


3 years, 10 months ago



Name Artemis
Alias Artie or Spatula (by Pan)
Age Appears 22, true age unknown
Gender Female
Species Mixed
Marital Status Seperated
Alignment Chaotic Good


  • Video Games
  • Ghibli Movies
  • Pumpkins
  • content


  • Hot Weather
  • Thrillers/Horror
  • Cheddars
  • content


Artemis, The Goddess of Moons. Despite her title, she is often not what you'd expect from a goddess. She is quiet and reserved, except around Pan. When with Pan she is rather joyful and outspoken. She enjoys video games, Mario and Zelda being particular favorites. Her favorite pastime is tending to the ranch she owns with Pan. Artemis wakes up happy every morning to the crowing of her roosters, and starts the day with a feeding routine for their animals. She is often ridiculed and laughed at when she goes into town, due to her unusal appearance. She has learned to accept it and shrug it off over time. People have no respect for the divine anymore. A lot of the time she doesn't know about the rude behavior, as she cannot see. She was born without sight. On nights of a full moon, however, she can see clearly. The nights before and after the full moon, she can see with very poor vision. Any other time she is completely blind.

A Normal Day

Every morning Artemis wakes up the to the sound of her roosters crowing, and starts her day off by feeding the animals. She and Pan own a multitude of livestock together. The routine starts with the chickens and ducks, then the cows, the goats, then finally the horses. After feeding the animals, she goes back inside to eat breakfast, which Pan usually has ready for her. Her favorite breakfast consists of pumpkin pancakes with a side of sausage. After breakfast, she and Pan both go out to tend to the animals once more. Artemis does the easier jobs, such as collecting eggs and brushing the horses. Once Artemis is done with her jobs, she waits by the cows to help Pan with the milking. Pan gets the cows into position and holds them there, while Artemis milks them. Once the cows are all milked, Artemis goes back inside for some free time, which will most likely be spent playing games or watching movies. When Pan is done with the rest of her chores, Artemis will offer to spend time with her. She often likes to go riding with Pan, or watching the foals together. One of her favorite activities is picking apples with Pan. When there are no calves or kids on the ranch, and they're work is greatly reduced, Artemis enjoys long days outside enjoying the breeze, or going out on the town with Pan. When the day is over and the sun is no more, Artemis will often sit outside alone and contemplate. When there is a full moon out and she can see, she will stare at the stars until she falls asleep in the grass bed she makes herself.

Life With Pan

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Pan [ Married | Seperated ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Absent [ unknown ]



Absent [ unknown ]


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