Seth Pyrel



7 years, 4 months ago




【Name】 Seth Michael Pyrel
【Age】 Varies
【Gender】 Male
【Birthday】 July 26th
【Species】 Human

【Nickname(s)】 Street Rat, Kitten, Bitch
【Orientation】 Bisexual
【Status】 Depends
【Occupation】 None
【Theme】 Twisted by Design and Walking Disaster -Sum 41

Put a quote here

【Eye Color】 Dark blue
【Hair Color】 Black with blonde tipped bangs
【Skin Tone】 Light tan
【Body Build】 Well-built

【Scars】 One across his lower back, the back left side of his neck, and his hands are also covered in scars.
【Natural Markings】 -
【Tattoos】 None
【Piercings】 Right ear




Seth finds no reason to hide anything about himself or to lie how he feels about others. He is an open book and if someone asks him a question he will answer it truthfully. It is easier to say what one already knows or feels than to think up a lie. Like everything there are exceptions, but these are rare.


He likes to be in charge and for people to follow his rules. If people don't, he is not above getting physical and forcing them to obey.


He can have a boyish charm, especially around girls. Seth may be rough around the edges, but he can have a fun and childish side if given the chance.


This one is pretty self explanatory. He likes his looks..a lot. He knows he looks good, and he knows you know he looks good.

  • His looks
  • Old Couches
  • The occasional fist fight
  • Being in charge
  • Cats
  • People who don't fight fair
  • those that are mean to old ladies or young children
  • Who he is inside

Something here

Figure out what to type here



Seth was born into a loving family, and all was well except for one thing: him. He was a hellion child that would do anything to get his way. At the age of 14, he overheard his parents talking about sending him away to get his behavior fixed, so instead of dealing with that he ran away. It was no good to stay in the same place as his parents, so he managed to make it to a different city. It was there he met a homeless man that took him under his wing, gave him a place to stay, and taught him how to survive on the streets. One day the man never came home, but Seth continued to thrive in the rough environment. The streets had become home.

Years passed, and he became the 'king' of the street rats. The streets belonged to him and soon a group of teenagers began to follow him. He became best friends with a large Scottish male named Drustan, and not long after they became friends, Ricky and his friend Jack also started hanging around. As the months passed, his trust in Jack lessened and his feelings for Drustan grew. He wanted to be more than just friends with the Scottish male, but he was scared to ruin the relationship they already had.

One day everything spiraled downhill. Drustan's younger brother was found dead, Jack -the last person who had been with the brother- left, and Drustan partly blamed Seth for what happened since Seth had not trusted Jack and could have prevented the death. Seth later found out that Jack was not responsible for killing the kid, but the damage had been done. Drustan was gone. All he had left was Ricky, but the younger male died not long after, so now he was alone with nothing but his memories. The only reason he stayed in the city was in hopes that Drustan would return.

Time passed agonizingly slow, but eventually Drustan returned. It was not a happy reunion, and in the end Seth ended up killing his friend out of mercy. Defeated and broken, he left the city and began to wander, praying for death. Death nearly came, but he was rescued by a gentle soul. He quickly fell for this caring individual, and for once in his life he was truly happy. The two of them had a kid, a beautiful son named Aiden. He and Aiden didn't always get along, but for the most part he was happy. He lived to see his son turn 17, and after that he joined Drustan in the afterlife.



Drustan [ Friend/Crush ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Aiden [ Son ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Jackal [ Enemy ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Ricky [ Friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Callum [ Friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Adrian [ Brother ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


  • When he was younger, he had a love for movie monsters.
  • He finds his hair the most important part of his looks. The only person he trusts to style it is a lady named Marilyn. She also serves as an older sister figure to him.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

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