Dr. David "Dread" Blackwell



3 years, 10 months ago


Uh oh

Doctor David Blackwell

Doctor Dread's Pinterest Vibes Board (Very small)

Doctor Dread's Spotify Playlist (Very Small)

Alternate Names: Doctor Dread

Gender: Male (he/him/his)

Sexuality: I haven't decided if he's heterosexual or aromantic asexual

Height: 6'5"

Age: Early 50s-ish

Race: White, American

Eyes: Reddish-brown (red when he's using his powers)

Species: Human


Darkness Manipulation - can make shadows darker, or form into grabbing hands (picture Pride from FMAB but without the eyes)

Fear Aura - when people around him, they tend to freeze up, panic,  not think straight. To be fair, the fact that he tends to have blood  stains and be swinging around a chainsaw probably helps.

Weapons: chain saw


Master - vivisection, surgery, scientific research, being terrifying

Very Skilled - Sewing, playing himself off as 'humble old dude who could do no harm', being charming

Skills - Playing violin

Novice - Any sort of social skill

Languages Known: English, some Latin

Items typically in inventory - surgical tools/instruments of  torture, latex gloves, angel feathers, glasses (they're transition  lenses so they turn black in the sun. They're prescription but he will  flat out not wear them sometimes.), wallet


Doctor David Blackwell grew up in a town in the High Realm, one of  those little towns that's close enough to the barrier that humans live  there amongst the angels. He'd known of the existence of Angels since  the beginning, then, living and working and going to school amongst  them. They mocked and belittled him for being human, for being powerless  and weak in a town where people had wings and abilities seen only in  comic books elsewhere. Eventually, they flat-out ignored and avoided him  because of it. Or was it because he had the odd hobby of catching  animals and tormenting them...

Either way, he was a hell of a whiz in the sciences, especially  biology. It didn't take long for him to be accepted to a medical school  in the human realm, where he flourished with his own kind--intelligent,  scientifically curious humans. Though they never believed him  when he spoke of the Angels he'd grown up with. Even though he had  friends and success now, he was still bitter about the angels he'd grown  to loathe so much. But also... curious. Scientifically curious.

After convincing a few friend of the existence of angels and their  powers by slipping them into the High Realm on a trip home, it was easy  to convince them that the angels' powers could be amazing for humans to  obtain, if only they knew how. As long as they were willing to let a few  ethics slide...

Securing funding was a breeze when they teamed up together, and it  didn't take too long for them to have a Facility dedicated to 'helping  research autoimmune diseases.' But behind closed doors, Doctor Blackwell  and his employees were kidnapping Angel children, dragging them into  the concrete Facility walls, and performing painful... 'research,'  attempting to find the truth behind their abilities no matter how much  blood was shed. And if the angel employees in their autoimmune division  found out the truth, well, they and their families would disappear  shortly after.

The difficult things about toying with Angel children, however, is  that they're still powerful despite being children. After a long chain  of events lead to the Facility exploding, Doctor Blackwell was presumed  dead. In all reality, he was far from it, and now he's back and ready to  continue his research, starting with his most successful lab rats and  their super-human friends.


Positives: charming, a bit suave, dedicated, curious

Cons: bitter, vengeful, apathetic towards others' lives, literally tortures children

Appearance Notes: 6'5", unkempt brown hair that's starting to gray,  with a few full-out grays. Looks like your average 50s-ish year old  man, but he's a lot stronger than he looks--do you know how strong you  have to be to run around with a chainsaw? Has a scar on his right cheek.