❤ Veronica



3 years, 11 months ago



I just look forward to you never
doubting me again.



Age 17

Gender Female

Orientation Bisexual

Status Alive

Occupation Student

Role Main

Nationality American

Association N/A

Birthday 10/11

Residence Somerset

Alignment Chaotic Good


Therefore I Am - Billie Elish


Dimwitted Intelligent


Unalluring Charismatic


Greedy Generous


Indifferent Considerate


Cold Empathetic


Ill tempered Controlled


Veronica cares highly for others, holding strong morals regarding what she deems right or wrong. Her intentions to help can often be amplified by her short temper, often unable to stand idly by if she feels there's something wrong. She's come a long way since her old impulsive, brash nature, though she feels she still has quite a ways to go.



Height 5'5'' (165 cm)

Weight 124 lbs (56 kg)

Species Lopunny

Designer Lampyridaes


  • Fluff is more curly/fluffy
  • Outfit varies
  • Slim, fit
  • Can mega evolve


Strength 73%

Agility 81%

Endurance 60%

Defense 68%

Magic 0%

Wit 63%


  • Packs a punch
  • Trained boxer
  • Can take a hit


  • Not very big
  • No self-preservation
  • Reckless



Veronica grew up in a house of 3. It had always been her mother, her brother, and herself with her father completely out of the picture by the time she was 4. She never moved out of the small town of Somerset in her 17 years there, and she never left the house she grew up in. She got into sports at an early age, and her family encouraged her growing fondness for them.

Her brother even started her interest in field shooting, often tagging along with him and his friends despite the age gap. They were, and still are, indisputably close. As a kid she'd almost never leave his side.

By the time she was 13 she'd fully grown to hate her town, holding resentment against authority and refusing to listen to anyone higher than her. Her older brother was the only person she hung out with on a consistant basis. During this was when she'd take up her primary passion: boxing. She took lessons under a family friend and caught on quick.

When she began high school her authority hating attitude started to dissolve, and by 16 she became more of the Veronica her friends had come to know. It wouldn't be long until she encountered her first tarnished mega, leading to her first true interaction with Austin.


After her encounter, she learns of Austin's involvement and questions him extensively on what is going on. When learning he knows just as much as her along with experiencing one of these megas first-hand, she decides that he can't uncover this mystery alone. Thus begins their partnership. Even though she gains a new, tight-knit group of friends, Veronica's decision to help might also lead to her demise...



  • Social Events
  • Fog
  • Abandoned buildings
  • Hot chocolate


  • Romantic movies
  • Monday
  • Puppets


  • Boxing
  • Cross Country
  • Field shooting


Fav food Cinnamon Bread

Fav animal Marten

Fav plant Spotted

Fav season Fall

  • Veronica is a shiny Lopunny
  • She takes rough inspiration from Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
  • Originally, she didn't have a brother, but it made sense to make her related to my other Lopunny OC
  • Her initial design used different colors than what she has now, and her jacket wasn't Somerset's varsity jacket

IDA mother

Veronica's relationship with her mother is rocky, hindered by her actions during her early teenage years. Lately she's been trying to improve it.

Veronica and her brother used to be inseparable. They still are, though less so as Veronica got older and aimed for more independance. He's also moved out since, though still visits home from time to time.

brother DEXTER

AUSTIN boyfriend

There is no one else in the world Veronica would give everything up for. She adores every inch about him, and she makes sure he knows it.

Calder spends his spare time at the same place Vero trains, so it was only natural they'd get to know each other. Despite being only a freshman, Veronica enjoys his company.

friend CALDER

BRIAR mentor

Veronica's boxing teacher, she looks up to Briar immensely for her skill and power. Briar's motherly nature also extends somewhat to Vero, lending to their close relationship.

Veronica sees a lot of herself in Harper, and she wants to help the sylveon grow a tougher shell. The last thing she'd want to see is a sweet girl taken advantage of.

friend HARPER

Code by maniCARNY