Hickory's Comments

i read your rules!! they’ll likely be a sheepish little brother to another character of mine, with a fascination for rocks! he’s immensely curious, but sticks close to his older sister! this is all if i’m able to get him of course^^

ah! if they’re still available i’d love to claim them! they’re so so cute, and id love to make them a main character in a world i’m building!! i love their design, the colors are so satisfying!!

Make sure to read the folder description ^^

Ohhh, I love this bab! Their colors remind me of blueberries, and I've been looking for a blueberry-themed character. I don't exactly know what I would use them for, but they give me strong camping/summer vibes, so maybe they'd be a park ranger or camp counselor... or maybe just a hiker! Either way, they seem like a really fun character with a lot of potential, so I hope they go to a loving home! ^^

Make sure to read the folder description ^^

Love your idea btw 

Oh, yes, thanks, I did read your rules! (Certain text was a bit hard to see against my current toyhouse theme...)

Hey shoot I was going to transfer them to you a while ago then completely forgot,, 

All yours though! Enjoy them! 

oh my gosh, thank you!! :D