


4 years, 3 months ago



Name Sojun
Pokemon Alolan Marowak
Age 338 yrs old
Nature Relaxed
Height 6'0"
Ability Cursed Body
Gender Cis Male
Characteristic Takes plenty of siestas

A member of Gobi's ghost team, Sojun is a lazy and unenthusiastic monk who prefers to relax and not get involved in any activities he deems too troublesome. However underneath his irriated and deadpan expression lies a very kind and understanding individual with a strong moral compass and sense of loyalty to his teammates.


  • Naps
  • Passionate people
  • Board games
  • Springtime


  • Doing work
  • Rude people
  • Impatient people
  • Standing up straight


Before his death Sojun was kicked out of his monastery as he was deemed unfit as a monk due to his lazy personality. Left with nowhere to go and alone for the first time in his life, Sojun confined himself in the mountains where he would die of starvation during his meditation. He awoke again and found a sense of relief with his new undead body and decided he would live life stress free, realizing he would not have to deal with any of the responsibilities and expectations given to him during his life at the monastery. He accidentally stumbled upon Gobi as they happened to be bathing in the same pool one day and he was shocked to find someone just as lazy as he was (if not LAZIER LMAO). Gobi enjoyed his laid back personality and offered him a home at the bathhouse, stating Sojun would not have to do anything if he didn't want to, but that it would do him some good being around others. Sojun happily accepted as he missed being around others, and has since then enjoyed his time at Gobi's, lounging around and doing a few tasks here and there.


  • Fire Punch
  • Bonemerang
  • Rest
  • Brick Break


  • Sojun's main "job" is simply to make sure lanterns are kept on. It is an easy enough task that Gobi gave him that he manages to maintain.
  • Sojun is the best drinker in the house. Alchohol seems to even affect the other ghosts but Sojun will never get drunk.
  • Not a picky eater. He will eat anything and everything. He will even eat the most disgusting kinds of food and be unbothered.
  • Seems easily irritable and unenthusiastic but he swears it's just how he looks. He is usually in a good mood and very easy to get a long with.
  • Loves to take naps in the oddest of places. He is very flexible and sometimes squeezes into weird corners to nap or sleeps on things funny.
  • A very skilled fighter. Whle he was kicked out of his monastery he did complete his training. He specialises in Southern Style Kung fu, mainly the Fujian White Crane (long distance form) and wing chun style.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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