Cherry & Wine Zircon



3 years, 10 months ago



Cherry & Wine Zircon

Name Cherry Zircon (right)/Wine Zircon (left)
Species Gem (Zircon)
Age Unknown; likely around 300+
Birthday Unknown
Gender Agender
Pronouns She/Her (Cherry), He/Him (Wine)
Orientation Aro/Ace
Occupation None
Residence Homeworld
Status Active
Design Notes
  • Have a left and right arm on both sides of their body
  • Each has one larger and one smaller pupil; larger pupils are always on the side closest to the center of their body
  • Often have misc. scars/scratches on their body (optional)
  • Area between necks is stretched from their attempts to pull themselves apart
  • Significantly taller than the average Zircon

Cherry and Wine are a volatile and dangerous pair of twins. They have nothing but hatred for one another, and are almost constantly fighting. While their range of motion is limited, their arguments often get physical, leading to biting, scratching, pulling at and choking one another. Cherry and Wine are a danger to both each other and those around them, isolating them from the rest of gemkind.

Cherry, the left head, tends to be the more violent twin. She's prone to starting arguments, constantly firing insults at Wine in an attempt to gain control and dominance. Wine, the right head, is Cherry's bitter and disdainful brother. He loves to tease and mock Cherry, countering her insults with snide remarks and generally disregarding whatever she says. This only makes her angrier, creating a destructive (and often loud) cycle.

  • Sometimes referred to as simply "The Twins"
  • Despite being the "violent twin", Cherry does sometimes miss when her and her brother got along (though would never admit it to anyone, of course)
  • The twins tend to be incredibly clumsy and uncoordinated, often hitting others as they fight or accidentally mixing up whose arms belong to who
Lack of Standard Gem Powers
Cherry and Wine are a defective Gem, lacking many standard abilities that a normal Gem would have. They cannot summon a weapon, shapeshift, form bubbles, fuse, or store things within their Gemstone.
Physical Strength
What they lack in magical ability and summoned weapons, the twins make up for in strength and physical augments. Over time, they developed sharp fangs and claws, mainly used on each other.

When Cherry and Wine first emerged, they were quick to accept that they were shared one body, and took a liking to one another almost immediately. Having emerged late into an empty kindergarten, they didn't quite realize that something was "wrong" about them, and set out to find others of their gem type. Upon reuniting with another group of new Zircons, the twins were immediately ordered to be captured and shattered. They narrowly escaped, hiding away in the deepest caverns of their Kindergarten. Gem society was no place for a creature like them. From then on, they only had each other, wandering aimlessly through the dark ravines of their new home.

Always being bound to each other eventually became an issue for Cherry and Wine. One had no privacy from the other, and they began fighting over control of their singular pair of legs. All they could do was talk to one another, which soon turned to arguing. Their form became ragged and monstrous as their disdain for one another grew, their teeth and nails becoming pointed and dangerous. They only had one common goal: to reach Homeworld's surface and free themselves from their underground prison.

By the time they managed to drag themselves up to the planet's surface, Homeworld had become a massively different place. Though their appearance was prone to give unwitting strangers a fright, gems like them were no longer considered defective criminals, and the twins were welcomed. However, their violent nature soon became apparent, and they ended up marked as a "danger to society" and sent to Earth- more specifically, Little Homeworld- for rehabilitation.

Despite the best efforts of Little Homeworld's counselors and therapists, the twins' defiant and stubborn attitude paired with their frequent outbursts have prevented any sort of progress. They end up detained for the safety of themselves and others on an almost daily basis, and have made no efforts so far to better themselves.

Each Other

Cherry and Wine's relationship is atrocious at best. As stated above, they have nothing but hatred for one another and spend most of their time arguing. If they did have any sort of affection for each other left, they certainly do not show it.

Other Gems

Cherry and Wine lack any sort of friends or allies. Their appearance alone is unsettling and deters most gems, and their personalities and constant fights make any other Gem stay far away.