➻ Kaden



3 years, 10 months ago


KADEN - The Healer

Age older adult

Pronouns he/him

Alignment social good

Demeanor exuberant

Species V. sapiens

Rank Epsilon

If Kaden could describe his life from the start until now, he'd characterize it by the constant renewal of his life path. From a rocky start in a Britian-based crime family (as a reluctant torturer and witness to atrocities he'd rather not revisit) to becoming the Epsilon and doctor for a renown US-based pack (i.e. the Lightstone Coalition), he knows himself blessed to be where he is now rather than dead in a ditch. He wouldn't ever call himself religious anymore, but if there was ever a higher power, he'd credit them for helping him find his way to his now husband and wife (Gatsby and Maia).
The two brought him out of the lowest point in his life and stuck through his roughest moments and he couldn't be more grateful to the life they gave him. He's dedicated himself to the well-being of his mates and their shared children as a result and makes it a priority alongside his own fieldwork (especially since he hates thinking about what it would be like to lose the only family that he's been able to love and keep). Though he's known for being loving, boisterous, playful, and exceedingly generous to those he comes across (and he's gotten sweeter over the years, if you could imagine it), he has a noticeable bias towards his nuclear pack above all else. He has an extremely strong work ethic for someone who comes across as easily distracted, and channels it into doing the best work he can with the gifts he's been given. And considering how sweet he is as an individual, you know you've messed up if you get on his bad side.