Sheepy (Species Variations/AUs)




Given how many dragon-esk traits she already has, it only makes sense that she can take on a fully draconic form. Cannot breath fire but can spit a hot, venomous tar-like substance that sticks to the skin. It burns from heat alone, and typically the venom will sink into the wounds, causing side affects similar to most snake venoms. When angry a black smog pours from her mouth that can cause nausea and migraines.


Takes this form if she is feeling particularly power hungry. Grows to an impressive stature and gains powerful magic. Can only take this body for a day or so before needing to return to her usual self. Drains most if not all of her energy, she needs a long rest to recuperate.




Sometimes you just want to be a seal! Usually turns into this by shedding her previous skin, like a selkie in reverse. Her pelt cannot be stolen, as it can be called to her from wherever she is, but one can wear it for fun or warmth while she swims around if they want.


I mean come on, you've never wanted to be a lobster?

Pumpkin Imp:
Species by Gatortooth

Just for fun!