


4 years, 9 days ago


Nickame N/A
Age unspecified
Pronouns he/it/xe
Birthday 8th July
Species alien hivemind
Voice captain holt (andre braugher)
Height 200cm (6'7")
Alignment lawful neutral
Playlist Inviolate
Another Medium
Personality He's blunt and direct, usually saying exactly what he's thinking and rarely showing a lot of emotion. He can be quite clever, although he has a tendancy to act smarter than he may really be. Despite this, he is still practical and dependable, and will go out of his way to prove it. He is very independent and as such is not used to living in close proximity to others like he does when part of his ship's crew. He can be antagonistic at times but never overly aggressive.
Backstory hivemind of worms who is also a self taught mechanic! it found and repurposed the suit it's wearing to act as an exsosuit allowing it to more easily travel and communicate with other alien life forms. It lived on a planet with very little native life but very high amounts of unrefined oil. The planet itself was often used as a quick but dangerous pit stop for any ships passing by in need of refueling, as the oil itself was valued but the surface of the planet marsh-like and ships were prone to getting bogged. Many ships would break down and succumb to the oil, although this provided Vector with access to plenty of unused ships that it would spend its time taking apart and examining and learning the workings of. It would often see ships and various alien species stop by periodically (or break down and drown), and seeing their technology and and communicating with them made it wish to travel of planet for itself. This was difficult for it, as its planet having few natural resources outside of the abundance of oil meant its only option for space travel was to either salvage abandoned ships obviously not built for use by a hivemind, or to join a crew. Although he wished to travel space, his body needed the oil pools of his home planet to survive, and without them he'd dry out and starve. He devised a solution to this, however, when he came across an abandoned suit and realised he could modify it to make his own personal accommodating space suit, allowing him to both survive off-planet and to take on a form more catered for in common spaceships. He later joined Shung-ki's crew, offering his services as a mechanic for his ship in exchange for both the work experience and the free passage.
Biology Xyr's body is a hivemind made up of hundreds of thick, leech-like worms. They are roughly 10-15cm in length and black and greasy with a coating of oil. Despite the oil, they can grip onto each other easily, and hold and twist around themselves to move as one singular form like a collection of muscle tendons pulling and dragging each other. This can give xem a deceptively good range of motion, however xe still moves naturally more like an amorphous mass. As well as allowing xem to survive and function off-planet, xyr exosuit allows xem to move in a more humanoid fashion. Xyr worms fill the empty space inside the suit like a liquid, and the suits allows xem to hold xemself upright and allow xem to control xyr worms to use as hands. Although xe has learnt to move like a humanoid in the suit, xyr lack of bones can make xyr movement seem fluid and uncanny. Xyr worms have no respiratory system and do not need to breathe, instead needing to be constantly coated in oil to keep them lubricated and to absorb the minerals and chemicals they need to function. The "oxygen tank" on xyr back connected to xyr helmet is not actually filled with oxygen but filled with oil which xe can syphon into xyr suit to keep lubricated. The other spare tank xe uses as a food supply. Xe is a decomposer and can eat almost anything organic, so xe stuffs the extra tank with soft, sludgy food that xe can syphon into xyr suit like the oil tank. Because of the soft nature of the food in the tank and no need to worry about food safety, it is most often a rotten conglomerate of scavenged food. Xyr worms have receptors that allow them to detect light, but because of xyr original home being pools of thick oil they are not highly developed, only really capable of allowing xem to perceive bright lights - like sunlight if xe surfaced from any oil pools. Xyr visor helps xem process more complex lighting, and without it xe can only detect harsh bright lights and dark shadows. Summary
  • Hivemind made up of worms filling an exosuit
  • He doesn't need to breathe but he does need to be coated in oil at all times
  • He's a decomposer and eats rotting food stored in one of the tanks on his back
  • His eyesight is very poor and he needs the visor in his helmet to see
  • having only one conscious mind, he identifies as a singular being rather than a group
  • xe speaks like a text to speech bot

Design Notes
  • asymmetrical design on his helmet - the tube is on his left and the valve on his right
  • the screen in its helmet only ever displays TV static when active
  • his helmet is made of metal, his gloves, boots and tubing a stiff rubber, and the rest of his suit a thick waterproof fabric
  • xir worms fill whatever container they're in to their best capacity, so xe's chubby and bulky
  • xir suit is well worn and covered in dents and scratches particularly around the hands and feet (optional)
Shung-ki friend
He originally joined shung-ki's crew as part of an agreement to act as the ship's mechanic in exchange for free voyage, but Shung-ki was quick to treat him as a friend joining him on his travels rather than a contarctor. Vector was not used to being treated so kindly unprompted, so would try to work and help out around then ship whenever he could to "earn" the treatment. Although Vector and Shung-ki are quite different from each other, they're both patient and have learnt to understand each other over time.

blitz friend/rival
Vector and Blitz had a very rocky start to their relationship, with Blitz distrusting Vector and finding it suspicious; and being very vocal about that fact. This suspicion died out over time as Vector proved to be reliable, but even before then Vector would find Blitz nonthreatening. It thought Blitz was over-emotional and would find it amusing getting a rise out of her, which Blitz would always respond to. Although the two of them did end up bonding, they mask their friendship by acting like rivals, often antagonising the other in a playful back-and-forth.

Irsan friend
vector can't see them through his visor but they both respect each other and vector appreciates having a friend who's more grounded and real with him