Calliope Fairchild (Calliope (Baldur's Gate 3))



im in act 1 with her still!

Name: Calliope Fairchild

Pronouns: she/her (trans woman)

Background: Entertainer

Class: Bard (College of Lore)

Voice: 4

shes wearing the blazer of benevolence in purple. or maybe light blue. who knows

i change her hair in game sometimes but usually i have her in the locs. i draw her with twists tho !! 

- she has gold freckles in dnd so she has them in baldurs gate in my brain

- her immaturity and recklessness are upped by like five bc shes like there are Visible adults here (gale) 

NOTE: please do not draw her skinny like her in game model!! shes a bigger gal!!
- also if u could add her gold freckles pls

- u can do her hair like either screenshot but i picture her with half up half down twists :] !!

- might have been in baldurs gate when she got kidnapped? omg i made it to baldurs gate i cant wait to see the music and culture :) [gets kidnapped]

- she is such a romantic and she thinks wyll is so princely so she has a mini crush on him but idk if i will romance him bc i am romancing him still w my durge AGSJAAH. but oh my god she is sooo babey about it. well just see what develops

story beats:

- so utterly shocked by auntie ethel. but shes such a nice old lady :( (got reminded of her grandpa)

- failed telling astarion to stop biting her Twice so she got killed by him and then he woke up in the morning and was like omg..... and then dug around in her pockets to use her own money to revive her 

- saved sazza (everyone disliked that)(she did not consider the ramifications of freeing a goblin who is trying to raid the place she freed her from)