
3 years, 8 months ago


Escaton playlist
1.The hills-the weeknd  


.: General Info :.

Name:Escaton Zora Zenith
Pronunciation: Es-ca-ton
Nicknames: Esca,TheBlackDragon(his online username that he uses on Chikatwitter,Kahoot,smash bros and among us as well other online platforms)
Age: 17
Birthday: December 15th
Race: Japanese decent
Species: Stickman
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Height: 5’9

.:Distinguishing features:.

Dark grey stickfigure about 5’9 almost always wearing his dad’s black and grey windbreaker and his mother’s necklace hidden under his windbreaker. His right eye is a black color and his left eye color can differ to what element mode he’s in but mostly it’s in a dull grey. His right arm is a scaly,gnarly black that occasionally glows faintly when nervous.

Current residence:sunmerith academy
Current home: sunmerith academy
Occupation: Student at sunmerith 
Relationship status: single
Social status: one of the many students at sunmerith

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: soul from soul eater 
Language: common and Japanese 
Other languages known: other
Style of speaking: verbal

.: Personality :.

Very introverted but not shy he just chooses not to talk to people he tends to get spaced out a lot. He is a solid C+ student. He’s much more comfortable once he makes friends and he becomes more open. He’s far more mature then his fellow classmates but somehow gets tangled up into their shenanigans and adventures. He’s also very wary of his right arm makes him feel extra unsafe around others part of the reason why he isolates himself.

Likes: being alone,carrots,heros,smash bros,monster hunter,nerf gun wars,Kahoot,dragons
Dislikes: his right arm,homework, assholes
Hobbies/past times: he plays a lot of games on his phone,studying
Guilty pleasures: Hugs
Pet peeves: people who tap their pencil and people who ask to see his right arm
Personal goals: to control his cursed arm
Religious values: he doesn't believe in god but does believe there something in the universe pulling the strings.
General intelligence: smart kid could get A+ if he wanted but he just doesn’t push himself.
General sociability: somewhat shy seen more often in the corner in his phone or staring into space. But after making friends he becomes more open and hangs out.

.: Relationships :.

Mom and father who died

Abusive uncle who left him at sunmerith


Friends (currently)
His classmates of the academy 

Love interest
He has one yes but that's a secret i'll never tell but you can sure as hell try to guess

.: Combat :.

General Skills: is profound in boxing and karate he can chain combos like a freaking video game character 
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful unless provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: his bare hands

.: Abilities :.

-The arm of the black dragon-
Born with a corrupted right black dragon arm Escaton can control the elements of fire,thunder,ice and dragon. Well he can’t really control it yet he’s still learning on how to use it. He can keep it under control for the most part but under emotional distress he can lose control and element’s can explode form his arms at random. His left eye seems to change color based off of what element mode he’s in,orange-red for fire,yellow for thunder,clear blue for ice and deep crimson for dragon.Later on he learns to buff his overall body using the elements.

-magic sensor-
He can sense others based of of their magic aura although he can’t see through walls he can get a feeling of strong magic powered people if they are in his range.

-hyper relfexes-

can catch shit to the point of not looking because of all the shit his uncle use to throw at him since he was 7 he adapted quick.

.: Fears :.

-Harm OCD -

He fears that hell hurt anyone because of his arm

.: Health :.

He has PTSD form all the abuse he endured form his uncle and the death of his parents


.: History :.


Is a student at summerith academy 

.: Other Details :.

-Hes one of the Kahoot Big 3
-froze nick while nick grabbed is right am and turned him into the infamous nicksicle meme