Elidra Gerathos (Xenomagi-Corrupted)



Long ago, as Elidra was adjusting to her powers, her Chaotic alignment and frequent presence in space made her a prime target for the newly-formed Xenomagi, which slowly homed in on her and eventually took over her body. Her Chaos magic shifted from a rich purple to almost black, and her mind was corrupted by the unnatural magic. In her distorted madness, she invaded Windsong, taking out Galahad's eye and almost killing Sirenne, before finally being overwhelmed and locked away.

However, many years later, she broke free from her prison and brutally murdered Sirenne, only to be met with the newly-powered-up Heroes of Windsong and defeated once more. She was quickly reduced to dark energy and sent off into space. A few years later, she finally regenerated, with Xenomagi purged from her body and her old personality restored.