Arizona de Mamiel Tippon (Dolores de Silva Polley)



1 year, 2 months ago


spends about as much time lounging around on chaises drinking fancy alcohol as she does thinking about thinking about composing on the opera she's supposed to have for her thesis
unintentionally and chronically high strung
very similar energy to cassie from s2 of euphoria but not as emotionally compromised
"i cant even parallel park"
her preferred instrument is a baby grand and she likes being called baby. also she's grand! + but in combat she plays an omnichord. she is also classically trained on the harp, violin, and can carry a tune on a flute. though she is in school for music theory/composition. which is why she's writing an opera. which she chose to do over literally anything else.
alcoholic, likes parties and pubs, though not so keen on sex. she's a sad/emotional drunk. she will also eat cake with her hands if given the opportunity. her classmates don't love her & she found most of her friends in commoners.
she's the cousin of the crown prince texas. their fathers are twins. this isnt a huge deal at school because most of the students are nobility lol but she is second in line for the throne, which is a lot of pressure, so she ignores it because hey texas won't die it's okay. right. (uh oh)