


3 years, 11 months ago



Name : Goldenlily
Golden –– the color of her fur
Lily –– gentle, graceful, and caring personality
Pastnames : Goldenkit, Goldenpaw
Age : 37 Moons
Birthseason : Unknown
Gender : Female (she/her)
Rank : Warrior
Residence : ShadowClan
Mentor : Unknown
Apprentice : Unknown

Summary : Goldenlily is a golden tabby with white markings on her face, neck, back, belly, paws and tail, many of her stripes resemble flower petals, blue green eyes
Breed : Long Haired Tabby
Eye Colour : Blue-Green
Height : 7.5"
Body Type : Slim
Tail : Fluffy
Scars : None

Loving . Confident . Naive

Goldenlily was a very loving and caring cat. She was always looking out for her clanmates and supporting them when she could. She way also a great mentor even when she was an apprentice herself.

Unfortunately Goldenlily's naive nature allowed her to be easily manipulated and made it difficult for her to emotionally defend herself.

  • Silverberry, her sister and Scorchmask, her mate
  • Taking care of kits
  • Learning new things
  • Any form of conflict
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Dogs
Fears : Unknown
Habits : Unknown
  • Very quickly fell in love with Scorchmask during their apprenticeship.
  • Has a strong hatred for dogs after seeing how they had mutalated her poor sister.
  • A fellow clanmate began to spread rumors accusing her of killing off another ShadowClan warrior during a patrol which was the reason she decided to leave the clan and become a loner.

Herbial Knowledge

Father : Unknown
Mother : Unknown
Mate : Scorchmask, ShadowClan Warrior
Kits : Aria, Loner & Tawnyblaze, ShadowClan Warrior

Goldenkit was born a ShadowClan cat along side her sister Silverkit. When she became an apprentice she befriended Scorchpaw. The two initially got to know each other following the unfortunate passing of Scorchpaw's sister. Her sweet and compassionate demeanor allowed her to become his support system while he grieved the loss of his kin. After becoming warriors Scorchmask and Goldenlily became a couple, much to her sister's dismay. Silverberry wouldn't ever admit it but she was jealous of the relationship Goldenlily and Scorchmask had. Shortly after becoming mates, Goldenlily and Scorchmask would be expecting kits.

During her last patrol before moving to the nursery, Goldenlily was out on a patrol when a serious accident occured that killed another ShadowClan warrior. Upon returning to camp, rumors began to spread that Goldenlily was the cause of the accident. Fearing for her life and the life of her unborn kits, she ran far away from the camp, exiling herself. Not wanting to leave her mate behind, Goldenlily would make regular visits to ShadowClan's territory to meet with Scorchmask in secret. He would bring her meals when he could and the two would spend some of their time cuddling and talking about the past.

The time finally came for Goldenlily to give birth and in doing so she would pass away. Two of the kits would survive but one was born small and extremely frail. When Scorchmask arrived to check on his mate he would deem the weakest of the two in such poor shape that she would not be able to make it back to the camp. Instead he took back one of the kits to Silverberry, who would become the "mother" of the kit and Scorchmask's new mate. The weak kit would grow up under the care of a family of loners leading her to believe her mother was a complete loner and that he father abandoned her to die alone.

code by jiko