Farrah Whitaker



4 years, 3 days ago



Name Farrah Whitaker
Age 33 Years
Birthday November 15th
Species Human
Gender Demigirl
Orientation Pansexual
Pronouns They/Them or She/Her
Occupation Musician
Status Single
Theme First Battle - Pkmn Colosseum

As a public figure, Farrah generally keeps their personal and professional lives completely separated. As a result, most folks don't see the musician for who they really are. On stage, Farrah is relatable: friendly, slightly awkward, full of energy or mild witticisms and plenty of encouragement for fans. They speak out in defense of the downtrodden or struggling, and advocate for those following their dreams. Outside of the public eye, Farrah isn't entirely different - just enough. Life comes with a lot more stress. Having been in the spotlight from a young age and a rich family, they are often naive to real world issues. They're too formal and often come off as aloof or cold. Their humor supports this - made up of incredibly deadpan snark. They're embarrassed to talk about their personal interests - as if it's shameful to show intrigue in anything but reform and education.


Nearly 100 years ago, Pokemon disappeared entirely from the Deprin Region. Nobody knew why, but it threw the region into unsurmounted chaos it still hasn't bounced back from. As far as struggles go, in this world, Farrah had what many would call a privileged childhood. They would call it 'stifling and suffocating.' Born into a very rich family, Farrah was raised with their entire future planned from birth - their manners, education, business-savvy, the ability to network - it was all drilled into them constantly from a young age. Creative pursuits and personal interests were actively discouraged if not stamped out. This incredibly closed off childhood was all Farrah knew, until they were sent to University to study Marketing and Finance.

College broke the shackles that held the young heiress down, and they fled from their childhood quite quickly. While dutifully they finished their degree, they branched out into as many artistic, creative, and historical pursuits as they could. This eventually led to them breaking away from their family, and trying life as a musician. They took to music like a fish to water - and eventually, made it big enough to be heard on local store radios somewhat frequently. They went by a new stage name, a new life, and relied only on themselves and their hard work and talent as a new celebrity.

During a meet-and-greet after a concert early in their career, a fan gave Farrah a luxury ball. They stated that it 'seemed to match their aesthetic' - and Farrah got a chuckle out of it. Black and red ball, black and white aesthetic. Cute. How little they knew - years later, Pokemon miraculously came back to the world. Mystified, Farrah took that Luxury Ball, which they'd kept polished on their bedside all that time, to be checked out. Inside, was their new Pokemon Partner - a galarian zigzagoon that they decided to name Decibel. Black and white... meet black and white.


  • Farrah has had a number of flings and casual relationships, but nothing serious. One day, they hope to find a partner... though they know music will likely be their first and only love.
  • A fair amount of proceeds from Farrah's concerts and music royalties go to organizations and charities built to help keep Deprin's people afloat. They also volunteer at these places often.
  • Behind the scenes, Farrah still keeps some ties with their family - they're now the main shareholder as the heir and owner of the estate, but they don't involve themselves with the business.
  • It's a toss-up over whether Farrah's most prized possession was that Luxury Ball, or their first old guitar. Debatably, both are now - just for entirely different reasons.
  • While Farrah's time at university helped them learn much of the world, they still lack life experience: for example, they've never had to perform hard labor, or gone camping.

  • Playing Music
  • Progressive ideals and action
  • Having Freedom
  • Nighttime
  • Spicy and Sour flavors

  • Extremely sterile or bright places
  • Being stuck in one place too long
  • Totalitarianism
  • Too many expectations on one person
  • Overly bitter foods

Decibel the Zigzagoon is Farrah's first pokemon. He's technically been her partner for years without them knowing, and he's fiercely protective of his trainer. He's a bit aggressive, very bold, and has nearly too much energy for Farrah to keep up with.

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

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