Oliver Finch



3 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer
$60 - $85




name Oliver Finch
age 29 years old
stats 6'0" / 180 lbs
gender cisgender male
pronouns he/him/his
sexuality demiromantic bisexual
species aussie/dalmation
occupation medical practitioner

Antisocial / Performative / Critical / Megalomaniac / Clever / Corrupt / Anxious

Oliver adapts his personality to suit the situation, whether that means making himself more approachable, or scaring off everybody within a five mile radius. He sees other people for what he can get out of them, and has only a few genuine relationships as a result. He prefers to be socially withdrawn, but understands the need for a good reputation and is wise enough to keep proper allies. If he thinks a connection will work in his favor, he knows how to talk and work the room to get what he wants. If he doesn't, it's not uncommon for him to come across as blunt or unnecessarily rude to the people he meets. He has a superiority complex, in addition to an exhausted temper, so if there's nothing to lose he'll gladly dismiss or antagonize a stranger. The exception to his antisocial nature is that he has a performative personality, and likes the attention he can get from captivating others. If he's in the mood to show off, he'll happily entertain guests and is known to be a bit flamboyant in his gestures and conversation. That being said, his demeanor depends entirely on the amount of sleep he's had, and the other person's value to him.

His primary motivations are to be recognized as something greater than he is, and he wants others to fall beneath him. As mentioned before, he likes to be in control of the room and perform to others expectations. Charming smiles, clever words, and insincere compliments are all tools of the trade when it comes to achieving what he wants. He's constantly thinking of how to make himself more important, or to at least look the part. In his professional life, this translates to unethical medical practices and experimentation to achieve "greatness," whatever that may be. Any action he thinks will impress or lead to a profound discovery, he'll take, but not without hesitation. As much as he suppresses it, Oliver has paranoid tendencies and doesn't make decisions without first obsessively evaluating the consequences. He's terrified of potential failure, humiliation, or accountability for any of his criminal offenses. All of which are potential outcomes in his daily work. It's no mystery why he'd want to hide the source of his anxiety, but he also hates being perceived as weak. He's very careful to manipulate the impressions other people have of him, and would never willingly come across as anxious or weak-willed.

Regarding his medical career, there are two parts to Oliver's work. On one hand, he's helpful to people seeking discounted treatments or surgeries mainstream doctors wouldn't perform without tedious vetting and long wait-times. Things like hysterectomies, plastic surgery, and experimental treatments are things he sees as practice and will willingly undertake at a low cost. On the other hand, he won't ask permission to take apart a "misplaced" cadaver, or even a living person if he suspects nobody will miss them. Anything in the name of greatness, he can justify, and he rarely feels remorse for what he does. Even in cases where his patient consents to the procedure, when something goes wrong he only cares about what will happen to him because of it. He'll dispose of any potential whistle-blowers or failed experimentations if they can't be salvaged or convinced to keep quiet. In any case, he's only mildly sadistic and usually focuses more on his objective than inflicting pain on others.

Oliver is tall with a thin frame, but dresses in layers to appear more built. He also has cropped ears, like a doberman, and a thick tail.

Oliver is both mindful of his health, and neglectful of it. He won't let himself deteriorate to the point where he can't function, but missed meals and sleepless nights are typical occurrences.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut.


Work in progress

Work in progress

Jay, his half sister, is the last connection he has to his biological family. He's reluctant to form a bond with her, but she's been persistent enough that it's easier to leave her be.


Oliver takes after his mother, as much as he resents the fact, who was an anxious and weak-willed woman with an abusive husband. The latter man was completely insufferable to live with, and in an elaborate plot Oliver convinced his mother that murdering him was her only option. Although he'd carefully laid out an alibi and story for her to follow, she panicked and ultimately committed suicide after the act. When Oliver felt more relieved than mortified after the incident, he realized there was more he was capable of than just being someone's bastard son. He also developed an obsession with control and the need to prove himself as someone above consequences or limitations.

He entered medical school with the goal of changing the world, but was ultimately bored by the focus on philanthropy and benefiting others. His motivations were purely self-serving and for recognition, so he changed course to study pharmacology and developing groundbreaking treatments for disease. He was also fascinated by the developments in modern surgery, so he studied those procedures on the side. He's proven himself to be incredibly intelligent and adaptable to multiple fields, but first and foremost he cares about publishing his scientific findings–not helping people with them.
