


7 years, 5 months ago




KAORI   | F | 16          
  ✰ Dog lover ✰ Golden Student ✰ Cry Baby ✰ 

✰  Serious | Emotional | Reserved | Uptight | Introverted | Kind | Diligent | Obedient 

People would often view Kaori as a girl who lacks a heart and doesn't feel much for people because of her lack of interest in socializing, but in actuality- she cares a lot for the people involved in her life and is pretty soft and sensitive. It takes a lot for her to actually grow to love someone, but once she does love you, she'll give anything for you and try her hardest to bring you happiness. Her family members are really the only ones who she talks to on a regular basis and her friend Nao is pretty much the only person in her social group- but she cherishes them greatly. 

Being raised well by extremely loving parents, Kaori holds a great desire to please them so she tries her best in everything she does. When it comes to school, she's well liked by teachers and receives nearly perfect grades as a result of her hard work and obedience.

She's a pretty serious character who's not too into messing around and prefers using up time by building skills rather than going out and doing exciting activities. Jokes tend to fly right over her head and make her feel awkward. Around her friend Nao, she can be a little less of a bore and usually loosens up a lot in his presence- though she'll still be her stern self of course and is constantly nagging him to death.




Kaori Ikeda
✰ GENDERFemale
✰ SEXUAL ORIENTATIONHeteroromantic Demisexual
✰ BIRTHDATEAugust 22nd
✰ STATUSShipped





✰ HAIR Medium length with lots of waves and volume. The color is a light bubblegum pink.2721370_1JweauAxp1YpTk7.gif

✰ EYES They have an almond shape to them and are an amber color. Her eyelashes have an nice amount of thickness and a slight curl to them.

✰ MAKE UP She doesn't wear make up since she feels too young for it at the moment- but plans to wear a little when she gets a little older to look more mature.

✰ HEIGHT 166 cm | 5'4"

✰ WEIGHT 102 lbs | 46.2 kg

✰ BODY  She's pretty skinny, though she's not too frail. 

✰ OUTFITS [No reference yet sozz]

✰ OTHER FEATURES She's not too tall, but her legs are kind of long.







✰ Dogs

✰ Disorganization

✰ The rain

✰ When Nao is Laze

✰ Kyūdō

✰ Drawing Too Much Attention

✰ Sweets

✰ Large Crowds 

✰ Sea food

✰ Sour or Salty Flavors

✰ Cooking 

✰ Loud Eating

✰ Animal Plushies 

✰ Shopping

✰ Quiet Places 

✰ Her Family



▷ Nao
 Childhood Friend  ✰ Crush 
"He can frustrating and embarrassing, but I really do want to be closer to him ..." 
Kaori has known Nao for a pretty long time due to their parents being friends. She didn't like him too much at first since she found him to be spoiled, but over time she has warmed up to him, even growing a fondness for him. She eventually started to even view him as a friend and spends more time with him than she does with anyone else her own age. Their friendship consists of lots of nagging from Kaori, but she only does it because she cares for him and doesn't like seeing him be a lazy butt.
She does cherish her friendship with Nao, but as of recently she's realized that she does want to be something more than a friend to him so she's trying her best to be a little more kind, though of course- she still keeps her strictness with him. She just tries her best not to push away his affection, but she can't help but to get overwhelmed sometimes...

Kaori has also started practicing cooking so that she can impress him!

But she fails....  :^((