Farron "Blur" Forrester



3 years, 11 months ago


Farron "Blur" Forrester

Called Blur

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him/His

Sexuality Bisexual

Age 15-20

Race Half-Kitsune, Japanese

Role Villain Sidekick, Espionage, Ninja

DOB Undecided

Theme GOMD - Sickick

HTML Pinky


A dedicated fighter and side kick with a tinge of a fashion addiction, Farron revels in the chaos he can wreak when he acts as Blur. Robberies, heists, and going toe to toe with the city's heroes--that was the best kind of life to live, right? High paced, high adrenaline--he was riding all kinds of highs.

But after the adrenaline comes the crash, and the more time he spends off to himself meditating and training, the more none of this feels... real. The strange dreams he was having, the strange emotions locked deep in his chest... what was all this? Who was he really?

Closet Board Vibes Board Spotify Playlist


Height 5'8"

Build Content

Eyes Purple (Occasionally green)

Skin Tone Tanned

Hair Color Black

Hair Style Wolf Cut?

Scars N/A

Demeanor Cold, disinterested, quiet. Ruthless. Observant


  • He loves Japanese street wear fashion.
  • Typically wears all black, or black and purple.
  • Most commonly seeing a black metallic mask with a purple light-up grinning face on it. This mask has a voice modulator in it.
  • However, he has a variety of masks and disguises that he uses--anything from a plain black cloth face mask to a full-form robotic fox head with LED eyes. Blur's fashion choices operate on Rule of Cool, but also by 'quickest to put on,' so the grinning mask reaches a middle ground he likes. All metal masks have voice modulators in them--the cloth masks do not.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Determined to do his father's bidding, and overwhelmingly loyal to his cause of wreaking havoc and chaos. And yet, he's doing his own work in the shadows...



May or may not have befriended a designer just to get sick new fits.


He's rarely permitted to eat them, but he loves Skittles especially.


Soda, fried rice, takeout, pizza, Japanese Steakhouse food... he's a glutton, if you let him be.

Making/Listening To Music

He loves lo-fi, punk music, and phonk music.


What better way to release your frustrations?



Don't let his mind wander...


What are these strange dreams...?


He doesn't deserve this, what the fuck!

Being Lied To

He HATES liars!!




Can turn himself completely invisible to the human eye, as well as cameras. Can still be detected by infrared sensors.

Wind Control

Can control the wind, but not to great extents. Could whip up a strong wind, but not a tornado. He can use this to support himself and run on walls or ceilings.

Half-Shift Form

Can half-shift between his human form and his kitsune form, growing fur, a tail, and claws. He'll have better vision in the dark.

Full Shift Form

Can shift into a full fox form, wherein which he is a black fox with purple eyes. Good for quick getaways.

Perks of Being a Kitsune

Enhanced strength, speed, hearing, and smell.



Blur doesn't really remember his past, thinking about it too hard leaves him with more questions than answers. Getting answers to the questions just leads to more questions. However, to the best of his understanding...


He didn't know how he ended up there--if his parents died in some sort of accident, or if they'd abandoned him there as a kid. Either way, he'd ended up in an orphanag, though he had trouble remembering what it was like. If he had any friends there, they'd faded from his memory.

But how could he just not remember such a significant portion of his life, his childhood? What memories he did have were hazy, and felt... fake, insincere. His father claimed he'd hit his head in an accident, leaving him as he is now--unable to remember his real past, while false memories of people he'd never known barraged him at night. Even still, certain sights and smells gave him piercing headaches, and at times he suffers from auditory and visual hallucinations. It seems to affect him more strongly in certain places, looking at certain people, or with other specific stimuli, so he tries to avoid them.

Adoption and Duties

He doesn't remember the day his father adopted him, or his first day with the man. He does know that it was his father who trained him in all the martial arts he knows (though he rarely uses them himself...), it was his father who taught him the art of subtelty and espionage (even though his father prefers to be flashy and draw attention), and it was his father who provided his every need, his father who was the only one he could trust (though something told him his father was lying to him...).

He didn't know why he struggled to remember when, exactly, his father started his dive into villainy. It must have been before he was adopted. All Farron knew was that his purpose was to serve his father. As long as he was by his father's side when he needed him, frankly, Zarroff didn't much give a damn what he did otherwise. Well, he cared, but Farron knew how to sneak out when he wanted to, and since they were always on the move, Zarroff never knew all the best escape routes.

When left to his own devices, Farron does a handful of things that even his villainous father wouldn't approve of. Between buying clothes and food, he mostly investigates into his own past. After all, he's not sure if he truly believes a single word of what comes out of his father's mouth.





Derek "Zarroff" Forrester

Father and Master

His father, and his master. Taught him everything he knows, and as such he owes him everything. But... does he? Some days he feels he's being lied to... and he HATES liars.


Anthony "Albert" Mage

Work Friends, Father Figure?

This man seemed awfully naiive for a supervillain. Could he not tell that his father was manipulating him? Or was he just okay with being his father's pawn? In a sense, they were both Zarroff's pawns, so they had a bit of a... friendship. And yet, the way he catches Albert staring at him analytically... it makes him question just how real his 'reality' is.

Nevertheless, they work well together. It's fun, helping Albert wreak havoc on the local government. He can ignore the man's blatant, obvious crush on his dad.


Doctor David "Dread" Blackwell

Occasional Allies

They work well enough together. Blur helps lure people into dark alleys, or kidnaps them, or whatever Zarroff and the Doctor want him to do. The Doctor takes them, and he simply doesn't question it any further.

He wishes the Doctor wouldn't eye him like a lab rat, though.



Nemesis... and a little bit more

This boy... he's achingly familiar, somehow? But why? Looking at him too long makes his head hurt, makes his chest feel... pained. He hates it. He'll have to investigate this. Or eliminate him. Whichever comes first.