Rolling Thunder


Basic Info

Full Name:

Rolling Thunder

Responds to:

RT, Thunder, Arashi(Ultra Twister only)




Heteroromantic Asexual

Age(As Coaster(At Time Of Closure)):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Ryan Thornton



Height(As Humanoid):




Date Of Birth/Opening:

June 6th, 1979

Date Of Death/Closure:

September 8th, 2013(SBNO Sept. 2005-Spring 2006)

Location In Park:

Hernando's Hideaway/Frontier Adventures/Plaza del Carnival


William Cobb and Associates

Coaster Track/Structure Type:


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Six Flags, Six Flags Great Adventure, William Cobb and Associates, William L. Cobb, and Don Rosser.


Rolling Thunder was possibly the nicest Coasterdroid you could ever meet. He’d help anyone who’d ask, always kept an optimistic outlook, and was generally very kind. RT believed that problems should be solved through mutual understanding and one’s words; if he had to defend himself with his powers, it would make him feel guilty regardless of how morally awful his opponent is. However, RT was nice to a fault; he didn’t know when to quit giving people a chance and can be easily convinced to stay in bad situations. Speaking of his powers, Rolling Thunder had control over thunderstorms; he could produce thunderstorms as large as the park (including the safari) at full power. With a clap of his hands (which triggered a clap of thunder), he could split into two identical Coasterdroids, to compensate for not being “born” as a pair of twins. Due to his caring and kind nature, RT was friends with basically everyone at SFGAd. His besties included the likes of Runaway Mine Train, Lightnin’ Loops, Ultra Twister Skull Mountain, Bizarro, Nitro, Superman, and especially El Toro. Toro and RT were like brothers; inseparable and would stick up for each other. RT’s removal hurt Toro deeply and Toro continues to miss the older woodie. RT dated Ultra Twister for the short time she was at Great Adventure and the two continued to be friends until the day AstroWorld closed permanently. The only person he didn’t like was Viper, who was very cruel towards RT and took her anger out on him. RT’s physical (and mental) health slowly declined in the 2000s-2010s as his coaster was less well maintained; this led to the weakening of his powers (as evidenced by the lightning scars on the palms of his hands; it became painful for him to use them by the end of his life). But through all of it, RT made sure to greet the world with a smile on his face. While his coaster has since been demolished, RT will not be forgotten anytime soon; not for the “power of a raging storm”, but for how incredibly sweet he was.