Destiel 🔥



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Masterlist post


All Closed Species from the world of Gaidinia

Creator of the species and world TH Sasori DA Aremisu


Basic Info
Name Destiel
Nickname Dean, Cannon Boy, Castiel
Age 24
Birthday 11/27
Height 5'6"
Gender Male
Species Nyanarr
Origin Salem, WA
Zodiac Scorpio
Blood Type O+
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Secret
Status Single
Worth $50
  • Pink and White
  • Hickory Farms Snacks and Summer Sausages
  • Skulls
  • Straps On Items/Clothes
  • Smoking a Whole Pack OF Cigarettes In A Day
  • Being Called Cute
  • Romance Movies
  • The Cold
  • Has a Fear of Large Open Bodies Of Water
  • Most Of His Clothing Is Either Pink Or White
  • Likes Skull Theme Apparel
  • If He Stands In ONe Spot For To Long He Will Doodle Flowers On Whatever Is Near
  • If Asked If He's Dating Anyone He Will Scowl And Answer No
Broody . Reserved . Cold . Understanding

Destiel mostly keeps to himself unless its for work. He can almost always be found with a cigerette though he is trying to quit so if he is moody it might be due to hi trying to quit AGAIN. Friend wise he really doesn't have many and could count them all on one hand. Even then he keeps them all on arms reach due to his more private life and doesn't want ant of his friends to say anything or get involved. Relationship wise he SUCKS. He couldn't keep one if he tried. He has nothing but negative comments to say about dating and just wants to change the subject. Around open Water he freezes up and will slowly move away, there is no way to get him to go near an ocean, lake, sea, and thing that is deepear then up to his knees.


Before you ask yes, he was named after the ship Dean x Castiel from the show Supernatural. His parents loved the two so much he was named afterthe twos favorite couple and ship name. Of course growing up he was always asked and it drove him insane at first as a child. It was not something he wanted to be asked or made fun of. Due to it he was called gay behind his back and he didn't know what it meant until he was older. though by then he just didn't care but to prove a point he dated girls. It went horribly though and it always lead to him being told he just didn't care enough. He never felt that way at all but then again he really didn't feel like he had any feelings for the other person.

It's not like he wanted to hurt anyones feelings. He saw his parents relationship he thought it be a lot like that but dating for him was just never like that. He was at the beach with his family for the summer at ther time share house. His parents had it for as long as he could remember and they went every year to spend the summer at the beach. He was sitting on his surf board as he watched his dad catch some waves and his mom was on the beach tanning. He was sitting there on his surf board just letting the waves slowly take him as he thought about his life. soon he would be moving out, he would be working as a small interview reporter and his love life was shit. His parents had so many hopes for him too and here he was feeling like he was always letting them down. he saw his dad yelling something and he was trying to read his lips when suddenly he was hit from behind by a large wave that took him under. He had drifted to far out so when the wave pushed forward he didn't hit the ocean floor but more water and got stuck under the water in its currents. His life flashed before his eyes and but it wasn't the water that had him scared but the water reminded him of all the pressures of life and it was just closing on him and swallowing him whole. He was drowing and the waves were to strong. The last Thing he remebered was the suns rays hitting his face one last time before his eyes closed and the next thing he knew he was on the beach and his dad was preforming CPR on him. The life gaurd was soon there and there was an ambulance in the background, the paramedics were yelling at people to move and they asked him what was his name. He remembered his response because he just laughed and asked 'Whats the ship name of Dean and Castiel" his parents burst out laughing along with some others that also knew the answer. From that point on though he became scared of open bodies of water that was any deeper then his knees. It wasn't so much water that scared him but the water felt like all the pressures of life was pushing him down and surrounding him.

After moving out and another failed relationship he really as ready to just give up. It happened suddenly and it was only a dare but a guy in his class was dared to kiss him. He over heard it but he didn't think the guy would actually go through with it until.... his name was called and he turned his head to look and then suddenly he was kissed. He was caught off gaurd and he punched the guy in the face. He was sent home and the other guy was suspended from school for three days for sexual harrassment. He had never though about liking men at all until then but it didn't mean he didnt want it to at least be mutual. He returned to school the next day and thats when he met Him. The man that would be apart of his life even after collage and a man that had the key to his apartment, the key to his heart but it was only something temporary. This man became a big part of his life and yet no matter what the guy always made it clear they weren't dating and they would never be dating. Of course love was for people that hadn't screwed up somewhere. He had screwed with life so hard this was what he derseved. No this was what he deserevd for breaking all those poor girls hearts. Smoking became a big part of his life to help him get through his stress and no matter as many times as he tries to quit he just can't. Not as long as He is still apart of his life and no matter how many times he tries to break it off he gets sucked right back in. Just like smoking, he can't stop even though he knows its killing him from the inside out.


Lian | Friends

We meet by chance one day because he bumped into me after I had just got my morning coffee. He skated by me and knocked my drink out of my hands, he kept skating but I was already having a bad day and just chucked my bagle at him too. HARD. He fell over and into a large bush outside a resturant. I walked over to him and demanded he buy me a new coffee and a new bagle. He then refused so i grabbed him by his collar and dragged him back to make him buy me a new one. Lucky me the boy then thought this made us friends and since then he just "So Happens" to find me when I'm out on the streets. He is alright to hangout with so I don't mind really, he doesn't push me into anything and he knows the type of coffee i like at least.

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.