barrel "parhelion"



3 years, 10 months ago


barrel the sandwing (1/4th seawing), currently going by the alias "parhelion". exists in an au timeline set several years after arc 2. he can breathe fire, but only at the right temperatures, and has had trouble breathing fire at all since his possession.

used to be a tea merchant before getting possessed by the ghost of a young icewing killed during darkstalker's plague (her names edelweiss). said ghost is usually in control of his body, and her power over him has only grown with time. as it turns out, edelweiss is also very vengeful towards nightwings, which has led to quite a few problems for the two. barrel is currently on the run due to the murder of two nightwings, committed by edelweiss - hes sheltering in the sea kingdom under the alias "parhelion" and looking for a way to exorcise edelweiss, but shes actively fighting against it.

barrel used to be okay with his situation, since edelweiss rarely interrupted business and somewhat enjoyed helping him, but ever since she started attacking nightwings hes been a lot more freaked out. the murders have solidified his fear of edelweiss, but she doesnt care and has just dug her claws further into his mind, piloting his body as a "second coming" - shes planning to take vengeance on the whole nightwing tribe, especially since barrel will get blamed rather than her. when possessed, his pupils turn blue.