Puumy's Comments

Are they still ufo? 

I can offer anyone here https://toyhou.se/Nekuu/characters/folder:1354762 (hope the link work) 

I can do mix offer money+char or money+art, art+ char you can check my sample ^_^ 

But if you interest in custom i could do it too! 


does any1 in my th interest u? :o

Does this Jumyte design interest you at all? :3 https://toyhou.se/6776991.tbn

Do they interest you? (18+!)


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Hi, are you considering resale?

yes, lmk if ur interested

Do u see anyone from my th or in HATCHERGOLD

Anyone from my Th?

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cute but prob not :^)

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yes! sorry for the late response lol (also u have some really cute charas :D)

i could go down more if u were interested :v

sorry for the late response but nty ;;

Anyone in ♡?

i love fuwa but i dont think they count lol ty fr offering thoo

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sorry for the late response !! u got cuties but nty ;;

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sorry for the late response, u have rly cute charas but nty <3

Someone from my ufo folder? Mig and dainty slot off limits!

Anyone in my th interest you?

i liked taerang, but i do see u just got em :’o

Yeah he's nfs sorry!


see anyome in my th? hope im not bothering u🙏

ur fine!! n u got lots of cute charas but none id do 3

see anyone in my th?

mm nty ;;!

Anyone in my th besides aries would interest u? ;;

ah i didn't see anyone! ty for offering tho!

see someone in my th?? sorry if im bothering btw btw! <3

ur good, as long as u only offer when u have mainly different characters ur fine!! and nty i liked one but i dont think id be able to connect+im LF a swap :o

Anyone here interest you? Could maybe do mult, depends on who ^ ^

u do have cute guys but no one id do :"o

I looked through your favs and I own one of it by keiiyen c: if not, I can offer anyone on my th


aa i wouldn't do them!! n u got other cuties swell but no-one id do c';

i liked sora but i wouldn't do em, sorry! ty for offering tho :>

does anyone in my th interest u?

aa i do like ryo but i prob wouldn't do em :,3

ahh no worries!

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aa u got a lot of cuties but nty :,o

Anyone on my th? <3

aa u got super cuties but no one id do :'>

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nty sry!!

I can offer this guy https://toyhou.se/3065476.up-for-trade if you're interested if not it's totally fine.

aa ntyy ;;;;

would you consider this dude? https://toyhou.se/7149254.ismael

Would anyone from my th interest u for em? :0 ✨

Forever homed tag is only off limits 

u got a lot of cute charas but no one id do for em xC

Anyone from my th? :0 

🦋 folder is mostly off limits tho but if you see someone do lmk I might consider

aa u got a bunch of cuties but no one id do >.

would you be interested in usd at all?

hmm nty unless its a voucher for another jumy design ;v;

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ohh im v interested but i wouldn't do puumy < / 3 feel free to look elsewhere though(not sure who id do in 001) or if youre interested in art/customs

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see someone in my th?

wait was the designer jumyte orr..?

aghh cutiee

interested in this swap? :o

Yea I’d be down!💕

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anyone in ‘offer’? :0 except leonato hes pending unfortunately ^^ or them ? https://toyhou.se/5055821.noah-

Hiya, does anyone in my th interest you?

I love https://toyhou.se/9538847.oro but I understand if not since they said forever homed^^💕

Ah, I don’t think I’d be able to trade em 😔 ty for looking though!

Keiiyen anyone in my th? no ones off limits