with Chrollo, and ending their spiritual connection in the process as well.

Enhanced Strength: Although her body was fragile at birth, Claris was able to build upon her strength over the years that she spent training and doing business with the Zoldyck Family. Claris could effortlessly open up to 6 doors of the Testing Gates during her hunt for the Sacred Rings cult, and all doors before she departed for the Dark Continent.

Genius-level Intellect: Even as a child, she's able to astound her teachers as she's able to learn faster than kids her age. At the age of 5, she's able to understand subjects that senior-level high school students would be discussing about. She's also very analytical, being able to break down and deduce situations before making a solution to a problem, which she did during her whole time in the Black Whale, predicting a possible outcome of total chaos with the citizens below them before they even get to the Dark Continent. Her learning skills also helped her a lot when she studied business and finances for 1 month to be able to earn the money she made as an assassin. During her hunt, Claris outsmarted most of the cult members and killed them with her own hands before they could even send a report to their leader. She would often have her blood bag floating around filled with blood to fool others that she’s a manipulator, it was also to make them focus on avoiding the blood bag instead of the needles that she hits them with, and not realize that those needles are deadly themselves until it’s too late. Her intellect shines better when she's able to utilize her Nen ability, the Blood Bag, into different uses such as using it in either a supportive or offensive way.

Immense Speed and Reflexes: Claris can take someone's heart without them even noticing her movement, a technique that she was able to learn under Maha’s training and guidance. During her time in Heaven's Arena, she had the knack to defeat her enemies with a single blow to their back. While Diane is taking over, she was able to kick Hisoka to the face despite his incredible senses, though Hisoka was taken aback by Claris' sudden growth in terms of speed and physical strength. Her actions were fast enough to take on multiple enemies at one time even while restrained and injured, a feat that she's able to display when she was abducted during her haunt albeit Hisoka was assisting her. She's able to impress Illumi for being able to catch his tiniest needle even if he attacked her discreetly.

Proficient Strategist: Claris had a detailed plan on how she will get her hands on the high class society that were part of the Sacred Rings cult. She has been building upon this life-long plan ever since she was young.

Enhanced Endurance: Although Diane compromises her by cutting her endurance in half, Claris was able to make up for this by training and lengthening her tenacity. Additionally, the experiments that the Disease Purger had put her through shaped her body to have a high pain tolerance, remaining unfazed by any grave injuries such as a stab to the stomach, or a shot of bullet through her chest. Furthermore, she was tortured as an assassin when she made a mistake on her mission and got captured by her target, she was able to withstand a month of interrogation before Illumi came in and took her out of captivity.

Muscle and Joint Control: She was able to learn how to dislocate her muscles and joints during her training as an assassin. When a nen user was using an ability on her to keep her from using both her own nen, she dislocated the joints, bones, and muscles in her hand to free herself from being restrained.

  • Claws: By adjusting the anatomy in her hand, her fingernails turn into claws that are as sharp and as hard as high-quality knives which she can use to tear humans apart and/or rip their heads open. Diane is more fond of using claws as a weapon of choice, but Claris would use them as well from time to time for convenience. Because of how much she and Diane use this skill, she can turn both of her hands into claws in a split second like it's natural for her to do.

Master of Stealth: Her years as an assassin had taught her how to use In for hours without the slightest difficulty and only taking a few minutes of break before using the said ability again. Although she had a hard time to master the assassination arts, she was able to improve her skills over the years until she finally became proficient in hiding, spying, and infiltrating.

Master Weapon Specialist: Claris holds a great knowledge and mastery on different types of —mainly—bladed weapons. She first used a set of stiletto daggers as main weapon earlier in her life, but she forced herself to learn more than just the use of daggers. One of her nen abilities let her manipulate the content of her Blood Bag into different types of weapons such as long swords, rapiers, needles, and daggers. She can also use ranged weapons such as guns and bows, though her long range accuracy is not the best out there.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combat: Even though she prefers to use weapons in combat, she's still an exceptional melee fighter with knowledge of different martial arts to her disposal. Her kicks hold incredible power in them that she can even break someone else's spine with no difficulty in just a single hit. But her proficiency, skills, and power could not be compared to Diane, who was more used in this style of combat in contrast with Claris' weapon-based fighting style.

Animal Empathy: Strangely enough, Claris can easily attract harmless animals without much of a problem. She would often feed the stray animals found near the place she’s staying at, and befriend them during her stay. Back in Zoldyck residence, she’s quite fond of Mike as she has been training with the hound hanging around her place.


Claris is a Conjurer, being able to materialize any kind of object out of her imagination with ease. However, once Diane fronts her body, her nen type changes to Specialist kind. She became aware of Nen at such a young age during the time she spent with the Sacred Rings cult. However, she wasn’t able to have a full understanding of her ability until she started training with Zeno. She appears to be very proficient not only in Conjuration, but to Manipulation and Transmutation as well thanks to the intense training she went through in her adolescence. She was able to hone her nen properly through time at such a young age. Even after she graduated from their teachings, she trained herself enough to be able to reach her peak in utilizing Manipulation and Transmutation and create a Nen ability around these types. Because of how fast she was able to learn both the basic and advanced techniques of Nen, she's deemed as a very skilled user of it. She can use In for several hours without difficulty and needs only a few minutes of break before going in that state again. Claris also holds a tremendously ominous aura once she emits her Ren, which gets even more terrorizing if it was Diane frontig the body. Because of the duality of her alter ego, she holds a hefty amount of aura back that's unlike any ordinary Nen users. Though the growth of her Nen is restrained to a certain level at all times thanks to Diane. Claris' ability allows her to conjure a Blood Bag out of thin air that she can use to take a person's blood away either to kill them or to determine their basic information (such as full name, age, birthdate, and assigned sex at birth). Whereas the blood in an ordinary medicinal blood blags lasts on for 2 hours in room temperature, she can use her own aura with transmutation to mimic cold temperature and keep the content of her Blood Bag ability to last longer. Hence, her body may seem colder than an average human, and she could tolerate extreme heat because of the constant use of cold aura.

Weaknesses: Since Blood Bag works as a support-type of ability, Claris avoids revealing the mechanics of her Nen as much as possible, and let her opponent understand how her Blood Bag works. Without the help of Diane, she would have a hard time mastering other hatsu types. When she was training to manipulate blood from her blood bag, she had a hard time shaping it into a needle, so she familiarized herself first with other types of weapon to recreate them. Although she can tank most hit and punches, she's still naturally weaker against the punch of an enhancer. She knows the Blood Bag has its own weaknesses, especially in combat, so she's smart enough to use it to in assassination by sucking the blood of her targets and use it to overload another taget with blood, causing a major transfusion reaction that would eventually lead to their death.

Claris' Nen Type: Conjuration
Type: Conjuration Blood Bag (寄生の愛, ブラッドバッグ Parasitic Love)
hoZmCm3.png Claris' Nen Ability allows her to conjure an ordinary Blood Bag. It’s usually useless and could only be used in medical ways until Claris puts limitations and conditions on it. Claris’ Blood Bag can take away her target’s blood and life away once its needles find its way into your skin. The Blood Bag can read the DNA and tell the name of the person that the blood came from and what its type is. It can also read if the contained blood is mixed with alcohol, drugs, STDs, and other chemicals or disease through its label. Once the Blood Bag's needle is planted onto a target, it will start sucking their blood until they run out of it or if the bag reaches its full capacity. To ensure that the Blood Bag can retain its abilities, she must abide by these limitations:
  • Although she has no limit to the amount of Blood Bags that she can create and keep, she can only use one blood bag at a time.
  • Blood Bag can never go beyond its capacity. For example, Claris will never be able to take more blood from one person if the Blood Bag is already full. Although its capacity can be expanded through Ren meditation.
  • She must never mix two or more types of blood in one bag, or else the needle will not work to start intaking a target’s life away.
  • Every Blood Bag she conjures is empty. A Bag must be filled with blood first before she uses another one.
Claris can perform blood transfusion from ordinary blood bags as long as it has the same type of the content her Blood Bag has. By default, the Blood Bag that Claris conjures has a pair of needles and tubes, but she can manifest a blood bag with two pairs of needle and tubes if she wishes to. During a blood transfusion or a similar scene, one of the tubes acts as the collector of blood (used to suck blood in) while the other pair acts as the distributor of blood. This rule is also applied when using Blood Armament. When she was participating in the 286th Hunter Exam, she could store up to 3 gallons of blood for up to half a month after she reunited with her old master and trained with him for 3 months. By Yorknew City Arc, she can store 4.5 gallons of blood for up to 1 month after her training and experience.
Type: Conjuration Butterfly Needle (吸血鬼, バタフライニードル Bloodsucker)
unavailable-image.jpg Although the Butterfly Needle was primarily conjured along with the Blood Bag, Claris was able to separately conjure a Butterfly Needle on its own to use as a primary weapon of choice. Once a needle is stuck to someone, a blood bag will manifest and start sucking a person’s blood away if Claris wills it. Claris can conjure needles of different gauges, but more often than not, she conjures 7 gauge needles that are 6 inches in size. There are two types of needle that Claris can use; a Giving Needle and a Taking Needle. The Giving Needle acts as the “exit port” for the blood bag to dispense its content, which is necessary for blood transfusions or the use of Blood Armament ability. While the Taking Needle is responsible for taking blood in, this is the type of needle that Claris uses as a weapon all the time. Although the Giving Needle is not necessarily used as a weapon, she can use it to trigger an acute transfusion reaction or fluid overload on her targets which is deadly on its own if not treated quickly.
Type: Conjuration Bloody Tubes (運命の赤い糸, ブラッディチューブ Red Thread of Fate)
unavailable-image.jpg The tubes of the Blood Bag are just ordinary tubes with plastic texture, though Claris can turn it into a deadly whip with a few enhancements. She doesn’t use tubes that much other than as a whip or a substitute for ropes, but they are essential to the Blood Bag to take in or release blood.
Type: Conjuration, Transmutation, Manipulation Bloody Arsenal (血液の踊り子, ブラッディアーセナル Blood Dancer)
unavailable-image.jpg With manipulation and transmutation, Claris can mold the contents of Blood Bag into deadly weapons like stilettos, swords, or spears. By holding the "Giving Needle" of the Blood Bag into her right hand, she "unsheathes" the weapon out of the blood by molding it with her left hand. This process takes between 1-10 seconds to make. She has to make sure that the content of the Blood Bag doesn't have an iron deficiency in it to be able to perform this ability as she heavily relies on that certain element in blood to create weapons. Furthermore, she can't do ranged weapon that requires explosive elments such as guns and bombs, so this ability is limited to making bladed, blunt, staff-like, and a few ranged weapons like bows and arrows. The Blood Armament is limited to the capacity and percentage of content used from the Blood Bag. For example, she will have to use 100% of 1 gallon Blood Bag to be able to form a long sword, 75% for a katana or a rapier, 50% for a pair of long daggers, 25% for one long dagger, 5% for a combat knife, and 1 mL for every 1 inch needle. Additionally, the molded weapon has a lifespan on its own as well. If it continues to be attached to the Blood Bag, the weapon can last for a day of use. But once the armament gets detached, its lifespan will immediately be cut to 2 hours(like the lifespan of the blood outside of the body) before it erodes away. The Blood Armament lifespan may increase under cold temperature, and vice versa. For this ability to remain effective, Claris must strictly abide by these conditions:
  • Blood Bag must remain active to create a Blood Armament.
  • Once she creates a weapon, she must use it first before she creates a set of new ones.
When Claris returns a used weapon into the blood bag, she runs the high risk of contamination within her bags, though she could use the contaminated bags as a form of poison to give to her enemies later on.

Diane Anatolia

It remains unknown to Claris on how Diane became a parasitic nen in the first place. However, she vaguely remembers her twin owning a black egg with her that would manifest whenever Diane tells her how much she wants for the two of them to become a butterfly and flutter away from this world. When she consulted a Nen exorcist fro the Hunter Association on her case once she was able to get her Hunter's License, she was able to understand that it was more than that. Thanks to the environment that she and Diane experienced in the Sacred Rings cult's hands, their nen were binded together by their strong resolve to protect each other and never let go even after death. After Diane was killed by the cult, her resolve and their promise to each other caused for Diane's nen to latch onto Claris with two rules in itself; one is to protect Claris, while the other is to complete its Metamorphosis. By feeding on both Post-Mortem Nen and Claris' nen at the same time, it was able to incubate within Claris while still giving her enough power to protect herself. Because Diane's nen had turned parasitic, Claris doesn't have a control over its mind or abilities. However, it acts upon Claris' emotions and instincts.

Diane's Nen Type: Specialization (Parasitic)
Type: Specialization Alter Ego (月の滞在, オルターエゴ Moon's Sojourn)
unavailable-image.jpg When Diane Anatolia, Claris’ twin and alter, fronts the body, Claris’ nen hatsu type shifts from Conjuration to Specialization. Alter Ego triggers once Diane detects a hostile aura within a certain radius from Claris. Once the Alter Ego is activated Diane’s utilization rate of three other hatsu types maximizes to 100% efficiency. Since Diane is a parasitic-type of Nen, Claris has no control over her or her nen. Claris can never use Alter Ego on her own even if it was an ability that Diane created in order to protect her. Even if Alter Ego gives her a vast opening to nen skills based on other types, Diane most often uses the Alter Ego ability to efficiently use it for faster healing factor, increased strength, agility, and speed. After the Alter Ego was deactivated, both Claris and Diane’s nen will go on a “cooldown” phase where they won’t be able to use their Nen for a certain amount of time. The length of the down time would be double the amount of time that the Alter Ego was activated. For example, if the Alter Ego was used for an hour, both Diane and Claris won’t be able to use their nen for 2 hours.
Type: Specialization Berserker (野生狂乱, バーサーカー Wild Frenzy)
unavailable-image.jpg The first application of Alter Ego. The Berserker ability puts Diane in a “berserk” mode where her strength, speed, reflexes, agility, and endurance are doubled. Berserker can only be activated when Diane (or to some extent, Claris) has a tremendous amount of bloodlust at first, then she has to activate her En and detect a group of at least 10 people within the radius of her En. Diane would lose control of herself in Berserker mode and let her nen to kill everyone within her en from weakest to strongest. If a nen user was strong enough to stop her attack, the Berserker mode will immediately stop. If it was Claris who would accidentally trigger this ability, it will immediately force Diane to front the body, though it can only be done so if Claris has a tremendous amount of bloodlust or extremely strong emotions as well.
Type: Specialization Dual Ego (薄暮地帯, デュアルエゴ Twilight Zone)
unavailable-image.jpg Dual Ego is the second application of Alter Ego, where Diane assists Claris as they co-front the body. The Dual Ego is the support version of Alter Ego, and is much weaker in terms of power. During Dual Ego, Diane and Claris must be synchronized or “be on the same page” in terms of emotions, else the Dual Ego will immediately deactivate. Dual Ego allows Claris to use Alter Ego and its abilities or Diane to use Blood Bag and its abilities, though to a limited point. Once Dual Ego deactivates in a safe and gradual way, both Diane and Claris' nen abilities would o into a cooldown phase similar to Alter Ego's. But if the Dual Ego deactivates in a sudden way, both Diane and Claris could risk loosing conciousness and be in hibernation for 3 or so days. Both Diane and Claris experimented Dual Ego for the first time with Motte in their match on Heaven's Arena. Although they have a hard time on cofronting at first, they were able to get a hold of themselves and perform the Aura bag ability while Claris is still active.
Type: Specialization, Conjuration Aura Bag (神漿, オーラバッグ Ambrosia)
unavailable-image.jpg The Aura Bag is the third application of Alter Ego based on Claris’ nen type and main ability. The Aura Bag is a special type of bag that Diane accidentally created in an attempt to conjure a Blood Bag on her own. In terms of appearance, conditions, and mechanics, it is similar to her twin’s ability, but the Aura Bag sucks in Nen instead of the blood of a person. By sucking in a person's aura, Diane could convert it to either a power-up on her side, or use it for healing abilities. The full functionality of the Aura Bag is mostly unknown even to Diane, but she knows some of the conditions it poses, much like:
  • This ability can only be activated once Alter Ego is activated as well.
  • The Aura Bag can suck the Nen of a person away, but she can never copy the ability of her victim.
  • Diane is limited to conjuring one Aura Bag at a time. She must use the contents of the Blood Bag before she creates another one.
  • The capacity of the Aura Bag is what the current capacity of Diane’s Nen is. So she won’t be able to immediately kill someone with an extremely high or unlimited capacity of Nen.
  • Diane must hit a target to their head with her hands in order for Aura Bag to activate. If Diane hits anywhere else, the ability will fail to start.
Diane can only use the contents of Aura Bag to further her nen’s power, but she can never substitute the nen in Aura Bag to be her “food” as she’s bound on feeding on Claris forever. She can never take Claris’ nen as well as she is her host. She can, however, perform “Nen transfusion” to Claris and assist with furthering the capacity of her twin’s nen with a condition that she can only give nen that came from conjurers. The Aura Bag can stay on for as long as Diane wishes it to be, even if she's not active at that time, but it will act upon Diane's instinct which is to protect Claris first and furmost. The Aura Bag can stay on Claris even without Diane's influence, especially if Claris can use it for faster regeneration of her body.

The Nymph

Under unknown circumstances, Claris died before the Black Whale could even reach its destination. However, what tore away and arose from her dead body was a blood-covered woman who looks exactly like her. It's currently unknown if this is Claris or Diane as the Nymph went into hiding before anyone could make contact on her awakening. She was later found by Kurapika and his team resting in Prince Wobble's bathroom, sleeping on blood-soaked water in the bathtub.

?'s Nen Type: ?
Type: ? ??? (???, ??? ???)
unavailable-image.jpg ???

Battles & Competitions

  • Blood Oath
    • Claris Anatolia vs. Motte the Sky Champion
    • Claris Anatolia vs Assassins*
    • Claris Anatolia vs Hisoka Morrow*
    • Claris Anatolia and Hisoka Morrow vs. Yeti Brothers*
    • Claris Anatolia and Hisoka Morrow vs. Yeti Brotherhood
    • Claris Anatolia vs. Atoll
    • Diane Anatolia vs. Shishimura Facility
    • Claris Anatolia vs. Hisoka Morrow (Heaven's Arena match)
  • Dual Ego
    • Claris Anatolia vs. Hisoka Morrow (286th Hunter Exam incident)
  • Yorknew City Arc
    • Claris Anatolia vs. Hera
  • This is a test
    • This is also a test



  • (To Motte) “I’m sure that your people will know about this fight, and they would realize that a dead person had come back to life. . . If they ever want to avenge you for this humiliation I brought upon their champion, then. . . let them come. I’ll be sure to entertain them to their deaths.”
  • (To Hisoka) “Do you solemnly swear to risk your life and protect me from any harm that may come my way?”
  • "I climbed out of the abyss, so that I might inflict the same humiliation upon those who made me suffer. I'm waiting for them to come here and make an attempt on my life."
  • (To Silva) "Uncle, I've long considered staying here forever. Though I am grateful for reaching out your hands to me, it doesn't feel right that I let those who defiled the name of Anatolia to let lose. My rage for them only sharpened through the years, and it's been itching for blood for years now.
  • "Despairing, grieving, standing still... What good will they do? If I'm going to die at some point anyway, I'd rather do so without regrets. Even if I'm made to stand on the edge of despair in a hellish place... I won't give up.”
  • (To Shishimura) “I was merely born into the Anatolia Family, but you . . . you made me. You created me. So face your own demons, doctor.”
  • (To Hisoka) "I have never once thought to avenge my parents or anything of the sort. Were I to avenge them, the dead would still not come back to life… much less to enjoy the sweet taste of revenge. Calling it 'vengeance' or a 'battle of revenge' is just glossing over the truth. I did not return here for the sake of my parents. I returned for myself. All I want is to give those who betrayed and defiled the Anatolia family a taste of the humiliation . . . and return the pain that I suffered."
  • (To Killua) "I apologize that Illumi turned out like that to you, Kil. . . I believe I'm part of the reason why he became so abusive to you. . . Maybe if I hadn't left him. . . he wouldn't turn out this way."
  • (To Diane) "Sis, I. . . have grown now. . . I'm thankful that you're there with me through thick and thin. You're the best sibling I ever had. But. . . I don't want to bother you anymore. It's okay. . . you can rest easy now."

Other quotes:

  • “It was a choice, with no rhyme or reason. Without a shred of mercy. So why. . . why were we. . . subjected to all of this? No one was able to save her. . . I was too weak to save her. . . In this world. . . there is no God! So. . . you. . . all of you. . . I will kill all of you!
  • (To Hisoka) "I hope that we can work together despite our differences, Mr. Morow."
  • (To Omoi Yeti) "Although my Blood Bags doesn't have any special qualities in them, if they are filled with blood, regardless of what creature they came from, I have many different uses for them. For one, like the ten needles attached to your head right now. I'll give you 3 seconds to speak, if you don't, blood will start flowing into your head, and overload your brain with contaminated blood, blood of your mutt who bit me, and blood types that are not compatible with yours. You'll experience inflammation, headache, nausea and vomiting, weakness, numbness or paralysis of face, arm or leg. Blood will clog up inside your head, and cause a cerebral hemorraghe. You'll experience these symptoms for up to 12 hours, and you'll finally die by the end. If you do survive, you'll suffer from full-body paralysis for the rest of your life. Since Hisoka and I have killed all of your brothers already, I doubt there are any nearby villages in the middle of snow-covered island would be able to help you. If you choose your words right, I'll be merciful and kill you immedaitely, so be wise and speak with responsibility."
  • (To Hisoka) "Ethics and morality are feeble in the face of revenge."
  • (To Ruen) "I have long forgotten. . . how to smile. . . so joyfully."
  • (To Kurapika) "If I were you I wouldn't take another step into that floor."
  • (To Milluki) "Wow. I never would have imagined that you'll ever get out of Mama's basement since I introduced you to anime."
  • (To Melody) "You're a kind person. I hope you have a good future and have your dreams come true."
  • (To Kurapika) "I apologize for the hostile personality I displayed to you before. I hope that we can work together, Mr. Kurapika."


  • Following canonical spellings of other characters, their name is also spelled as "Qularys Anatoorya."
  • During her free time, if Claris is not training or meditating, she would relax herself in one of the onsens she would secretly rent out from. She finds peace when taking a warm bath after a long day of work, though she has a lingering anxiety of Hisoka suddenly showing up and ruining her day.
  • She has a hobby of journal writing. She likes to write down anything she's learned and keep them documented. She even bought a land in the middle of nowhere and build a library on it just to store her books and journals.
  • She’s the only character with nen that works as an alter ego to her body.
  • Along with Fugetsu Hui Guo Rou, the both of them have twins that died at a young age.
  • Her favorite sweets are BerryRobo-chan strawberry balls, blueberry flavored Lockey, banana popsicle stick of Mestle, and strawberry flavored Bungee Gum. Diane would often sneak sweets into her room even if Claris is not allowed to, and they would both share the smuggled foods secretly. Most of these flavors were discontinued in the later years, unfortunately.
    • The four dyed strands of her hair correlate with these flavors.
  • By technicality, since she’s “adopted” by the Zoldyck, she’s the only known Conjurer and Specialist in the family right now.
    • That would also make her the oldest of the Zoldyck children as well.
    • Her alias, Yollui (ヨウルイ), follows the wordplay that each child had. Yo (ヨウ) was taken from Kikyo's name, and I (イ) was taken from Illumi's nae. It was Claris who suggested connecting her name with Kikyo once she was able to understand the word play that Kikyo does with her children’s name. Hence, the name Yollumi came up.
  • During the 274th Hunter Exam, she's the only leading examinee who backed out of the exam albeit her reasoning is an emergency regarding her father's status.
    • Her card number in 274th Hunter's Exam (375th) and her number in 275th Hunter's Exam (64th) can be combined and be read as "mi-na-go-ro-shi." In Japanese wordplay, it means to massacre or kill them all which ties to her resolve on killing every single one of the Sacred Rings cult.
  • Following the "Hunter × Hunter Manual" section found in the Yu ☆ Yu ☆ Hakusho official character book (Shueisha Jump remix), this character's stats are:
Story Arcs Mind Skill Body Nen Ingenuity Intelligence
Blood Oath ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5
Dual Ego ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5
Yorknew City Arc ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5
Succession Contest Arc 4/5 5/5 4/5 4/5 3/5 4/5

Intertextuality and References

  • Elesis Sieghart, from an online game called Elsword, was the major source for Claris' nen abilities "Blood Bag" and "Bloody Arsenal.”
  • "Alter Ego" and "Dual Ego" are inspired from Seele Vollerei, a character from Houkai 3rd Impact, who has an alter ego called "Veliona" and a theme song called “Dual Ego.”
  • Seele Vollerei is a major inspiration in the creation of Claris as both of them:
    • are host to a manipulative and dangerous alter ego
    • have dark, short hair, which is dyed to a brighter color in the lower layers
    • suffered from some form of experiment which lead to their alter ego's creations
  • Ciel Phantomhivei, a character from Black Butler, is also a huge inspiration for the creation of Claris as both of them:
    • Are intelligent in their own rights
    • Had a weak body in their early years
    • Suffers from episodes of post-traumatic stress disorder
    • Served as slaves in a cult
    • Have twins both died at a young age
    • Fond of sweets


  • Her birthday falls on World Blood Donor Day, holding similarities to Kurapika whose birthday does not fall on traditional Japanese holiday.

Translations Around the World

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic كلاريس الأناضول (Klaris Al'anadul)
Brazil Flag Brazilian Portuguese Claris Anatólia
China Flag Chinese 克拉丽斯安纳托利亚*
France Flag French Claris Anatolie
Greece Flag Greek Κλαρίς Ανατολία (Klarís Anatolía)
Italy Flag Italian Clarissa Anatolia
South Korea Flag Korean 클라리스 아나톨리아 (Keullaliseu Anatollia)
Russia Flag Russian Кларис Анатолия (Klaris Anatoliya)

Author's Notes []

  • Claris was "created" at Spring of 2020.
  • She was supposed to be the main character for her own story that I was planning on writing at that time, which I ended up scrapping for a new story, so she ended up as my Hunter x Hunter OC.
  • She's supposed to be called "Analisa" until I changed it at some point during her concept stage.
  • In her first concept, she was a Greed Island Game Master along with Razor. She stays in Aiai the Kingdom of Love, and is the one responsible on maintining the clichéd romantic scenarios happening within the NPCs of the island. Corresponding to this, she was initially a Manipulator whose Nen ability revolves around "match-making" despite not being interested in a romantic relationship herself.
  • Previously, she doesn't have a sense of respect or shame for herself and would often prance around naked with only a towel around her neck or a coat over her shoulderin the woods near the Kingdom to throw plaers off. If they ever try ot make a move on her, she would kill them. \
  • She was supposed to be an "honorary member" of the Phantom Troupe in the previous draft.
  • In her older version, Claris was part-human part-Magical beast similar to a vampire.
  • She was also the leader of a group she formed on her own.