


3 years, 11 months ago



Name Lolovivi Jorunna
Age 23
Height 4 ft 8 in
Species Sea Bunny Usagimimi
Gender Bigender
Oreint. Demisexual
Pronouns He/She/They
Occupation Caretaker
Birthday April 26
Voice Raven Baxter (That’s So Raven)
Design Notes

  • Always has teary eyes.
  • White freckles on face.
  • Flat chested. (No tits pls)
  • In every top they wear (tank, shirt, jacket/coat, dress, etc), there is a cursive L on the top right corner (their left).

Lolovivi starts off as shy and asocial. Their speech is disorganized when it comes to casual conversation, but presents no discomfort when communicating towards the working class (e.x. cashiers, waiters, bank accountants, mail/delivery people). They have a difficult time making friends due to their poor social skills. The idea of having them for a long time sounds pleasant to them, but once a friendship just begins to flourish, Lolovivi ends up overanalyzing everything they say and resorts to making impulsive decisions. They say things without thinking twice, which may end up hurting the feelings of others without meaning to. It leaves them with feelings of self-frustration. Friendships are delicate in their hands, like hollow eggs that crack easily when held too firmly. It is bound for Lolovivi to end up jumping to conclusions that will make things worse. It's a habit for them to be "overdramatic" over things that aren't as bad as they really are, but it just makes themselves angry when trying to be optimistic for once doesn't work up to their expectations. They have a history of numerous short-lived friendships because of their tendancies to ghost or straight up cut off contact with people when they feel a friendship is getting rocky. Having "the talk" is something Lolovivi fears of having, so they'd rather just get the scary part out of the picture and eventually find their next forever friend. They'll always blame the failed friendship on the other person and will find excuses to make them look like the bad guy out of fear. They really want to make a better impression in front of new people, so that is their way of trying to look like a kind person to be friends with and starting on a clean slate.

While they can be very expressive of their emotions, Lolovivi isn't the type to go to the extremes over them all the time. People can pick out their feelings off of their words moreso than from their facial expressions. They have a face that always makes them look like they're about to cry, so even when Lolovivi is happy, their smiles don't accurately express the joy that they really feel. There is another way they attempt to have people interested in them if Lolovivi wants to have friends. In contrast with their social awkwardness, they like to join clubs and activities regarding their interests. They will brag over the things they do and accomplish as a self-esteem booster and gain satisfaction from others. They want to feel like the things they do are good, so Lolovivi can keep doing them and make others happy. It's especialy nice when their friends get to do the same things Lolovivi likes to do together.

In their alone time, they are much more calm and collected of themselves. With no one else around to have to worry about pleasing, it makes doing tasks a breeze. With or without distractions, Lolovivi can be free to let their mind go and get productive. They make for a nice partner when it comes to group work. As long as they don't end up being the lab rat to something they're uncomfortable with, at least. They don't like doing something wrong or embarassing themselves in front of others, who may be on the watch for their mistakes. This sea bunny is kind of a tough cookie to keep a strong connection with, so a lot of reassurance and some patience will be required in order for Lolovivi to feel completely comfortable around anyone. At the very least, the hard part is over. They care tremendously for the people they let into their life, even if they seem to send mixed messages. They cherish a motherly side to comfort people, but also overprotective. If Lolovivi finds out someone has hurt their friends, they will make sure those bullies get a piece of their mind. These situations can end up being misunderstandings, but it grinds their gears to see the people they care about undergo distress because of someone else. With that said, Lolovivi ends up making the inapropriate choice to fight people who are actually nice towards their friend or put them down verbally to shoo them away.


  • Actions speak a lot louder than their words, this bunny knows how to fight. To an extent. They are a green belt in karate.
  • While they try their best to be a good person, they are picky with who they want to consider as their "real friends". Lolovivi has a bad habit to judge books by their cover right off the bat.
  • They are fond of chocolate sandwich cookies, but cookies n' cream Pocky is their favorite snack.
  • Has bad social anxiety when it comes to talking for leisure.
  • Hates it when someone asks them if they want anything, they say no and they still end up getting something. Lolovivi ends up feeling bad for having someone waste money on something they don't really need or deserve to have.
  • When they can, they take naps whenever they're stressed.
  • Adores bunnies. They'll probably chase after ones they find outside.
  • Has no set preference in clothing "gender" wise. They can wear either a dress or a suit depending on the occasion.
  • Is a fast swimmer. They love being underwater and can hold their breath for up to 2 minutes.
  • Prefers to watch people do things versus actually doing them. They're afraid to embarrass themselves when it comes to things they don't really know how to do.
  • Chococat is their favorite Sanrio character.
  • Holds obsessive thoughts about fitting in by forcing themselves to like things they're not into to please their friends. Sometimes Lolovivi flat out gives up and drops the mask over those interests.
  • Hates being called a crybaby or the N-word.
  • Suffers with Ephebiphobia. They speak with more hostility towards teens to mask their fear.

Lolovivi was assigned as a girl when they were born. She was the youngest of the family, growing up with two brothers. None of their siblings had it easy during their childhoods, as they had two overworking parents, their mother in the process of cutting back on alcohol. The family lived in a decent neighborhood. It wasn't known to be dangerous nor one people were familiar with. All the neighbors kept to themselves and minded their own business. No one was interested to befriend one another except for the kids. Her brothers managed to befriend some of the neighborhood children, but very rarely do people visit them versus the other way around. It was almost as if no one wanted to associate with their family. Peeking past the closed blinds of the Jorunna's, their entire family relationship was the problem. Except Lolovivi was made to be the family scapegoat.

She was always sensitive to begin with. As a baby, loud noises would startle her and strong smells made her feel sour. Being called mean names and being excluded from her brothers made her cry. After having a third child, the patience on their parents ran thin with the whole crybaby attitude Lolovivi is displaying. Their brothers got over it, so they demonstrated their ways of discipline towards their daughter to cut the crying or they'll give her something worth crying about. If Lolovivi wanted something, it'll be given to her if they don't hear her cry about anything all day, which was a pressuring task for her to accomplish. Her brothers would take advantage by getting her in trouble over things they did and make convincing stories about Lolovivi being in the wrong. Knowing their parents don't like getting into their past "Who done it?" games, they would always take their word for it, leaving the little girl blubbering as she fails to defend herself. She is left bombarded in hourly lectures about crying not solving every problem, guilt-tripped about people who are less fortunate than her, and even threatened taking out the belt to cut the tears and suck up her dainty flower attitude. There were days her father had beaten her with it until she couldn't stand. Those were the same parents that pressure her into making new friends in spite of their difference in colored skin, aim high in everything she does, and not to give up on whatever her dreams are. The contradicting lectures leave her head spiraling in constant confusion and anxiety. By the time she was 7 years old, their parents divorced. Their father took custody of his sons, leaving their mother with a pathetic crybaby. Her mother remarried with a rich man and they moved into a new neighborhood.

Lolovivi wanted to be more like her brothers. As a young child, she presumed boys are expected to be tough and strong, and she was tired of being seen as a weak and cowardly little girl. In spite of the boys turning her down in the past, she scrapped whatever half-assed advice she could get from them and detached herself from her femininity for a while. It showed especially while she was at school in front of other kids. Lolovivi has heard of the stories of bullies and the popular kids and the like. This proved an opportunity to be liked in the outside world by being a side of herself she always wanted to be. Lolovivi had taken of their brothers' clothes that didn't fit them anymore and would change into them in the school's bathrooms before attending class. It felt more comfortable for them to wear, and it made them feel more confident in themselves. It earned some attention from his peers at the start, but some of them will give him a hard time about his gender identity and force the ideas of him being crazy or that he can't be a boy. Forcing his tears to be pushed aside, Lolovivi started confronting these issues with his fists instead of his words. Some fights he won, some fights he lost. There were phases kids tried to be their friend for standing up to their bullies or simply out of pity, only for Lolovivi to cower away from them after a friendship is established. They fear of messing up ahead of time, so it became a habit to abruptly end friendships by ignoring people or treating them horribly so they have one less person to worry about pleasing constantly. Their mother disapproves, wanting Lolovivi to be their daughter when she attempted to come out to her parents of transitioning when she was not yet 13. Her step-father had no empathy over the news and cared more about them keeping up with their classes, adding the persumption that such delusions were why their father left them in the first place. With her against the world, Lolovivi gave up trying to grow a tough shell and returned to being the weak hermit she was. She didn't know who, or what, she was anymore. Her second family straight out neglected her emotional needs like they were nothing of any value. Her own mother acted like she was a slave when it came to chores while the couple would go out late at night. Lolovivi suffered from extreme gender dysphoria that clouded them from their authentic self and their existance in life. They didn't feel like a living being at all. Their teenage years were their most darkest times when it came to their mental and emotional well-being.

Their second family continued to pressure Lolovivi into high expectations she can never reach. Their step-father pushed them into high honor roll and AP courses throughout middle school and high school. Some days Lolovivi never wanted to leave her bedroom. Other days Lolovivi didn't want to go home to her dysfunctional family. They’d stay after school to get help from teachers with her work and projects. Lolovivi refused to collaborate with other people in group related stuff, even if they were forced to get involved during class. They felt more comfortable doing things alone. Even when Lolovivi had good grades, their parents said they could always do better or would have done better if they were more confident. At 15, Lolovivi started working as a babysitter to not only get away from the house, but to also start making money for themselves so they can move away. Dealing with screaming babies was better than putting up with their parents’ daily criticisms. The other parents treat them much better and they reward Lolovivi for their hard work. Spending time with the children also gave them a sense of peace and comfort they wished their own parents would give to them. They also took some karate courses not only to relieve the emotional tension that often built up inside them, but they hoped it'd be something that would impress their parents. Karate was something that helped a little give Lolovivi purpose in life, along with taking care of others' children. By the time they were 17, enough was enough. Lolovivi was growing angry about who they were. They were angry for being so soft and weak, for never being good enough, for being someone their parents have always wanted them to be but they just couldn't do. They hated their inability to make friends or keep them without ever getting upset. She always suspected that they were all pretending to be her friends just to be nice, or that they want to take advantage of her sensitive side and make themselves look better. Lolovivi questioned why exactly she was born in the first place, in a world that she does not belong in anywhere. After a second divorce went into effect, Lolovivi separated herself from her toxic mother and ran away. She didn't go back to school to start her senior year or went back to do karate or any activities she used to enjoy, since she became homeless for a period of time. This was her opportunity to give herself a fresh clean slate and start accepting herself for who she was. She grew a slightly tougher shell out of her temporary solitude. Lolovivi made shelter in an abandoned home, coming back every night exhausted from begging for food and money. There was still some furniture in the house, though the water and power was off. There were also cardboard boxes Lolovivi didn't touch for a while. The ripped up leather couch was where she slept every night.

There was one day in particular they grew curious to see what was in the boxes. There were old knick knacks, picture frames of the last family that lived in the house, toys, clothes, and other appliances that were left behind. Inside one of the cardboard boxes filled with toys, Lolovivi found what looked like a little sleeping doll. It looked like it had blue cat ears and a tail, with little balls attached to the ears. Lolovivi thought it was pretty cute. It reminded her of her earlier childhood days. She used to love playing with dolls. This one had a little switch exposed beside one of its feet. The doll was missing a shoe, and the switch caught her attention. Lolovivi doubted the batteries that operated it still worked, but she flicked it on. The doll immediately opened its eyes and grew very tall, causing it to stumble backwards and fall back into the box it slumbered in. Lolovivi jumped back in surprise. The toy came to life! She kept her distance though, not exactly sure if it was a dangerous robot or not. The doll turned out to be what he introduced himself as Qamar, a Mediborg. Lolovivi has never heard of such a thing before. It was actually quite fascinating. How could anyone leave behind a robotic nurse that can take care of all of your medical needs? But was it really true? Lolovivi couldn't bring themselves to trust his intentions right away. They’ve just met, and what had just happened was something they were trying to process as real. He offered his assistance with anything that required medical attention, not bothering them much as he shortly came to realize what had happened to the house. Lolovivi watched in suspicion as Qamar looked rather worried about its desolate condition. He appeared lost. They felt a little bad, but being asked about his concern led him to brush it off as he started to make the bedroom more comfortable for Lolovivi to spend the night in. Qamar proved himself to be an authentic nurse towards them, after they told him that they have been homeless for a while.. The two ended up setting up a garage sale over the junk that sat and collected dust in all the cardboard boxes they found for a little extra money. He’d go out of his way to buy groceries and hygienic equipment for Lolovivi and restore the water and power in the house. Lolovivi couldn't help but feel mad at him for being this nice. They didn't feel they deserved it, but where else can they go from here? Lolovivi wasn't confident anyone else would put this much effort into getting them back on their feet, so they continued to stay in the house with their new Mediborg. Their physical health restored over time, and next thing they knew, Lolovivi and Qamar grew inseparable. Inspired by Qamar’s generosity towards them, Lolovivi wanted to help other people be taken good care of to make them happy and not have to go through the same neglect they did. They went back into volunteering themselves to babysit children, pets, and elders at nursing homes, bringing Qamar along to help. Lolovivi felt they've won their life back.


  • Swimming
  • Martial Arts
  • Cookies and Cream Treats
  • Bunnies

  • Teenagers
  • Sharp/Pointy Objects
  • Big Spacious Rooms
  • Participating In Social Experiments
  • Celebrating Their Birthday

Qamar | Nurse

He perscribes Lolovivi with medications that reduce their anxiety and takes over any tasks they normally do at home. They kind of hate how calm and collected he is when they take their anger out on him, not understanding how he can put up with their mood swings, but Lolovivi personally is glad to know someone else so patient with them.

Gomibako | Friend

They were roommates in college. He was extremely nice to them and every other day he would cook something for the two of them to eat while they kept up their studies. Lolovivi is personally jealous of his generosity, but grateful to have someone like Gomibako who doesn't judge them for anything that makes them different.

Gyokuro | Acquaintance

They know him a bit from Gomibako when they paid a visit to the restaurant he works at. He kinds of intimidates Lolovivi, but they've made fair interactions through small talk.