Rymben Tyelcuru



3 years, 11 months ago


Rymben Tyelcuru 

Rymben “Cold Mountain Pool,” Tyelcuru “Silvertongue”

“Rim-Ben Tie-el-coo-roo”

Ry, Ben

Adult Male Kirindog

#649 in the Kirindog Masterlist

He’s pleasant with friends and family, cold and aloof towards strangers, loves mischief and pranks, can be really playful or really serious. He’s sharp-tongued when angry or scared (or feels like he’s surrounded by idiots, which, admittedly is often), and he’s earned the name silvertongue because of how persuasive he can be: he can coax almost anyone to do something he asks of them while making them feel like it was their idea.

He’s Chaotic Neutral but still a good boy. He’s also a hopeless, romantic, pansexual trash-dragon and I love him.

Ry’s Interests & Skills

Ry is a bit of a scholar and loves reading books on complex ideas/magic and shit like that.

When using magic it appears as emerald green smoke with gold and lighter green sparkles/flecks.

Ry Does What He Wants (& Why)

He sometimes feels as if, despite how smart and strong he is, he’s not good enough because he doesn’t consistently walk the straight an narrow like most people and it both pisses him off and, not that he’ll ever admit it, makes him sad. Thus fueling the sharp tongue, cold aloofness and seemingly nonsensical chaos he causes others. To be fair, he is chaotic neutral, so he does his best to make up for the shit he’s caused or to at least make it into something positive.

But Ry is also an asshole, kind of delights in it unless it’s someone he cares about, even then, depending on the convo, he’ll prove his tongue isn’t just silver, it’s razor sharp too. He also frequently feels as if he’s surrounded by idiots (tempering that attitude only for his close family/friends), and loves to cause chaos.

Ry & Privacy
Ry *does* understand the concept of privacy, he just doesn’t apply it to anyone else other than himself and a select few who’ve either earned his respect or scared the shit out of him when he invaded said privacy.