


3 years, 10 months ago


Julius van Hoff
aka Strega

Quick Stats

name Julius van Hoff
Age 53
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Race British, Japanese
Orient. Bisexual ( )


Strega is the epitome of what a good spy should be. Charming, polite, and ready to slit a friend's throat with ease, Strega plays with many and trusts none, hiding his paranoia under multiple layers of his personality.

An old prodigy, Strega maintains his level of skill and finesse even employed in the Organization, performing their missions skillfully and with a terrifying degree of competence.


  • 6'0 / 181 cm
  • An alcoholic, but can hold his drinks well
  • English VA: Tom Taylorson / Japanese VA: Mitsuru Miyamoto
  • Emphasis on eye lines and mouth wrinkles


While he gets his hands dirty every now and then, Strega is a man of good wealth and taste. He dislikes unnecessary violence, but seems to enjoy it when he gets a rise out of people. He's confident, charming, witty, and likes taunting others.

He does not seem to have a single sincere bone in his body, perhaps due to the decades of working within his occupation. He's paranoid to a fault and constantly sleeps with one eye open. He is unable to trust others fully, always believing that they would use this to backstab him as he had so many times before to others, and would often burn bridges to keep others from destroying their relationship with him first.


A natural born prodigy, Julius was good at just about everything he could get his hands on — art, literature, law and politics. He could become anyone and anything, and was most aptly described as a jack of all trades, master of none. Arrogant and young as he was, he blindly accepted an invitation to join the MI6 once he was able to, becoming one of their youngest agents.

An incident in the government organization he was working at and certain betrayals within the force led him to quit, becoming disillusioned at the idea of justice. It was there he met the leader of the Organization, and began chasing his own destiny for himself, no matter who or what he had to trample in his way.

Currently, Strega is an arts curator at the local museum, and tenured enough that people know him — they think of him as a friendly old man with a penchant for fine wine, and fine company. Unbeknownst to many of them, however, Strega is much more malicious than he seems to be; part of an international spy ring, he feeds information he overhears back to the Organization, and uses his connections for his own gain.