Kyoko Suzuki



3 years, 11 months ago


Kyoko Suzuki
Hero Student


Apathetic • Tired • Musical • Quiet

Kyoko is a student at UA High School. If you don't know her, she seems rather emotionless. She keeps on a blank stare most of the time as she doesn't want to be a bother by showing any emotions that would be considered worrisome. Along with this, she doesn't know how to express said emotion very well. Often, she will find herself copying other people's facial expressions and gestures to try and act like a normal person. Or figure out what you would usually do in a situation.

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  • Music
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Cats
  • Composing


  • Coffee
  • Loud Noises
  • Disruptions
  • Sleep
"Is it so wrong of me to want to see you smile?"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus.


• Sound Frequency

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

• Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.

• liquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac

• Nulla et consectetur diam.


• Kyoko is musically talented, having two parents as musicians and being surrounded by music ever since she was younger. A child prodigy.

• Kyoko cannot swim. She was never taught to when she was a child.

• Her favorite animal are pandas! Something about them are just... nice to her.

• Kyoko's favorite color is green. It reminds her of the outdoors.

• Her nickname is Kyo-chan (given to her by Kaze, see below) and Ko-chan (given to her by Saki Na!)

• She usually doesn't sleep, instead taking time to practice and study.



Anders Lagwich

Kyoko thinks of Anders as one of her close friends though she's not sure he feels the same way.(Even though they are in the friend group of Resilience together.) She doesn't want to imply that between the two as she's nervous as to what he would say in response. They're both pretty quiet people but the silence is never awkward between the two. She considers it quite lovely in fact. If Kyoko had to trust anyone in UA currently, that trust would go to Anders. She truly thinks he's a wonderful person and would like to get to know him better as he seems to have trouble talking about himself. He's one of the first people she's ever felt comfortable around and she is always willing to share music with him. Along with that, he also bakes and she loves to try anything that he makes as a fellow baker! They seem to get along with eachother pretty well.


Sapphire Ishikari

Kyoko considers Sapphire as one of her close friends as well. She and Anders make up Kyoko's friend group: Resilience. She finds the girl's attitude quite refreshing as she's cheery in contrast to the two quiet kids. Kyoko also thinks in general, it's quite lovely to be around Sapphire. Her personality is somewhat contagious and Kyoko can't help but feel a bit of joy from interacting with Sapphire though the other girl might not realize it. All she has is to trust Kyoko's words of confirmation about the matter- she is very honest. Kyoko hopes to help the other girl get ahold of her temper and appreciates her presence in general.


Kaze Hariken

Kyoko thinks of Kaze as a very close friend of hers and she is inclined to think he believes the same! After all, Kaze didn't seem like the type to lie about such matters. She admires all that he does and thinks how much passion and determination he puts into things is admirable. He's a very bright figure in her life- she thinks of him as a star. He seems to spread this warm aura wherever he goes and she can't help but feel happier around the other boy. As a fellow orphan, she realizes that they have a few things in common and thinks of Kaze as a bit of a brother figure- though the other might not know it yet.


Hanako Fujimori

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Seyoon Lee



Hanako Fujimori

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

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