Frost Koori



3 years, 11 months ago


Frost Koori

Called Frost Shinigami, Iceberg

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her/Hers

Sexuality Bisexual

Age 40s - 50s

Race Angel, Japanese

Role Fighter, Support (Aura Reading)

DOB Undecided

Theme Undecided (Will Play Beneath the Mask - Lyn )

HTML Pinky


One of the heroes of the High Realm during The Crisis, Frost Koori wanted nothing more than a life of peace and joy. An arranged marriage to her former teammate, Arcis Shinigami, and being forced into the role of the stay-at-home housewife didn't grant her that. It didn't take her long to divorce her husband after his horrible outbursts during their sons' kidnapping, and she's since made a life for herself in the Middle Realm's Kihiro City as a fashion designer, costume designer, and boutique owner. Raising her sons, finding love in unexpected places, while still getting a dash of adventure and battle? Frankly, she likes the Middle Realm a lot better than the stuffy old High Realm.


Height 5'8"

Build Content

Eyes Blue

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color White w/ blue undertones

Hair Style Long, often in large braid or ponytail

Scars Clawmarks on side and back

Demeanor Warm, Friendly, Motherly


  • Her wings are blue like an iceberg.
  • She tends to wear lots of blues, whites, and grays. However, she isn't opposed to bright colors.
  • When fighting, she's typically more of a spellcaster, though she's pretty fierce with a whip as well.
  • Her modern fighting getup is a blue long-sleeved shirt, a white leather jacket, whatever pants she may be wearing, and steel-toed blue or white combat boots.
  • When doing fashion consulting work, she's often found in white or gray pantsuits and heels. When doing her other work, she dresses far more casually.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

She's always been open with her emotions, which was definitely helped by being gifted with the ability to read auras--the ebb and flow of other people's emotions and their powers. Though honestly, the constant blur of colors is overwhelming--being in the Middle Realm, where people don't have powers and thus no auras to read helps prevent headaches. She loves making people feel safe and welcome, whether that's throwing a giant Welcome party or sitting down with tea to talk. She's not a natural born leader like her ex-husband or son are, but when the rest of the citys heroes are children, she knows how to wrangle them towards a task when needed.


Fashion/Fashion Designing

Frost has always had a deep love of fashion, whether it was picking out her own outfit or shopping with friends to help them pick theirs. Her careers of choice--fashion consulting, costume design, and co-running a boutique--all fit into this lifelong passion, though she can't lie and say some are more fun than others.


She's a big fan of peace-times, resting, and relaxing. But the adrenaline rush she gets from taking down monsters and fighting villains... it's unlike anything else!


She loves cooking and sharing recipes with close friends. The smell of dinner cooking has always helped relieve the headaches she'd get from aura reading, and even now she still quite likes the smell of food on the stove or in the oven.

Caring for/Raising her Sons

Maybe its a bit cliche, but she does get a lot of joy from spending time with her kids! More than anything, she wants to give them the happy and safe environment they deserve to grow up in, make sure they know they can always come to her. And she likes to tease at them a bit too, but when you're a mom, you've gotta tease your kiddos a little!



Is there really much to say here? She divorced his sorry ass for a good reason! She'd rather not even think about that man, but custody battles don't allow for that bliss. Now that she knows how he treats their children when she's not around? Ooh, if it weren't illegal in all 50 states and both realms...

Annoying Clients

Facing some of the most annoying, self-centered, entitled people and having to do it with a smile... it's exhausting. But you've gotta put up with it.


Even with her powers, there's not much she can do against larger systems that affect her and her kids' lives...



Ice Manipulation

Can encase things in block of ice, create chains out of ice, create giant walls of ice that can move forward/backward/to the side at her will, create blades and shields out of ice (albeit not very durable). One of her best moves is icing the floor under enemies, giving other teammates the opportunity to attack while they're off-guard. A blast of ice can freeze enemies in place (or at least slow them down). She can ice the ground underneath her feet, or create ramps to slide around on (think Frozone). Her drinks always stay cool--the ice in them won't melt unless she wills it to. When angry or scared, the air around her may dip to freezing, and things will begin frosting over.


Frost has been training in spellcasting since middle school, and has many memorized. She's best with ice spells, and horrible at fire spells (but can do it in a pinch). She has a small library of spellbooks to refer to, in the attic.

Cold Resistance

Significantly more resistant to the effects of cold than humans and most angels, though in consequence is much more vulnerable to overheating.

Aura Reading

Frost can see the ebb and flow of people's powers and emotional states. She can use this to tell if someone's distressed, if someone's lying, if someone's powers are acting off and why, and sometimes even if someone is under the effects of mind control. Every person's aura pattern behaves differently, so she's best with these abilities when she knows someone well. She can use aura manipulation to numb pain and partially heal wounds, as well as calm people down. Aura reading only works on people who have powers--people without powers do not have an aura to be read. Aura reading cannot be 'turned off,' though she can choose to focus specifically on auras.

Side Effects

Using her powers a lot comes with the risk of lowering her own body temperature to unsafe levels, though it takes a lot to get there. She's especially sensitive to fire attacks/burns. her angelic cold sensitivity is not set off by her own ice, but she can be affected by other angels' ice attacks/spells. Aura reading makes her prone to headaches, though she has many methods to handling it.


  • Whip - Most often uses a whip for her attacks. Her whip is magically enhanced to be able to stretch up to 40 feet if she wills it to, and as such can be used somewhat similarly to a short-range grappling hook if need be.
  • Ice Weapons - Can make swords and shields out of ice. These weapons are more fragile than their metallic counterparts, but are good in a pinch.
  • Meelee - Is not above whaling on your ass with a steel pipe or other rubble. Will often punch with her fists. She likes to make gauntlets out of ice and punch you with those.



Frost grew up as a single child, the next daughter in a line of powerful aura readers from the Koori line. Her ability to see auras kicked in far earlier than typical, and by the time she hit elementary school she was barragedwith headaches from the vivid and bright auras of other angelic kids with burgeoning powers. Despite this, she found ways to self-sooth, and rather quickly adjusted into a normal life as a normal kid with plenty of friends--it helped that she was so sociable.

Where her mother's side of the family were aura readers, her father's side of the family were monster hunters, and she was trained from a young age to take up the role of a Hunter--by the time she graduated middle school, she was already a star with a whip, and one of the rising members of the local Young Hunters program.

High School came around, and truth be told Frost was expecting everything to be as normal--hang out with friends at school, train with other friends in the Young Hunters program, draw up clothing designs in her sketchbooks to relax at the end of the day. No one could have anticipated what was to come.

The Crisis

It was her Senior year that everything went to shit.

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100% started dating Zarroff after the Crisis ended bc arranged marriage btw families. But had someone she was more interested in on the team. She died though.

The Manor

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Get wrecked (divorced) Arcis

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Close Friends

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Luke Koori





Arcis Shinigami

Father, Abuser

Despises his ass

Strong words to follow

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