barrel "parhelion" (edelweiss)



edelweiss is the ghost of a young icewing killed by darkstalker's plague. shes currently living inside of barrel, possessing his body to get vengeance on the nightwings

she was 5 when the plague struck; it claimed first her brother, then her mother. when edelweiss became sick, she was quarantined in an impromtu hospital out in the tundra, where no dragon was allowed to see her. the doctors were overwhelmed by patients and she died alone, painfully, in her cot. she was buried in the basement along with all the other victims.

the hospital was shut down after the plague resolved, left to rot in the snow, but barrel found it while sheltering from a blizzard. he disturbed edelweiss's grave and she channeled her spirit into his body, possessing him. shes sworn revenge on the nightwings and plans to kill them all under barrel's talons