Arris Yule



3 years, 11 months ago



Name Arris Yule
Age 26
Birthday May 2nd
Species Human
Gender Trans Male
Orientation Bisexual
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Pokemon Trainer
Status Single
Theme My Shot, from Hamilton

Arris is the kind of man who lets himself get swept away in daydreams and wishful thinking. His goals are often very lofty, or have unrealistic expectations, but he is determined to reach them nonetheless. He keeps his nose to the grindstone and feet moored in reality even if his mind is elsewhere. Very prideful, Arris struggles to share his troubles or worries with others. Because of this he often comes off as arrogant or prideful, and puts on an act of someone charming and in control. Under his bravado, he often struggles under crippling anxiety and self doubt. This being said, despite his egotistic front, he is also very intuitive - while he acts full of himself, he is often observing the world around him. The downside is, it's difficult for him to drop his mask, even when someone needs it.


In the Pokemon Region of Deprin, Pokemon disappeared almost 100 years ago. Nobody knew why, but the resulting fallout left the region in a destitute struggle it seemed like it wouldn't pull out of. This was the world that Arris was born into, in a tiny village named Hickory Town. Hickory Town was once the town of Champions and Heroes - and it was these stories, given by his grandmother who had once been a trainer, that Arris grew up on. Of course, as a little boy in a world bereft of the wonderful creatures, Arris' dreams of becoming a champion trainer were a bit too farfetched for reality.

Arris did grow into an adult, eventually - with the unfortunate side of having his dreams tempered, disillusioned with the reality he lived compared to the world he'd been told of. Like many young folks who had grander schemes than a dying town of retirees, the young man eventually left. He lived rough for a while, camping outside, living off of rations and quick hotel showers, but eventually, as one does, he ran out of money. This led to his eventual job on the docks of, and residence in, the trade town of Port Belleview. He enjoyed being a dockworker - it was hard and honest work, but he had a little run-down place he could call home, and that was enough, for now.

Arris was still working at that same job when miraculously, Pokemon came back to the world one day, with as little explanation as why they'd left at all. When he encountered a wingull on the docks early one morning, his heart had nearly stopped. All of those childhood dreams came rushing back like a freight train. A few weeks later, he had left his job and approached the region's Pokemon Laboratory - where he got his first Pokemon... a Bounsweet he named Belle. And now, as long as he's able to, Arris plans to be a trainer, build a champion team with his partners... and kickstart a new culture in Deprin that'll put Hickory Town back on the map.


  • In another life, Arris might have been a pirate on the great seas.
  • His trainer glove belonged to his grandmother. It's nearly a century old and just as far out of fashion, but it's Arris' most prized possession.
  • He has a tendency of getting into sticky situations for the sake of having fun. This is both a good and a bad thing.
  • Arris' ultimate dream is to become a Pokemon Trainer so well known and loved that he brings pride and honor back to Hickory Town - hoping that perhaps, with a new resurgance, he can stop the village from dying out completely.
  • He may have chosen Belle because his grandmother trained grass-types. Ironically, despite his goals, Belle had no offensive moves at first. This went about as badly as you can imagine it would've.

  • Camping or "Roughing It"
  • Passion, working up to one's potential
  • Exercise
  • Sweet things like fruit teas
  • Telling stories with others 'round the campfire

  • People who are actually arrogant/egotistical
  • Feeling trapped or cornered
  • Being treated like an idiot
  • Most spicy foods
  • Extremely hot or humid places

Belle is Arris' starter Pokemon! She's extremely bouncy, naive, and joyful in nature. She's friendly - and her mood fluctuates often, though generally, she doesn't stay upset for long. Functions as Arris' common sense.

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

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