Gemma Delta



3 years, 11 months ago


Gemma’s story

Gemma has always been seen as kinda out of place and even wired, she was always mentioning how she would one day she would be "fight for French" despite it being impossible for her to even join the army, and her deciding to wear boy clothing as dresses suppository make her feel very unconformable for unknown reasons. Later down the years she would end up meeting someone who happens to go by Toppy, and well they could relate on a lot of stuff that lead to their "life long friendship". Tragically at the age of 12, life a changing incident occurred leading to Gemma being scared! for the next flew years Gemma would be left lost, but at the same time change Gemma for the better and the worst, like how she has quite a short temper that can lead to her getting kinda hostile to others even to those she cares for, but at the same time thought she not physically strong, she is very intelligent and is able to be quick on her feet to avoid danger around her well taking down the threat! Unfortunate due to what happen to her at 12, she can be very emotion, but she chooses to hide this away. When things seen be going normal for Gemma, it quickly change to fear and shock when she hear about Toppy's rise of power in Germany and looking to be a threat to Frances. No sooner Gemma had made her own army known as the Blue Wings and declared war on Toppy! Later after Belgium was invaded by Toppy she would invaded Belgium, only now she knew she was about to deal with her biggest fear Toppy.