


7 years, 4 months ago


  • Kyra

  • Age 22 years old
  • Gender female
  • Race panda bear
  • Role fursona

"You can quote me on that!"

Kyra is very shy and quiet at first. She believes first impressions are very important and therefore tends to be tense and over polite during first meetings. Depending on the setting and the others, she can loosen up really fast.

When nervous she's blushy, embarrassed, giggly and on edge a lot. She tends to fidget at the edge of her shirt or sleeves or play with her hair. When comfortable she's very silly, jokes a lot and sarcastic. If she's being completely herself she tends to make offensive jokes (it's how she expresses her love best) and generally make very dark jokes (such as involving death/suicide/murder etc). She knows who of her friends don't take it well though. She adapts her manner of speaking a lot to what kind of friends she's met online. Wavers and it's unstable.

She has a hard time completely understanding others, 100% blames her autism for this. She tries hard to hide her autism and does a good job with it. Bit of a crybaby- also due to autism.


DoB: 18th of May
Origin: Netherlands
Height: 175 / 5'7
Build: fit, hourglass
Wardrobe: click me
Theme: playlist
  • horror movies
  • gore art
  • dogs
  • dancing
  • the underwater world
  • imagine dragons
  • arguments
  • lies
  • mathematics
  • being bossed around
  • spiders
  • the dark


Her past is a little hazy. She can't remember most of her 8 years of elementary, but according to her parents she's been bullied badly. Which is probably why she can't remember it anymore; purposely forgotten. Her last years also blurry but she remembers it as good times. When she moved to secondary school she fell right back into being bullied, but she remembers clearly. She fell into depression as time went on, failed her second year thanks to that. Re-did it and got top scores instead. Met her first good friend over stupid things in her second year. She's a better level than her so they only meet during breaks. This friend helped her seeing light in the distance. After 3 years she meets her second good friend at school. This friend is much more social and outspoken and helps Kyra crawl further and further out of her shell. Even though they only know each other for 1-2 years now, this friend means a lot to her.



[ childhood friend ] They've known each other for 10 years now. Met at horseback riding, Romey gave her critique on the way she petted a cat. A lot happened, sometimes they fight, but they somehow always manage to pull through.



[ friend ] When things got hard for Kyra and she lost all her (online) friends, Marley pulled her through. Together with Taylor they went through a lot together. Kyra feels dependant on her.



[ friend ] They met through Marley, Kyra felt a sort of awe at Taylor, she was honest and cool. She couldn't help but fall for Taylor over time. Although her feelings have faded she still cares a ton for her.



[ sandwich buddy ] A slightly unexpected friendship, but it fills Kyra with happiness to have ever met Niv. She doesn't feel as anxious to talk with her as some other friends. The only person who can ship with Kyra without dying.



[ friend ] Although they were acquainted before they temporarily grew apart. But Kyra is very happy to be back in contact, and to be as close as they are now. Together with Niv they're always talking about shit.
