


4 years, 3 months ago


EVERYTHING IN THIS CHARACTER IS A W.I.P IM REMODELING HIM SO TO SAY so some stuff and pictures might not be here and some new things will be added

Dartmouth theme/playlist

1.What’s up danger 

2. Hurts so good

3.Black catcher 


5.The nights

6.Run boy run 


7.Every juice wrld song
Name: Lukaness nebula luna(technically his last name would be Geokracen because thats his dads last name)  clan given name: Dartmouth kanji darthakk
Pronunciation: Lu-kahn-ess,Da-rt-mou-th
Nicknames: Dart,luke,sharp child,Black blade(hero name)
Age: 20
Birthday: June 26
Birthplace: Terosa town
Species: stickman
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight 
Height: 6’3

.:Distinguishing features:.

A purple stick figure about 6’3 with purple eyes. He wears a mask that he turned into a scarf that belonged to the clan Vallation(thou he isn’t apart of it).He also carries a back and grey katana. He has a scar on his left pectoral and he has an old clan brand on his back. He wears bandages on his hands as well.

Current residence: He’s a nomad but he’s been seen around Magdurus and Andorough city
Current home: nomad often crashes on clan Vallations couch
Occupation: bounty hunter/ affiliated ally of clan Vallation/swordsmen
Relationship status: single and looking
Social status: known by others as a shadow first he’s there and then he isn’t 

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent:
Language: common, Japanese 
Other languages known: knows a little dragonic but he cant say more then a sentence 
Style of speaking: verbal,ASL

.: Personality :.

Overall decent guy even thou he is extremely arrogant. He’s quite sweet and kind but he only shows it to people he really cares for. When angered he can be very cold and unforgiving. 

Likes: training,meditating,sparring
Dislikes: his heritage,death,someone touches to tries to steal soul slash.
Hobbies/past times: playing with his knifes,sharpening his weapons
Guilty pleasures: kissing a girl on the lips
Pet peeves: none
Personal goals: to find his sister and become the king of swords(Basically the worlds greatest swordsmen) 
Religious values: he believes there is a afterlife and a hell
General intelligence: hes smart excelling in strategic tactics
General sociability: tends to be very social but only to people he’s close to tends to glare at others most of the time

.: Relationships :.


Thraxx geokracen (father)

Lua comet luna(sister)

Mia nova luna(mother)


tiro(rival):Tiro and Dart have a friendly rivalry mainly based on the sparring matches they have. They keep track of score of who wins each match(Tiro has won every single match they have had.)

Lua: his sister is bent on killing him after what happened to his mother he freezes when he sees her and and has terrible flash backs form when she left him.

Rhya: these 2 hate each other for reasons unknown just being in a room together results in a fist fight.

Friends (currently)

Vessel: Vessel is like Darts vent machine. Dart can speak to vessel about pretty much anything and vessel will listen. Vessel also has this need to hug dart calling him his nickname “sharp child”

Tiro: Tiro and Dart get along fine. Dart sees Tiro as a true hero and leader and Dart has the upmost respect for Tiro. The 2 are close when Dart shows up for the occasional visit. Tiro tried to get Dart to join clan vallation because he’s thinks he would be a good member but he keep declining because Dart doesn’t like to be chained down and he’s still recovering from all the PTSD leaving his previous clan.

Love interest

Doesn’t have time for that atm

.: Combat :.

General Skills: martial arts,boxing(learns that from Tiro), extremely skilled with a sword one of the best and plans on being the best
Peaceful or violent? peaceful unless provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: Dragon-steel katana’s soulslash and Caliburn, bare fists

.: Abilities :.


Dartmouth can run faster and react then any stickman. He hones this power in his training arc to be able to do that anime thing where he cuts multiple times into a opponent in a blink of a eye and when he seathe his sword all the cuts come striking the opponent in a flurry of slash’s.

-Heaven and Hell solo sword styles-

Dartmouth learns these sword styles from his sensei Zenith Suraisu. This style utilizes 1 or 2 swords depending what style. Hell style is composed of deep vicious slices leaving mortal wounds and making the enemy’s feel pain. Heaven style makes up of quick slices and cutting through the enemy completely so they don’t feel pain when they die. Dartmouth can use both of these styles separately but is still learning how to use them in tandem.


A legendary technique only known by the greatest of swordsmen. A special energy that augments and cloaks the swordsman sword’s in a dark red and black energy. This triples the sword power in terms of durability and strength. It does burn through the users energy pretty quickly so it is only used if the opponent is especially strong.

.: Fears :.


he fears it more then anything he dosent want to die until he has done everything he can in this earth 


.: Health :.


has extreme PTSD from traumatic experiences happened to him

tiggers are:his real name,mention of his mother and mention of his old clan.

.: History :.

As a kid Dartmouth went by Luke his full first name being Lukaness. He and his sister Lua were as thick as thieves. They had a loving mother and had no idea their father was a serial killer and that there life’s would go down spiraling fast. It all began when Dartmouth was 10 and he was kidnapped by the clan Darthrakk. He was brainwashed and raised under the new name Dartmouth and taught the ways of the ninja until he was 19. For 9 years he killed and assassinated innocent and not so innocent people without a second thought. Until he went on the mistake of going on mission to assassinate Tiro. This did not go well and this ended up dart getting kidnapped and questioned by clan Vallation. Clan Vallation actually was able to help Dart and undo the brainwashing that his former captors had done to him. After leaving Clan Vallation hideout Darthrakk sent a ultimatum saying that they have Darts mother and sister and if he dosent bring Tiro to them they will kill both of them. Dart rushes back to the base pleading with Tiro and clan Vallation to help him. Tiro decides to help him and the clan get ready to go on a rescue mission. When they infiltrate darthrakk’s base a fight ensues ending up with the leader of Darthrakk Kanji killing dart mother and in a fury Dart goes on a rampage, Tiro manages to get Dart under control not before Dart murders Kanji by shoving his sword up into his mouth piercing the brain . Dart and Tiro run back to clan Vallation base just to hold his mother in his arms as she dies. Darts sister Lua goes insane with grief of  the loss of their mother and blamed Dart and vowed to kill him. After the funeral Tiro approached Dart asking him to join his clan. Darts declines saying he’s been through too much and he needs to find out his purpose in life alone. Tiro understands and give Dart a Vallation mask and told him that if he needs help clan Vallation won’t hesitate to come and help. Dart wears the mask to this day.Dartmouth goes to train with a previous king of the swords Zenith Suraisu. He trains him in the hell and heaven styles and teaches him how to learn the dark energy Hako.


currently a bounty hunter.He’s also a clan vallation affiliated ally. He doesn’t live anywhere in soulrune ceir even thou he crashes on clan vallations couch every now and then but he really doesn’t like staying in 1 place for to long. He’s currently looking for his sister Lua as well to try to reconcile some things. His main goal is becoming the next king of the sword’s in all of SRC.


.: Other Details :.

- Dart has a pet Hawk he names shinobi. She’s a shadow hawk that somehow no matter where dart is she finds him and gives him cuddles