


3 years, 11 months ago




they / she / he


mar 9

something doesn't
make sense


  • the only human trapped in a seaside city full of monsters.
  • washed up on the shores of rockridge with no memory of how they ended up there. they know they were last on a boat, but don’t recall falling into the water or a wreck that would’ve resulted in them being carried away.
  • the longer they stay in rockridge, the more their memory become hazy. the memories themselves are still there, but any people or places involved are unidentifiable.
  • they were “rescued” by elvany. they have since given in and decided to follow him despite finding him creepy.
  • they have a real name, but they are cut off in some way whenever they try to say it. they’ve decided it’s a lost cause and just go by what everyone else calls them now. it’s not a bad nickname to them anyway.
  • she is freaked out at her current predicament, but doesn’t like to show that on the surface. a little prickly because of it, but she’s doing her best to remain calm.
  • they’re sort of friends with elvany & marshal. they are only acquaintances with elvany’s coworkers and some townsfolk.
  • they are determined to figure out where exactly they are & how to get out on their own, but they’ve been met with limited success at figuring anything out. he’s fairly analytical and perceptive in part due to this goal.
  • they’ve grown to like rockridge in a weird way, but they don’t actively believe this is the case.
  • they can wear different outfits, but they prefer to stick to the clothes that came with them when possible. they rarely leave out their jacket no matter what they’re wearing.
  • their hair is spiky & messy, and it goes down to the bottom of their neck.