
3 years, 11 months ago



Name Amara Annette Fink 
SEXUALITY Heterosexual
Age Died at 21 (~18 months)
Gender Female
Height 5'3 (9.1)
Build Petite
Race Aasimar / Cat
Role Dead


Soft  -  Bold  -  Loving  -  Graceful  -  Ethereal

(tw- Death)
Amara was born during the medieval time on Fluorithcal. She was born to a winemaker and a weaver in a small village located by large lake in the valley. Amara was a pretty lonely kid, she was mostly seen making flower crowns, scattering flowers she thought smelled nice around the town, and laying in the flower field that wasn't too far from the village.
At the age of 12 she met a boy who was part dragon named, Dasras. They were about the same age when they met and ended up bonding instantaneously. They spent hours together in the flower field. Her teaching him flower types, which ones she liked the smell of better, the best to make flower crowns out of, she talked to him about everything. As she got older she realized she had fallen head over heels for him. She could tell by him bringing her gifts, getting flustered over silly things, and taking such interest in stuff she liked that he had fallen for her too.
They were like a couple, yet neither ever made a major move to make it official.
Dasras's older brother Solstice seen this and felt jealous. Not liking his little brother being with someone he decided to try and mess with the relationship. He wanted to just break them away, ruin their relationship. He gathered a few of his friends and started pushing Amara around. Sadly because of Solstice's tail, Amara slipped and hit her head open and ended up dying.


Amara was startled to find herself in a dark void when she died, especially stuck as a cat. The only other thing in the dark void was a large lake that mirrored the one that her village lived by.
She went to it and as she touched it briefly with her paw, she felt odd. She was able to see her family, even able to switch from one to another, even other people who weren't family.
She couldn't figure out what was going on until another person died and joined her, they happen to be able to turn into a cat when they were alive too. They were now stuck just being a cat. Amara realized this person was someone she remembered seeing in the lake once.
After a while of thinking Amara figured maybe everyone she was able to see in the lake was going to come to this void when they died. She found this a bit depressing.
Amara laid around for a while after this discovery, upset that this was her life now and anyone else who dies. She tried to make herself happy by imaging herself being back in the flower field she use to spend hours on end in and when she opened she eyes the void around her had turned into a never ending flower field. She was stunned, unsure if she did this or not she started testing it. In the end she made a paradise for anyone who died and joined her in this afterlife.

As time passed, Amara learned more about this existence. Learning she had full control and learning that there was a whole bloodline of people that would end up in this place. She was able to contact these people threw dreams and visions. She told as many living people as she could, some started worshiping her, which is not what she wanted. Some didn't listen. The other tried to band together, making cult like groups. Which the village, growing town now, didn't like. Killing and threatening them all. Banishing others.
This cat heaven afterlife bloodline were soon all banished to the woods where they lived as ferals. At first things went fine, but as the years passed they started forgetting where they came from, they fought over territory and food. They shattered into clans. Worshiping the afterlife and giving it the name 'StarClan'.
Amara was unsure about all this, but hoping to keep peace she made roles for cats, made a small warrior code that she thought was fair and simple, even granting the leaders extra lives.
But down with the living wasn't the only place having chaos as Amara realized there was a lot cats doing bad things in StarClan. She came to the conclusion to make them their own place, a place they'd be punished and unable to enter StarClan. Which ended up the gloomy name 'The Dark Forest'.

Amara realized that cats when they died again didn't come back, so that meant there was an actual afterlife after this one. This made her think about what would happen after she was gone.
She went to the lake and made it so the lake would pick the best successor to lead Starclan after she was gone and at anytime the powers can be passed on when a cat is ready.


Soon enough Amara passed on to the actual afterlife. She watched all she had done from afar though was hurt when the successors who were chosen by the lake started being power hungry.
The made horrible new code for the clans like leaders and medicine cats not able to have kits or mates. Half clan relationships were banned and those cats got overly punished for being in love. There was unnecessary prophecies and wars.
That Amara decided she needed to step in. She forced herself back emerging from the lake she threw a prophecy at the current controller of the powers.
A prophecy that stated Amara's next true successor was "A blind raven".
She then went back and sat, watching the corrupt false successors painfully.


Alignemnt Neutral good
Sign Cancer
Enneagram Nine
Flower Sunflower
Element Earth



  • Flowers
  • Clear night skies 
  • Dasras
  • Sunny days


  • Thunder Storms
  • Someone having too much power over others
  • Wilting/dying flowers
  • Nothingness 


  • I accidently made her nose white on her ref, so now her nose is just color changing. 
  • Amara is my explanation for how StarClan and the clans came to be in my world. 
  • She was technically alive before any technology, but she has such a vintage aesthetic.
  • Back in those medieval days basically everyone knew how to shapeshift into a human and feral form. She lived as a human, but no doubt she spent hours laying in the sun and frolicking in flower meadow as a cat. 




luv letters - frad
i hope ur ok - nøll
Death Bed (coffee for your head) - Powfu
Sunkissed - khai dreams
My Dear Friends - beetlebug
