Cujo "CJ" Smithson



5 years, 1 month ago


Cujo "CJ" Smithson

Called MindGames, Bluey,

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him/His

Sexuality Polyamorous bisexual

Age 15-20

Race Human, Chinese-American

Role Memer, Fighter


Theme Up All Night - Owl City

HTML Pinky


He used to kick it with the cool kids at his school, laughing and joking around and getting away with picking on fellow students and being obnoxious in class. His dad's the deputy of the police force, which his old friends occasionally used to get away with petty crimes. But everything changed when he had one--one!--conversation with Brian outside of bugging him about homework, which fell into a slippery slope of hanging out with the 'loser squad.' His old friends dropped him like a bad habit, but his new friends were way more chill than they'd ever been so it wasn't all that much of a loss.

One day in ninth grade, the day after a meteor shower, he found a meteorite in his yard. When he touched it, he got superpowers, and ended up forming a team of superheroes with his friends! Mega awesome!

Closet Board Vibes Board Spotify Playlist


Height 5'6"

Build Content

Eyes Brown

Skin Tone Tan

Hair Color Black (w/ raveny-blue undertones/quality)

Hair Style Bob

Scars N/A

Demeanor Bubbly, chaotic, friendly, exciteable


  • Loves the color blue, and tries to include a bit of it in all his outfits.
  • Commonly seen in hoodies, jeans, and graphic tshirts.
  • His hero outfit consists of a blue puffer vest, a blue t-shirt, a teal bandanna, jeans, and blue sneakers.
  • Sometimes he pulls his hair back into tiny little ponytails.
  • As he gets closer to Maddi, he starts incorporating more orange into his outfits.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

CJ's been joking and memeing around practically since he came out of the womb. Tense moment? Nothing a joke can't fix! Seriously time to focus? Still can crack a few jokes and get a laugh! Life-threatening experience? If he's going down, he's gonna do his best to have a witty one-liner ready to go! All seriousness, though, he knows when to quiet down and get serious to support his friends... but you can't blame him if he mouths off the villains a bit.



Have I mentioned he likes blue? You can tell just by looking at him, 24/7, he's always got on some blue! It energizes him when he needs, and soothes him when it's time. Argue with him all you like--blue's the best color, the rest of y'all are just wrong!


Big fan of low-effort foods like bags of chips (especially Doritos), pizza, etc., but he also loves when his mom makes traditional dishes! He's also a big fan of blueberry muffins... mmm.... blueberry muffins...


He loves listening to music, and hanging out bugging Shannon while he makes music. He's even messed around with Shannon's midifighter, and eventually got his own! His favorite musician of all time (asides from Shannon) is Owl City, he listens to him all the time.

Gymnastics and Training

All his life he'd struggled to figure out what to do with his excess energy--as it turns out, training up his superpowers was a great way to do it! Having fun, hanging with his friends--especially when they go chill at the diner afterwards? Top tier!



He hates people who put people down and shove them around just for their own shits and giggles. And he hates that he used to be like that--even if his friends insist that he 'wasn't that bad,' he constantly feels like he's gotta prove himself and own up to it.

Boredom and Classes

He'd mess with a fidget cube, but the teachers keep taking them away... he'd rather be anywhere doing anything instead of sitting around bored out of his mind. Isn't there a monster or villain they can go out and fight, instead of being stuck in class all the time?!


He'll admit it! He's a bit of a pushover! He can't stand arguments, especially if it's people he cares about! He does his best to stand up for himself, but most times he just can't handle the strife of it all. Especially when his dad goes on about how much he hates Disillusions...


It's not that he can't appreciate some peace and quiet. He just... starts feeling bad about himself if no one wants to hang out. Is he a bad friend? Not to mention, he just starts to miss people... who might not ever come back...




Can create crescent-shaped psychic blades that deal slicing damage, form weapons (usually knives or a sword + shield combo, has made a baseball bat for the bit). Can pick up objects and/or people and hold them within a certain psychic field around him (generally presenting as a blue glowing area around him)--usually up to around 20 feet away from him. Can trap things within an orb--person/object doesn't float within the orb, so much as they slip and slide along the bottom. Similarly, can create shields and containers. All his powers rely on his focus--he has trouble maintaining his focus, so prefers to hit hard and fast so he doesn't necessarily have to.


An ability that he rarely uses. He can read minds and communicate with others, but it's not a constant background noise so he lowkey forgets he even has this ability most times. He can barely focus on his own thoughts most of the time, why would he add everyone else's into the mix? There have been situations where, when he's panicked/freaking out, people can hear his internal panicking in their heads if they're within his psychic field/psychic grip.


Can pick himself up in his own psychic field/surround himself with psychic power and will his own movement/speed. Usually displays as surrounding himself in a blue energy field.

Side Effects

Straining his powers too much/created barriers taking too many hits leads to a variety of side effects. Mostly dizziness, bloody noses, bloodshot eyes, and pounding headaches. He has been known to tap out of a fight to go collapse somewhere.


  • Telekinetic Weapons - Will most frequently make a sword/shield combo, but on rare occasions will make other weapons. These weapons can only be held by him, but can damage anyone/anything.
  • Bo-staff - Has a metal bo-staff that can shrink to the size of a stylus pen due to the runes etched into it and activated by his powers.
  • Meelee - Isn't above picking up pieces of rubble for weapons. Will also use his powers to rip out street lights or throw trash cans/cars.



CJ's lived in Kihiro all his life, so most of the people his age he's known since Kindergarten. He was always a bit of a trouble-making funny-guy, which made him a lot of friends in elementary school, but the mischief ramped up to eleven when Shannon moved to town. His parents honestly didn't know how to deal with him, even after an official ADHD diagnosis--they managed him the best they knew how, but with them both being busy, he tended to run wild, and his grades were all over the place.

Late Elementary School/Middle School

But everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Nah, just kidding--more like he made friends who were a bad influence. He thought they liked him for him! Turns out the upper-class popular kids just wanted an extra shield against the consequences of their shitty actions, and playing buddy-buddy with the deputy's son was just what they were looking for. They started taunting and tempting him into doing things 'as a dare,' until before he knew it, they weren't dares, but just... day to day life. Looking back, CJ's not a fan of the person he became back then--he was a bully, a big dumb bully. The quick wit that lent itself to jokes about lesson materials in class was unfortunately pretty good for coming up with quips about his peers' appearances in the school halls, and he'd kicked a few people around after school on 'dares.' Not that he got into much trouble for it--teachers tended to turn a blind eye to their troublemaking.

Outside of school, when they ran out of victims to harass, the popular kids would frequently turn on each other for a good laugh--and often they'd target him, for his nerdier interests, negging him any chance they got. The very same people who called him their friend, invited him to parties, and said they enjoyed hanging out with him would turn around and mock and belittle him at the slightest hint of boredom. Trying to tell them how he felt never turned out well--they were just kidding, they were just joking, you love jokes, don't you? Eventually he stopped trying, just kept his head down and followed up on their 'dares' and quips to save his own skin at the expense of others. Between the hangouts and the parties and the mischief making, he was rarely home when he could get away with it, skipping mandated homework times and barely helping out when his baby brother was born. His parents would try to have 'breakthroughs' and 'interventions' and send him to 'therapy', but none of it really stuck--he'd just go to school to the same friends encouraging him to do the same bullshit and bombarding him with the same negativity. CJ was on a downward spiral.

The beginning of the end was the fact that, despite having the chance to hang with 'cooler, better people,' he would still spend time with his friend Shannon--who had been deemed significantly less cool and more nerdy. Shannon mentioned that some of his friends--nerds, mostly--weren't really appreciating him pushing them around as a 'joke,' and maybe if he tried just talking to them, he'd see they had a lot more in common than he thought. Talking to Brian about video games one day after school? That was the nail in the coffin, and before he knew it CJ had been ousted from his positon as a 'popular kid' and relegated to just a nerd--with all the bullying that came with it. But honestly? As he made new 'nerdy' friends, he found himself... not really minding. But also... not really sure if they'd forgiven him, or even liked him.

High School

As if middle school hadn't been crazy enough, high school was gearing up to be a trip and a half. A few weeks into freshman year, after the semicentennial meteor shower over Kihiro City, he found a meteorite in his backyard. When he touched it, he ended up getting superpowers! And so did a few of his friends! Together they formed a team--Disillusions!--dedicated to taking down the monsters bombarding their town and putting a stop to the villains running around causing trouble.

He's having a good time. But... the pressure to laugh off what hurts is high, super high. His Dad has a vehement hatred for his alternate persona and his friends, calling them 'troublemakers' and 'dangers to society,' hellbent on their immediate arrest? Nothing a joke can't fix! His friend gets kidnapped and assumed dead? He's just gotta smile through the pain! He gets beaten and bruised day after day, fight after fight? He's the team spirit--if he's not smiling, no one else will be!

He can take it all, long as he has his friends by his side.







He always thought she was pretty, but didn't possibly think she'd be interested in a goofball like him. Now they're dating!

They've always sort of flowed well together. He thinks she's AMAZING, especially when she's all fired up! She's so headstrong, he's constantly in awe of her.

Sometimes, he worries he doesn't deserve her. Maddi's just so cool and amazing to him, and he's... just CJ. Not to mention, the guilt he still feels for how he acted in the past. But when he's with Maddi, everything just feels... right. Like a puzzlepiece falling into place. And Maddi's always willing to snap some sense into him when he needs it.

He calls her Hot Stuff 😎 🐢

Ship Playlist


Shannon Takeshi

Best Friends--Maybe More...

They've been best buds for as long as it's mattered, and honestly CJ doesn't think he deserves him. He was a piece of shit for most of middle school, and Shannon still put up with him?! Man...

CJ values Shannon's friendship so much. His mom would always say that they're 'just like brothers,' but that never felt quite right to him--he was WAY closer to Shannon than he was to Stanley. Years back, they made a promise that if they were still buddies and were still single, they'd just move in together after college and live out the bachelor life.

Losing a best friend hits hard, and after Shannon got kidnapped, CJ felt this... pit. It was hard to force up any semblance of his normal positivity, especially the longer the case stretched on. It wans't until Shannon was presumed dead that CJ realized just how much he really meant to him. How much he... really cared for Shannon. And now he was gone--way too late for weak platitudes and confessions.


Brian Hodges

Best Buds

Troublemakers through and through! They're a duo you'll never forget--and if you get Shannon and Logan involved? Oh man, get ready for good times!

Brian welcomed him into the group so eagerly, it honestly caught CJ by surprise. He'd bullied him into doing his homework for years, and he let it all go? Just like that? It felt too good to be true... He'd try to be as good a friend as he could be to make up for it all!


Ken Shinigami


N-ice to meet you--let's break the ice!

Jokes aside, Ken's been through a lot. You get that vibe just by looking at him. He can definitely use some help learning how to lighten up and smile a bit--no need to be so icy, man! Between him, Brian, Shannon, and Logan? Ken'll be a grinning jokester in no time! Or at least happier. That would be nice too. Hah, n-ice...




What's this guy's deal?! It's like the instant he first showed up by Zarrof's side, he was targeting him specifically! He didn't do anything! Okay, sure, he poked fun at his mask, but damn!

Something about him is... eerily familiar. He can't quite put his finger on it. Or. Maybe he just doesn't want to face the facts. Shannon's... Shannon's dead. His dad told him himself, they found too much blood on the scene for him to have made it. But why did he look so... familiar? No... Shannon wouldn't... he'd never...