subway's Comments

Does this guy interest you at all? I can do add ons too!

i wouldn’t use them!

Are you looking for anything specific?

nope, anything, just curious :p

Hi sorry!! >.<

Would anything here be of interest? :> Can do multiples (eellie design) (eellie design) (crazie design, tentative) (tentative)

You can look around my Misc Furry folder if you want too but any gifted tagged characters are nfs, and Im super tent on everyone I didnt link >.<

i didn’t see any ocs i’d use i’m sorry!!

you own them now?!?!

I DO!!!!!

Hey there! Could I get a ping for this gal please? If possible!

Of course!


Hey! I thought I’d let you know I recently received one of their physical drawings in the mail, if you’d want that shipped out or something! :o I got the one by Crystaldawgz 

I would love that actually!!!! If you wanna dm me here or I can offer email or discord to talk through as well

Hey! Does discord work! My TH inbox is a little flooded bc of commissions 😖

My discord is GUROHARPY

gotcha gotcha, sent a friend request over discord to talk!

I could offer almost anyone from my th, truesonas, bfs sonas and anyone tagged for ClosedTrade is not included but I am willing to do multiple characters! Also willing to commission more art of anyone if you're willing and I can offer a closed trade!

🥺🥺 ohh you own Jello! Ive always adored them but theyre way over subway's worth hehe, id offer lots of extra stuff but Im not sure what I could do up to that worth to be honest, except like more HQ characters and lots of physical art and animations? 

I dont know if that would be considered, totally understand if not! /g >.< I can keep looking I havent fully looked through everyone yet!

I'd appreciate if you'd look through everyone else, I may be willing to work something out with Jello but I'm really tent

Yeah for sure! I do love Doggy but I think the worth has quite a difference too, and I am pretty tent on Subway! >< You do have a lot of really cute ocs I just am not sure I saw ones other than them Id consider for Subway!

If you were willing to entertain anything about Jello, heres like a rough idea of what I could do!

  • Subway (worth $238)

I'd be able to start artwork on the 9th since I'm currently doing final exams!
  • 4-5 custom Artdolls (approx $400) , (Examples HERE )
  • Animation! (maybe up to $200 though it might take a while ><) , (examples HERE)
  • Digital Artwork ( could do up to max $400 worth!) , (Examples HERE )
  • Badges (Can mail! worth around 85+ each) (Examples at the bottom of my price sheet)

Would you possibly consider coownership?

With the same amount of art and characters? 😖 ahh I don’t know, I’d have to think but coowning has always made me pretty nervous 

12 Replies

Pinglist: Dogbro blakeborderfloof I’m entertaining offers rn!

what’re you looking for!

Just trades!

Hey! I'm aware they may never be ufo but would it be ok if you do take offers could I get a ping?

Heya! sorry to bother but may I please be pinged if they ever go uf?

Yeah sure!! but Subway will most likely not be for sale for a looong time if at all!

Okay thanks! Also who made the first ref sheet if you don’t mind me asking?

First ref was made by SN444PLE !

Oh ok! Was just curious since it said “disgusting person drew this” and I got worried that the artist was a bad person

That’s from a previous owner! I don’t remember what they did because I have bad memory problems but I wouldn’t recommend supporting them I guess! Because I trust the opinion of the previous owner <:0 idk haha

2 Replies

ping buggie

shit I just saw the credits to the most recent piece u posted of them BAHAHA im rolling