Great American Scream Machine


Basic Info

Full Name:

Great American Scream Machine

Responds to:

Scream Machine





Age(As Coaster(At Time Of Closure)):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Grant A. Smith-Martin



Height(As Humanoid):



Viper(SFMM),Shockwave(SFGam)(Fraternal Twin Siblings)

Date Of Birth/Opening:

April 15th, 1989

Date Of Death/Closure:

July 18th, 2010

Location In Park:



Arrow Dynamics

Coaster Track/Structure Type:


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Six Flags, Six Flags Great Adventure, Arrow Dynamics, and Ron Toomer.


Great American Scream Machine was the embodiment of an "All-American Hero". He was loud, boisterous, took no shit, and oozed confidence. GASM had the power of super-charged screams; with the help of a modified megaphone nicknamed the “PowerPhone”, his screams could send shockwaves towards their unfortunate target. It has different effects depending on what settings are in place. The PowerPhone can also be used like a regular microphone, so if GASM wanted you to hear him he’ll make it loud and clear. Because of his coaster’s initial popularity, he had a bit of an ego (something that was readily apparent to his neighbors).GASM gives off the aura of a drill sergeant, who trained himself to be an excellent “soldier”. He considered himself a natural-born leader; someone to depend on and take inspiration from. However, with the bankruptcy of Arrow, the death of his sibling Shockwave, and the addition of Superman: Ultimate Flight right across from him seriously soured his personality. He would drive his neighbors away, had a vendetta against Superman for existing and taking his popularity away, and trained extra hard to avoid having his coaster scrapped. After a few years of this, he realized that this mentality seriously hurt his reputation. GASM spent his last years trying to fix himself, worried that he’d die alone. GASM didn’t have any physical issues until the very end of his life, where he became very lethargic. He had the strongest bonds with Runaway Mine Train, Batman: The Ride, and Skull Mountain. GASM had a great relationship with his siblings, Shockwave, and Viper. Shockwave’s death greatly affected GASM, as he felt like his life was cut short. Tough as nails and patriotic as hell,  Great American Scream Machine isn’t afraid to fight (and he’ll make sure everyone hears it)!