Jozef Macy



4 years, 3 months ago


Jozef story

Jozef life was a struggle as he could never find successful anywhere regardless of how hard he tried to, he only found some sort of success when he eventually joins the army when the war of Europe started! During his time he found out how he was very strong with combat, however during a fight against the French, he was accidentally burn alive and barely made it out thanks to Priscilla saving him although he was left with very noticeable third degree burns! After a while Jozef mostly watch as others found something successful well he was stuck with nothing due to his condition which seem to form anger and even power hungry, he saw a change to find success after witnessing Priscilla’s assassination he quickly found a way for Belgium to believe he would fill in what Priscilla left behind! Evenally he became the next leader of Belgium! Things seem fine up until Belgium was invaded