


4 years, 3 months ago



Name Spiri
Called Spiri
Age 17
Gender Female
Race Human
Flower Daisy
Alignment Nervous Good
Theme TBA


  • Studious
  • Determined
  • Helpful
  • Loyal


  • Too trusting
  • Naiive
  • Physically weak
  • Easily embarrassed


  • Flowers
  • Minerals and rocks
  • Magic
  • Metalwork


  • Being taken advantage of
  • Ethical complexity
  • Getting lost
  • The dark



Spiri is 4'11" with short, pink hair, and pink eyes. She loves plaid as a pattern.


Spiri hails from Anuenue. She has family there, in the blacksmithing (mother and father) and flower arranging (brother) professions, however upon a trip to Alfard she was struck by some collapsing rubble and is currently suffering from amnesia. As her trip was not one of leisure, but to offer her aid to the struggling country, her family has not been expecting her back and thus she is currently left with few links to her life before her incident. Despite all this, Spiri elected to stay in Alfard and help the country rebuild; involving herself in a task she had no idea she intended to do in the first place. Spiri talks in a slightly odd fashion, using somewhat archaic forms of speech in battle, and out of battle when flustered or embarrassed. “You”s and “your”s are consistently changed with “thou” and “thy/thine”, and her insults follow a more archaic form as well, e.g., “Thou wretch!”. As Lyude was around in the area when the building side collapsed on Spiri and helped to dig her out, she harbors a fierce crush on him, though has trouble admitting it, saying she does him favors and dotes on him because he is a noble individual who saved her life. It was Lyude and what he is doing for his country that inspired Spiri to stay behind in Alfard after all and help to rebuild the country instead of attempting to figure out where she came from or who she is. Spiri is entranced with rocks and minerals, flowers (specifically daisies), metalwork and lanterns—one of which she carries at all time, mostly to fend off the dark (which she holds an intense phobia of), but also for decorative purposes.

Spiri uses her Flowering Composite (a bow) to attack in battle. Her offensive magnus consist of arrows, arrow tips, strings, and feathers, and she covers all types of damage except fire and water. Spiri’s ultimate goal is to prove she is useful, especially to the people she cares about. This is a deep-rooted want and need, still present despite her amnesia, and stemming from being the younger sibling in her family. Spiri also wants to be a knight; to devote herself to a leader and protect the innocent and the weak. This is not a deep-rooted want and need, and came about after her amnesia occurred.

Baten Kaitos

Weapon: Flowering Composite (Bow)
Finishing Trigger: "Archery!"
Equipment Magnus: Lanterns


Ruen  [ friend ]

Ruen is a mysterious figure from Spiri's past. He claims to have known her, and they surely get along well. She feels guilty that she doesn't remember him, especially given that he's patient with her. They are close friends.

Lyude  [ crush ]


Kanali  [ friend ]


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