


3 years, 11 months ago


Zehiri Mazanderani

  • Age60
  • SpeciesTiefling
  • GenderFemale
  • OrientationLesbian
  • Relationship StatusMarried
  • BuildLean
  • Height6'1"
  • OccupationSword for hire
  • AlignmentLawful Neutral
  • StatusRetired


  • Chickens
  • Gold
  • Quiet
  • Stars


  • Necromancy
  • Ducks
  • Hats
  • Full shirts

Zehiri was a monk sent on a quest to stop the lich necromancer Maestolomon when a young wizard accidentally bound himself to her and an aasimar paladin named Izu. The three, unable to leave or kill each other, worked together to find the other party of heroes and got rid of the lich. The following years, the three lived in a small cottage in the forest surrounding Fay, occasionally taking mercenary work or participating in tournaments.


Zehiri was tossed out of her family for being a tiefling. She only lived on the streets for a short time before she was taken into a monastery and raised as a monk for many years.

Event 2

When Zehiri was 28, she was informed that she was prophecized to take down a large evil and was to set out to do just that. While travelling, she was summoned by a young human wizard who had been experimenting with spells and had accidentally bound her and an aasimar paladin from another plane together. They could not leave within a mile of each other and attacks on each other were futile. Zehiri and Izu, the paladin, overcame their distrust and became frriends, but the antisocial wizard remained just that. One thing became clear, however. They were all set on a path to face the lich Maestolomon.

Guided by a strange man named Temis, the group sought out Queen Titania of Fay as they needed to save her. They brought her to an underground dwarven kingdom and helped tehir armies prepare for a great battle. They met up with another strange party of heroes who had been sent by Temis to defeat Maestolomon. Leaving the dwarven army to face Maestolomon's undead, the group went to face the lich. After a horrendous battle, the wizard, Izu, and Zehiri trapped Maestolomon in the wizard's flying tower and sent it flying into the unknowns of space. With that, the three settled down.


After the war, the three disappeared to live quietly in the outskirting forest, supported by the kingdom of Fay for their efforts. The Wizard tried to undo the binding spell for many, many years, but gave up and settled down to further his magic studies. Izu and Zehiri got married and quietly led their cottagecore life.

32 years later, the three were in Tor when it was attacked by The Mask and Maestolomon, but escaped quickly.




Izu and Zehiri were at first distrustful of each other, prejudice coming before the other. But, Zehiri bet Izu's trust over a game of chess, and won. From there, the two began a path to a great partnership. They worked together far better than the wizard, even accidentally forgetting the wizard sometimes. After beating Maestolomon, the two's relationship became romantic, and they soon got married.



Reluctant Best Friend

The Wizard accidentally bound himself to Zehiri and Izu and despite his many efforts, he could never break the bond. He at one point gave up resisting the two's efforts to friendhip and just settled down to improve his magic studies.

Design Notes

  • Her jewelry is very random every day but is usually gold with bright blue gems
  • Her hair is more black with a blue tint
  • Sometimes she has sharp nails