scarecrow prince's Comments

would this wishful design interest u.. can offer multiple guys so ur welcome to look around my th! folder forevermore offlimits !! (if the offer falls through ofc!)

i can do $50 and feel free to look around my toyhouse @ anyone!

helloo!! would anyone here be of interest ? (aphelion, galileo, edison, and romeo offlimits ^^)

Heya!! You have some really gorgeous characters, wow! 😭 This design caught my eye most, though I sadly wouldn't trade for them alone ;__; If it's alright to ask -- your work is so beautiful, and I was wondering if you'd be up for adding art to the offer? (or honestly, I'd take art alone omg!)
Apologies if this was out of turn to ask, and I completely understanding if you aren't interested or are unable to do additional art   

wahh thank you so much!! i really really appreciate it omg QwQ

i unfortunately dont think im ready to let go of nanael, but as for an art-only offer, i would be willing! just as a warning beforehand ive been struggling with my health lately & have a bit of a long queue, so the wait time could be a while :"0 but if thats alright with you then id be happy to! feel free to dm me here or via discord (@wyrrmwood) and we can work out details, but absolutely no pressure if you find a different offer ^^

That's totally understandable about Nanael, no worries!! but omg I'm honestly super excited to hear you're up for the art only offer instead -- it's very much alright that there'd be a delay, I'm content to wait so dw!! <:'] (Especially for health related delays, pls don't feel rushed in the slightest, oh gosh 😢)

I'll shoot you a dm here asap regarding the offer!! I've been a bit swamped myself and haven't had the chance to yet, but should be able to get back to you by tonight!! <3