


4 years, 16 days ago


A foot in two worlds, belonging in neither.

Name Merlin
Age 26
Alias N/A
Gender Male
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns He / Him
Role Pirate
Species Mer/Siren Hybrid

  • Lean hourglass build.
  • 6'0 feet tall.
  • Often goes barefoot.
  • Always wears lots of jewelry.
Reference Here

Merlin acts very confident and flirtatious most of the time, and he tends to flirt with people without actually meaning most of the things he says. He never expects people to flirt back, and often gets flustered if they do. He often pretends that everything is fine and that he's perfectly ok, even when it's obvious that he isn't.He often has trouble trusting others, especially other mer and sirens, due to a troubled history because of his hybrid nature. He has a lot of trauma from his past that follows him in the present, which he tries to ignore.

He's very starved for affection and positive attention, and if he feels accepted and loved by someone it can be easy for them to manipulate him, since he will do anything to avoid losing that positive attention that he craves so badly.

Merlin is a curious and wandering soul, who likes to explore and travel. It's very uncommon for him to stay in one place for long, and he never settles down in one place for more than a week or so. He loves to find new places and new things, and likes collecting shells. He is also very energetic and talkative, often idlely moving around and very rarely staying still.


solitary social
observent dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


Merlin's singing voice is hypnotic, and can put people into a trance where they will follow his commands. Along with this, his voice is one of his main weapons, as he is capable of producing a shrill, ringing scream when threatened that will stun anyone in the nearby area.

He generally doesn't use his scream unless the situation is dire, since it does a number on his throat and often requires a period of resting after use.


Merlin can transform at will between a human form and his natural mer form. This transformation can last as long as he wishes it to, but only when he's near the ocean. The father away from water he gets, the weaker his powers get and the less he is able to use them.

Fighting Style

Merlin's style of fighting is focused more on evasion and getting a safe distance away from an enemy, but he can do some serious damage if he needs to. Despite his generally calm nature, Merlin is an apex predator and will use his natural strengths to defend himself and his loved ones.


Merlin was born at a small, unnamed coral reef in a cave; even when he was young he never stayed in one place for long. His mother was the main one who took care of him, his father already rather absent from his life.

When Merlin was about 5 years old his father left for good, and Merlin still hates him for leaving him and his mother alone.

Merlin had a very lonely life growing up; the only person he could fully trust was his mother. He was often harassed and bullied by other sirens and mer when they came across him, since his hybrid nature made him an outcast and a target. He can't swim as fast now as he could when he was younger, since part of his lower tail fin was bitten off by a bull shark when he was younger, though he's still quite speedy.

Merlin's mother died about a year before the events of Hiraeth, when he was around 25.


  • He is left-handed.
  • He prefers using his teeth and claws to fight, but he isn't bad with a sword or dagger.
  • He plays the lyre, and is quite good at it.
  • His voice is very melodic and sweet, almost lilting.
  • His favorite animals are blue sharks and pufferfish.
  • Voice Claim

Aesthetic Mysterious + seductive
Alignment Chaotic Good
Sin Lust
Virtue Charity

Designer Myself
Obtained N/A
Status Never For Sale
Value N/A


Merlin met Luka when he saved him from a crew of human poachers, and Luka offered him a place on his ship while he recovered from the injuries sustained in that encounter. Merlin took the offer, and ended up becoming a permanent member of the Hireath crew, where he felt that he finally had a group of people who truly cared about him. He admires Luka's bravery and willingness to do what is right, and this admiration eventually turned to love.

Both Luka and Merlin are very dedicated to each other, and will often be found together. Merlin is the more tactile one in the relationship, but only by a little bit; all in all, their relationship is a very touchy and cuddly one.

Found Family

The crew of the Hiraeth is the family that Merlin always wanted but never had. With them he finally feels safe and loved; he feels like he belongs. It took a while for him to really warm up to the crew and trust them, but now he trusts them with his life and would give his life for them in return.