
4 years, 6 days ago



Nicknames N/A

Gender Female

Race Aquarian

Orientation Asexual

Occupation Psychic Trainee

EN Voice Actor Undecided

JP Voice Actor Undecided

Theme Echo

HTML Pinky


Echo is a calm and collected Aquarian, a peaceful race of long-living aquatic beings that use their psychic powers to communicate, preform daily tasks, and protect themselves in battle. Echo is considered a child amongst her peers, and is still training to master her psychic powers. She rarely expresses emotion due to strict Aquarian beliefs that emotions can compromise their powers, especially a "half-breed" like her.

After traveling with the Hyperforce, Echo learns that emotions are not a weakness but a strength, and begins to embrace and express her feelings. Due to lack of availability on her planet, Echo really enjoys sweets.

Super Robot Records

Allegiance Hyperforce

Residency Rialta, later Ilayda

Main Weapons Psychic Powers


  • WIP
  • WIP


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • Swimming
  • Bubble Baths
  • Cookies
  • Mind games
  • Reading minds (as much as the others hate it)


  • Arid environments
  • Water Pollution
  • Being a burden
  • Darkness
  • Secrets



On the planet Rialta, all Aquarian life is created, not born, through a pool of water with a connection to their Titan God Caldur, called the Infinity Pool. The Infinity Pool supplies newborn Aquarians either to stabilize the population as needed, or through the wishes of those who want to raise families. The child that would be known as Echo came to life one day. However, to everyone’s surprise, she had red eyes verses blue or green like most Aquarians and had strange markings. The senior members of their race deduced her parent was not of Aquarian origin, however no known alien species had set foot on Rialta in years, meaning the one who wished her into existence was no longer on their planet. A senior member of the Aquarian Assembly named Nakendra, who had wanted a child of her own, stepped forth and expressed she would care for the child in her parent’s stead.

Nakendra’s Little One, as she was called before she earned her true name, remained by her adopted mother’s side, and over time, her psychic powers developed, which were overly powerful for an Aquarian her age. As such, Nakendra’s Little One was put through rigorous training to try and tame her psychic powers. Ultimately due to this training and the fact that her mother was one of the leaders of the Aquarian people, Nakendra’s Little One did not have much of a childhood or many friends growing up, but was still content with the life she had with her mother.

For many years, the Aquarians continued to live in peace. Until one day, a group known as the Phantom Trio, servants of the Dark Ones, appeared and destroyed Rialta. Nakendra’s Little One, along with the other surviving Aquarians, were enslaved by the sorcerer Tamesis, and were possessed by the Dark Ones themselves to do their bidding. The controlled Aquarians were then sent out to recover “keys” to an ancient seal. Nakendra’s Little One was separated from her mother and sent on a mission of her own to a distant mining planet where a key was hinted to be located. Her efforts were disrupted, however, when the Hyperforce arrived…

Involvement in "The Apocalypse"

Story can be read here


Like all Aquarians, Echo uses psychic energy as her weapon and shield. She can use her psychic powers to levitate, create barriers, move objects, or throw a surge of psychic energy at her foes with overwhelming force. She can also read the minds of those around her and use it to learn enemy tactics if their thoughts are unguarded. Aquarians do not have vocal cords and are strictly telepathic, meaning only Aquarians can understand each other while other races only hear silence. The helmet Echo wears was made by Otto so that her thought waves could be translated into speech all races can understand.


Any strong emotions can put Echo at risk of losing control of her powers, which can hurt not just her enemies, but allies and even herself. Echo's body is frail, so if an enemy slipped past her psychic defenses, she can be easily disabled. Having been the thrall of the Dark Ones before the Hyperforce saved her, she has an immense fear of them, which can be used against her. Her helmet is her only means of communication with any alien species, so if it were destroyed in battle, she'd be unable to communicate effectively with her allies.





A wise and older Aquarian who was part of the Aquarian Assembly that leads their race and Echo's adopted mother. She survived the Dark One attack on their homeworld, but soon became their thrall. Echo is very close to her as she didn’t have many other friends or confidants growing up due to her intense training and "mixed" background. Nakendra is the only one who knows Echo’s true biological paternal figure, but has not revealed him to Echo or anyone else for that matter, instead waiting for the best time to tell her.



Given that Antauri is the philosophical one of the team and has telekinetic powers himself, Echo looks up to Antauri as a mentor of sorts. Both bond over spiritual discussions and meditation, and Antauri gives Echo pointers on how to better control her powers.



Because of Echo’s not-so-great introduction to the team, Sparx is initially suspicious of her. He at first keeps his distance, which Echo respects. After Echo proves that she’s no longer a threat to the Hyper Force, and after sympathizing with her over being under someone else’s control, he opens up to her, though tends to get exasperated over her inability to take a joke at times.



The blue monkey is fascinated with Echo and the Aquarians in general. He often requests to study her, with Echo obliging every so often (so long as he doesn't prick her with needles). Despite that, she respects Gibson’s intelligence and sometimes asks him for guidance with physical issues while leaving the spiritual to Antauri.



At first, Nova is a little wary of Echo due to her lack of emotion when Nova usually acts on her feelings. Over time as she learns Echo’s stoicism is due to the way she was raised to control herself, Nova softens up and talks to her more often to understand the Aquarian better and open up more about her feelings. Nova, along with Otto and Mhairi, will try to spoil Echo with things she missed out on as a child. She also teaches Echo how to handle close-range combat.



Because Otto was the one that had freed her from the Dark Ones’ control, Echo feels indebted to him. While things are awkward around the team at first, Otto is the first to approach Echo and tries to make her feel more comfortable. Over time, Echo opens up and learns to express herself in the way that Otto does so freely with others, and feels more confident about herself. He also indulges her in things she missed out on as a child due to her rather serious upbringing. The two develop a very close friendship as a result.


History states that the Aquarians went to war against the Grypherdra in ancient times and were victorious. As a result, the Grypherdra’s technological and scientific achievements were wiped from existence, which set them thousands of years behind. With this in mind, Echo and Mhairi’s relationship began with a rocky start. Mhairi is wary of Echo, while Echo respects Mhairi’s personal space. Eventually the two put aside their differences for the sake of the mission, and even learn from each other. Over the course of their adventure with the Hyperforce, they become best friends, with Mhairi taking on the big sister role of the two while Echo becomes the grounded one, but a great councilor when she is needed.



At first Echo is wary of the little dragon, sensing something is “off” about him but unable to pinpoint why. Regardless, she eventually grows to love him and occasionally will share her sweets with him. Flint adores the attention from Echo and will sometimes sit on her shoulder or play thought-provoking games with her.